Thursday, May 26, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 26, 2011

(Magazine picture with an affect)

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4

Hello Sweets Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one,
and that you have plenty of reasons to 
be Thankful!!

Our week has been good, uneventful
for the most part, and hot...  and for
 some reason I have just been sooo tired,
 don't quite know thinking it 
must be allergies.  We so need some rain
 to wash away dust and pollen. Cause the
 tree pollen count has been very high
 lately.  So really think that is it!

One of our excitements this week,
and my
I am Thankful
is hubby has a real interview, and he
is on the way there as I write!!
This just might be it!!  lol

I am Thankful
that Scott and Megan got home safe
and sound from Jamaica, and that they
 had a wonderful honeymoon!

I am Thankful
that Megan is the type of young lady
who really wants to create a nice
home envirionment,  and has done an
absolutely fabulous job on their apt.
already!!  Very beautiful and
Very homey!!

I am Thankful
that I finally got some information
about who our wedding coordinator is,
and was in contact with her, and got
answers to a lot of questions that 
I had.  What a relief that was!

I am Thankful
that Dee and I got together on 
Tuesday evening and figured out
some things like what colors and
flowers she wants to use, and got
some ideas about what type of cake
 she might want.

I am Thankful
that a dear friend just had her
2nd grandchild,  and that all
went very well with Mom and Baby.

I am Thankful
that since my sister-in-law is
retiring soon, that all the 
teachers she works with are having
a nice celebration party for her.

I am Thankful
that a sweet acquaintance/friend
I used to go to church with, and
who has also become a blogging friend
will be coming to visit our church
this Sunday, and then coming over to 
have lunch and visit afterwards.
 So looking forward to her visit!
You might know her as Patti from
over at "they don't make them like
they used to"  or "Fill my cup 
with beauty" blogs.

I am Thankful

for the word of God and how it
keeps us grounded in the truth!
Don't know where we would be
without it!!

I am Thankful
a sweet surprise card, with a neat 
seed sheet to plant(seeds for growing
native canadian flowers), from another 
sweet blogger friend last week.

I am Thankful
I was able to buy a new summer
dress with my birthday money.
I love everything about it,
and I got it for just $32.00.
at Bealls.

(magazine picture)

I am Thankful
that when Jim got to his interview
he found that the only programmer
they had was a girl he had worked
with at the job before last, and
she knows all the people that he
worked with there, and she was
a part of the interview process.
Which means if they want to check
him out she knows who to call,
and any of those folks would give
him a good reference.
Think that might have been some
of God's favor we prayed for!!
They did ask how soon he could
come to work, but have not offered
 him the job yet,but did say he would
 be hearing from them, unfortunately, 
they didn't say when tho. 
 so hopefully, it want be
too long before we hear from them.
They really do check you out!!

Well, Sweeties
that is my thankful list for this week.

So glad you stopped in and would
 love to hear from you!

 Love, Blessings and
hot summer hugs!!  lol


  1. Hi sweet friend, I love your list and wondering if that second grandchild is our dear Beck's? I haven't heard from her but I bet it is. God has richly blessed us Nellie and you are part of His blessing to me!
    Hugs & love,Noreen

  2. I expect to hear the Hallelujahs REAL soon - all the way here in NE Indiana!

  3. Nellie, sure hope this is the job! You are probably tired from the wedding and the let down after the fun of it is all over! We are in San Francisco right now and have been here since 8:45 this morning! We have had an exciting day! I'll write about it on blog soon. Right now I am commenting with one finger on my phone..not ideal! Just wanted to check in, so happy Susie is getting a party! When is her last day! Well we are going to dinner and then home!

    Love you....Bon

  4. Well, let me try again!
    #1. Yes, LORD!! Yes, LORD!
    #2. The love and joy for each other shines from their faces!
    #3. So much like her "mother-in-law!" You have always had such a beautiful home!
    #4. I know you are happy to get started with Dee's wedding plans.
    #5. Now the fun begins in making her wedding one of a kind!
    #6. Yes! I saw her grandchild's picture on Facebook!
    #7. They are so much like family too! We have other events planned for this summer as well!
    #8. What a pleasant day for you!!
    #9. AMEN! It has meant so much to me to spend time daily in His WORD and leadership by His WORD! I could not live without IT.
    #10. See my blog :-(
    #11. I can hardly wait to see you in it!
    #12. The LORD has His Spirit moving. You and Jim have been so faithful, your reward is not far off!
    Always, forever; love to you,
    Love, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie