Monday, May 16, 2011

The Wedding ........... So Many answered prayers on 5-13-2011

Good Monday Morning Sweet Friends,

Well,  it is a done deal we
have finally married him off!! lol
Last Friday was finally the big day,
and what a great day it was!!

I know you are all waiting to see pics, and as excited
as I am about showing you,  since I forgot to ask their
permission to share their photos and since they have
not seen any of their wedding pics yet,  I feel it might
be an invasion of their privacy to do so.........after all
it was there Big day, not mine!!
Although, I am sure they want mind I feel it would be
wrong on my part to presume that.  Cause I think I would
 want to be the first to see my own Wedding Pictures.
Don't You???
The photographer said it would be about 3 weeks,
and the quality of those pics should be much better
than the ones we took anyway,  so it should be well
worth the wait..................
Sorry!!!............I did include a few  pics that just had
 to do with us, and that didn't have their pics in it.

Also before you read this post, you might go to the 
bottom of this post, where it says in bold, if you would like
 to see, and read that paragraph, and it will help you to under
stand more of what I am explaining in this post.
So now,  on with it!!  lol

To say our hearts are full to overflowing with the
 goodness of God, would be a tremendous understatement,
 to how we felt about this glorious day of our Son
and new daughter-in-love's Wedding.  It was truly a perfect
 day of watching the hand of God move in miraculous ways,
and watching 2 very special loved ones, seal their
vows of love to one another.  Lovely, perfect, beautiful
solemn, joyous, touching, sweet, and delightful would be
 the adjectives I would use to describe it all.

Now you have to know..............
the day of the rehearsal was a sweltering hot, sunny day,
  which would be okay, if  you were having an indoor wedding
 but their's was a garden wedding,  and the
very wedding Megan had always
 dreamed of.........

To make a long story short,  the wedding coordinator
 did not show,  and the Pastor wasn't coming to the wedding 
rehearsal, so now, we were on our own,  and Megan with her
great leadership skills stepped right in and took over doing the
 wedding coordination herself.  Also, the chairs were hope-
fully suppose to be set up,  but weren't there yet.

She had us all lined up as we were commencing to rehearse, 
 so they started playing the music...... and then it just stopped,
troubles with the boombox cd player, they  worked with it
 awhile, and hubby did get it going again, but now they didn't
 know if they could trust it to work the next day, so that meant
 going to get another one.....something else to do, that they
 thought was already taken care of,  all this coupled with the
 heat index would be enough to make any bride go over the 
edge, after the stress of month and months of all the
 planning, but she did a great a job of keeping it together.

 Due to the heat, and all the groomsmen having to stand
 in the sun, we probably didn't practice as much as you
 normally would, and because we would have no one
 to tell us if we were walking too slow or too fast,   and
a few other minor things, think everyone must of been
 a lil nervous about how it was gonna
 play out the next day!

I have to say it was an amazing day of  watching the
 Lord answer one prayer after another that we had been
 praying for weeks before the wedding,  and now.....
new ones after the rehearsal,
and some we never knew  to pray about........

First, thing was everyone fit into their dresses,  some
were very uncomfortable, but they fit! 
I felt great in mine,  it is always a wonderful feeling to feel
 like you look good, and to be comfortable all at the same time,
 that was my experience, and of course..........
 Megan was stunningly beautiful. What a beautiful gown and
 veil,  and she looked positively ravishing!!

On the way to the Wedding, Jim and I came just a hair from
being hit by another car,  talk about a close call........I am 
so thankful hubby saw the guy pulling out in front of us
and was able to swerve to the left, because I had no
 time to say anything it was so fast.
All I could do was scream cause I thought for sure
they were gonna hit  right in my door, boy, did that
get the ole adrenalin pumping!!.
It was wierd, the guy stopped, and guess he or she didn't
see us, or was texting or something,  and then just pulled
 right out in front of us,  and we were going 60 mph,
Thankfully there was no one coming in the other lane.
Thank you, Jesus!!

The night of the rehearsal I was having some
intestinal issues from hot flashes, the heat outside, and not
 being able to get cooled off,  which caused us to leave the
 rehearsal dinner earlier than we had wanted, and
which left me very concerned about the next day, cause it
 was suppose to be 5 degrees hotter. It was 84 degrees
on Thursday, suppose to be 91 degrees on Friday.
But the Lord took complete care of me, and I was
 pretty hot for most of the of the day too, but 
did not have one hot flash or problem!  PTL

We felt so bad for all the groomsmen because they had
 to be standing in the sun,  and they of course, had on long
sleeved shirts, vests, and then their long sleeved tux jackets,
 and too, the ringbearer is about 6 yrs. old,  and of course,
he was standing with them, and that is a long time standing
 for a young boy like that, so we were praying all day on
Friday, Lord, please give us cloud cover and a breeze,
  just for the time of the Wedding, we don't
care what happens after that!!

Truly it was an amazing sight..............
Right before the wedding,  as we were lining up inside in
front of the sliding glass doors to go out, we saw clouds
 starting to roll in and it got very windy, in fact,  we almost
 thought we were gonna get rain, because it is just like what
it does here in Florida before it rains, but no rain, complete
cloud cover and there was an awesome breeze and it
made everything so nice and pleasant for the ceremony,
and as soon as the wedding was over.......
 out came the sun again!!  lol
and later on in the evening,  quite awhile after all the food
 was served, (it was served outside) during the reception we
 got a good rain,  which we so need here in Florida.
Is God good or what???

Al;so, they did get another stereo system from one of the 
Bridemaids, but for some reason the day of the wedding it 
didn't work, so they wound up having to use the original one,
 we gave them, and everything worked just fine!! 
Think the enemy of our soul was just giving Megan some
grief and trying to upset her,  but the Lord wouldn't let him!!

Megan had us do something very different, and I liked it
 very much,  the parents were a part of the wedding
 processional, and we Mom's carried bouquets as well,
 and the parents went right before the bridesmaids, and
 the wedding processional went as perfect
 as it could possibly go!!

Like we had practiced forever...........

and we sorta felt like we were getting
married again!!  lol

My bouquet

The Pastor did a beautiful job on the ceremony, we were very
pleased, and Scott and Megan said their own vows, which we
 were all so amazed by,  they truly were beautiful and deep.
  The pastor even told us he was really impressed with their
wedding vows.  We felt the ceremony was
 very glorifying to God,  another answer to prayer!!

Happy to report their lil ringbearer did an amazing job for
a 6 yr. old,  he was so patient and stood up their still as can be
 with his lil hands folded the whole entire time.  You seriously
 would have thought he was an adult. Never complaining at all.
  He is just so adorable! and such a trooper, as was the lil
 flower girl too!!
She, also just stood there so still the whole time, and did
a wonderful job too, She is Megan's lil cousin so I don't
 know her, but the ringbearer's dad is like our 2nd son,
so guess that is why I noticed him more, and boys tend
to me more antsy that girls most of the time!!  lol

The photographer almost fell over a wall into a  pond,
 but fortunately, caught her balance, and was fine. 
 It would have been quite a fall too,  like 5 feet. 
 Gave us all a momentary scare for sure! 
 but again.....the Lord protected!!

Sweet dances for Megan with her dad and step dad,
 her dad is quite the dancer, and they practiced a lil, 
and he danced her allover the floor, it was great..........
reminded me of my dad,  he was a great dancer and
it was fun dancing with him, cause he really led and 
was easy to follow.

 and I had the sweetest dance with Scott.............and
 the song he picked........."Watching Scotty grow" by
Bobby Goldsboro.  As soon as they said the song
I said,  Oh,  I'm not gonna make it thru this,
and of course, He laughed, cause he knew that!!
but sweet tears of joy, for sure!

Here he is getting a kick out of the fact
he made his Mom cry!  lol

 Hubby bought that record while I was still in the hospital 
after giving birth to Scott,  and when we brought him home
 from the hospital on our 7th Anniversary,  hubby surprised
 me by playing that song!
  So double the reason why I couldn't keep it together !!
But what a sweet and memorable surprise!!

I was teasing Scott right before our dance and asking
him if he was gonna dance me around like Megans
dad, and he said, I don't think so,  and I said good
cause my feet are killing me!!  lol

Got passed the crying and now just having a good laugh. 
 I am hoping the photographer was able to get a better picture. 
 See her in the background.  Hubby took these, but it
was sorta dark in there, so hard to get good pics.

Hubby did a wonderful blessing for the couple and the food
then their were sweet and very tasteful speeches and toasts
 from the Maid of Honor, Best Man and Dad of the Bride.

The food was awesomely delicious, Prime Rib and
Chicken Marsala,  along with a wonderful potato and
 cheese dish, broccoli casserole,  and a salad with  lettuce,
cranberries, blue cheese, and honey roasted pecans,
with raspberry vinagriette dressing, and rolls.
Every bite delish!  Another answer!!

The DJ did a wonderful job and all the music was very
 tasteful, (Scott told me later, that he and Megan carefully
 picked all the music themselves, with many oldies goldies
 included) and the DJ was very energetic and enthusiastic,
 and really led events well.
 They even had an impromptu singer, for a few songs,  the
 uncle of Scott's best man....... he has a wonderful voice,
  so Scott asked him if he would sing with a few songs,
 and it was really very nice.  He has a christian band,
and right now they minister at a church were they have
people recovering from drug and alcohol addictions.

The Wedding Cake was beautiful, and tasted absolutely
marvelous,  think it was from Publix bakery. Just realized we
 never got a pic of it,  course, I am sure the photographer did.

Our dearest friends friends from Gainesville were able to come
 for the Wedding,  which was a real thrill and very happy
 answer to prayer for us!
and a very neat thing happened.................
He and his wife,  also Pastor a church in Gainesville where they
also have the same kind of ministry that the singer has, so now
 they know about Rob's ministry band, they are planning to
contact him.

Everyone kept saying how happy and joyful Scott and Megan
looked,  and that they were just glowing....and I must concur!!
So many seemed to be so encouraged by that, saying you don't
 always see that!!  Some saying it was the best wedding they
had ever been to..........his best man said that,  and he used to
be a DJ,  so he has been to a lot of weddings,  so that was
a real compliment coming from him!!

A very joyous time was had by all.... I think, at least we had
 the most fun we have had in a long was great
 from beginning to end,  and a day we and I am sure
Scott and Megan will remember always.

Megan and Scott really did an awesome job on all their
wedding plans,  and we were so grateful to the Lord for making
all her dreams come true,  cause it seriously was about as
perfect a day, as you could get!!

They are probably just leaving their honeymoon suite,
as I am finishing this up (Saturday morning),
 as Dee and Jerry are picking them up to take them to
 to the airport to leave for their weeklong trip!!
Note: They called Sat. afternoon to let us know they
 made it to their destination safe and sound.

I'll tell you where they went once they are back
for safety reasons.

I am gonna include a link to where they had their wedding
cause thought you might really enjoy seeing it.  It was on
 a few acres of property,  and you can get married at the gazebo
or in a lovely lil chapel,  then there is a building called the tavern 
that is 2 story, for the reception and a train or snow white's cottage
 for the groomsmen to get dressed in, and then a 2 storyhouse
 guest house where the bridal party gets ready, and where the
 Honeymoon suite is with an indoor pool and jacuzzi.  It is an
 amazing and beautiful place. You rent the whole property out 
from day till 9 a.m. the next morning. 

  We would love to rent that guesthouse ourselves 
sometime!!   If you would like to see it just click here.

Make sure when you get there that when you click to see pic
or the video tour you go all the way to the bottom,  cause I would
click on one, and thought nothing was happening,  then discovered
it was opening a video down below.  lol

Sorry this is so long............but I wanted to record all the
 details while they were fresh in my memory.  I still can't
believe that we didn't think to have anyone take a pic
of hubby and I together.  Duh!  course, there will be
some of our whole family together that the 
photographer took.  Thankfully!
We were just to busy enjoying the occasion!!  lol

Thanks so much for coming by to visit,  and for enjoying
this wonderful event in our lives!

You have all been so wonderful in your well wishes
and prayers for this special day,  and we thank you
very much!!

Have a Marvelous Monday,

Love, Hugs and Special Wedding Blessings,


  1. You. Looked. FABULOUS! I can't wait to see the other pictures. I can tell it was a near-perfect day. God MUST have been smiling :)

  2. Such a lovely post! So happy for your family...what a blessing. You look amazing and your dress was sooo pretty! Thanks for sharing Nellie!

  3. Oh Nellie, I feel like I was there! Thank you so much for sharing it all. You looked just lovely in your beautiful royal blue dress and Scott~what a handsome guy. Nice touch on the song he picked. I can tell you are already a wise mother-in-love by not sharing the photos without permission. Best to do all you can just right where that special and tender relationship is concerned. Looking forward to see the photos for sure.

    Now relax this week and recover from all the excitement!

    Much love, B

  4. How sweet and sentimental was the wedding.You were so lovely. You look to young to have a grown son. I love the color and style of your dress. Hope we get to see more pics soon.

    Til next time...
    God bless you.

  5. Perfect recall, Nellie! It was a great time! I just wished I had remembered to be there for the family pictures :-(

    I can hardly wait for your pictures!

    I love you all,

  6. Okay, here's something funny. I saw your post on my Dashboard, and I SO want to see the photos. So I kicked Gabrielle off of her laptop, because photos will come through on there, just not my desktop computer. Anyhow, I interrupted what she was doing because I wanted to see the wedding photos...only thing, they aren't there!!!

    It's not convenient to use Gabrielle's laptop, so I don't do it often. But I will try again when you finally get those photos posted. I can imagine how beautiful they are.

    Your story about "Watching Scotty Grow" brought tears to my eyes. I can imagine what it did to you.

    I can't wait to see you. I'm leaving next Thursday (the 26th). I'll drive to DAC from Titusville on Sunday morning. I plan to get there around 10:00, so I will meet you in the foyer, so I can sit with you and Jim. CAN'T wait!!!

    Love and hugs,

  7. Me again...forgot to say, your dress is stunningly beautiful, as was your bouquet. Also, loved the shot of the two of you dancing.

    It all sounds like a totally beautiful wedding/reception.


  8. Nellie

    Sounds like a beautiful wedding full of plenty of memories. Holly had an outside wedding too and it was so hot and humid I was sticking to my dress.
    I love the picture of you and your son dancing. He is very handsome with a pretty mama in a beautiful dress. ( I love the color)
    I can't wait to see the pictures.

    Blessings & Love

  9. Nellie, You look beautiful! I'm glad you had such a wonderful day. God is good. I look forward to seeing the wedding pics and hearing about the honeymoon destination.
    blessings to you, Beth
    p.s. I started f-t work 4 wks ago and am not able to blog or visit as often. :-( Sad about that, but happy to be working and bringing home a paycheck. The Lord truly has blessed me and my family. I am thankful.

  10. Well, I finally finished reading about the wedding! Can't wait to see more pics! You look GREAT! What a handsome son! So thankful you didn't get into an accident on the way there! What a close call! I hope you are getting some rest now! By the way, you have a blog award at


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...