Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Table Top Tuesday - More Spring Decorating!

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are you this fine Tuesday??
Doing well,  I hope!!
Did you have a nice Memorial
Day??  Do anything fun???

We really didn't do anything  for Memorial Day but grill
 a steak,  and have garlic mashed potatoes and a salad.
However, we did feel Thankful in our hearts for all
the service men and women that have lost their lives
to bring freedom to us and every American!

  We did have a really nice weekend tho,  Scott and
Megan came over Friday evening and we got pizza,  and
 saw their honeymoon pics and some other pics someone
 had given them,  her Aunt actually had a book made of all
 her candid shots somehow on photobucket.  Really nice!!
then we played some cards,  and Saturday we were pre-
paring the house and food for my friend,  Patti's visit, 
 and needed to mow the grass and all that good stuff!
  So we got some work in there too! 

Then Sunday we went to church, and met Patti there,
 and they had a lovely Memorial Day service, then had 
Patti follow us home for lunch,  and we got to visit
until evening,  and it was great,  we sooo enjoyed it
and hated to see her go!!  She is such a sweetheart!!
Think she might be coming to church again next
 weekend, can't believe I forgot to ask her,  so 
will have to find out for sure!
(In case you didn't read who Patti was in my  TT
post last week,  she is a gal who used to attend our
church years back and then we reconnected as
blogging buddies,  you might know her from her
2 blogs, "they don't make them like they used to"
and "Fill my cup with beauty".)

Changing gears here now.......lol

Did this Table Top Tuesday post back around Easter
 and had it stored, so thought I might as well show you
 since it really wasn't all that Eastery!  lol
Actually more spring looking.......
And I will probably change the furniture around again
real soon for summer!  Once I get some energy again!
I wake up feeling great but as the hours go by I feel
more tired by the hour, I feel as if someone hooked up
 a vacuum to me and just sucked all my energy away! 
 I really do think it is allergies cause that is how
 I ge when I have them,  such fun!!  lol

I am linking up to Marty over at a stroll thru life,
for Table Top Tuesday,
so make sure you go over and have a look at all
the unique and fun table tops and vignettes.
Click Here to visit her.

This is a sofa table that I have against the wall,
it was made for me by my step-brother, he is
quite talented in building furniture, and refinishing
anything, and has his own business now, doing that
and other handy man type things.

You can't see her too well yet, but I added
a cute lil bunny ballerina to the basket!
She belongs to my daughter, I got it for her
one Easter!  but we also put her on the
Christmas tree at times.

After Easter the basket went back to being
empty again!! 

Changed things up a bit  when I got this blue dove
from my SIL for my birthday!

Here she is all lite up!!

Moved the hydrangea arrangement to the floor 
with the bunny. (A gift years back from Dee).

Here's the lil ballerina bunny a lil closer up!!

And the Resin bunny, as well

Rec'd this birdhouse for my birthday
years back from my friend Diane,
same friend that gave me the Easter
bunny bowls for my birthday a few
months back!

and  Roses potpourri!!  um ummm!!
such a nice fragrance!

Have a Terrific Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Love,  Laughter and Blessings......



  1. I always seeing your "details" in decorating your space, Nellie. Your weekend sounds full. Ours was, too. Yesterday I nursed a very painful tooth. It wiped me out :) Today it doesn't hurt as much and I really need to catch up since things have been neglected around here for about 4 full days!

  2. That would be, "I always ENJOY..." I'm having lots of challenges commenting this morning. Maybe I should get a clue, quit, and try later!

  3. Hi lovely lady.
    I love coming over to see you sweet lady. It has been a long time sorry. You did a lovely job decorating your home !! I hope you come over and see my Tablescape for Memorial Day.
    I do follower your Blog. Have a Great Day !!

  4. Hi Nellie,

    Sounds like you had a nice weekend with not a lot of busy stuff going on. We did not do much yesterday but we did go up to the cemetery where a lot of our family members are buried. It always makes me miss my parents a lot. And also, Jim's dad, grandparents, brother and niece. It is such a reminder of the special people in our lives that are gone from here now. I am so thankful we will one day be together again. But for now there is the missing.

    I am sorry it is so hot in Florida but at least it makes me realize there is still summer planned for this year. We are overcast and in the 50s today with sprinkling. Cannot complain after all so many have suffered this year but it is a point of interest for the last day of May.

    We are getting ready to go over to our volunteer job in Oakland. The inclement weather seems to bring more people in needing our help so that is good. Although there is always a lot of our own family history to research to keep us busy if it is slow.

    Your decor looks so pretty. I have been working on mine too. It is just fun to fluff the nest, I know you enjoy it like I do. I never did understand people that just live in a constant mess and don't bother to make their little corner of the world something special. But then they probably don't "get" me either! LOL!

    Has Jim had any feedback on his interview yet? Why do they draw it out so and make people CRAZY?

    Well, I have to pack up our lunch and wanted to try to do my daybook before we leave. I also have a quick recipe to put on the blog for tortellini soup that is very good. So I best get on it!

    Love to you, Sweet Friend. Take good care and get some rest! ♥ B

  5. thats looks so pretty Nellie..
    I hope all is well with you.. We may only be another few days from or miracle and I am so very thankful for it.. You are been so kind to me during this time and I appreciate God sending you to my life via the internet and blogging..


  6. Awww, cute, cute vignette.

    Thanks for visiting me over at Pittypat Paperie. Hope you can drop by again sometimes Ü

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Sweetie! So glad you had a good weekend! Ours was a little nutty, but all is good! Our little Hannah is gaining weight and was "perfect" according to the pediatrician this morning!! What a little cutie she is!

    Your decor always looks so pretty! You do a great job!

    Glad you got some good time with Patti! A sweet blessing, I'm sure!

    Hugs to you, gal, and thank you for your prayers! I sooo appreciate you! We will get together next week for sure!!
    Love ya,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie