Thursday, May 5, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 5, 2011

 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of
one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 
Colossians 3:15

Afternoon Sweet Peas,
Hope your Thursday has been a good one,
 so far, full of hope, love and joy!

Mine has been good,  and has incorporated all of the
above, I must say!!

I have been cleaning my bathroom today,
such fun.............but do love the results,  and that
is why my
# 1 thankful is.............

I am thankful
that I accidentally, (long story) got too much vinegar
and water on our floor tile in our bathroom.  It was
a very good accident,
Actually, the tile has never looked better!! lol
and really wasn't all that hard to clean up either.
So new lesson learned!!

I am thankful
hubby has had 2 more phone interviews this week,
the Lord continues to encourage us in this way. I have
to say I am not getting as excited about them, altho I am
very thankful, I am saving my real excitement for when he
 actually gets the job now. Live and Learn!!! lol
That is much easier on the emotions.....I have to say!!

He just had another phone interview and it was from one
of the places he talked to before but we felt the door hadn't
 close yet. It is 90% work from home.
So............We'll See!

I am thankful
for the ways the Lord encourages us all the time, and
if we do feel a bit down and ask for encouragement
He is always more than happy to give it to us.
 Makes me think of the that verse, you
have not, cause you ask not.

So always good to ask, He never minds, since he
tells us to ask, and since nothing is too big for Him!!

I am thankful
for the fun time we had out on Tuesday.  Nothing
real exciting,  just typical grocery errands and
a quick peek at our new Ross, which I told you
proved disappointing, but still just fun to get out
of the house awhile, and do something, for us!!  lol

I am thankful
for yahoo maps and GPS Systems,  just finished making
 2 maps for the wedding, one for Susan, then one for us,
 then.... just as I finished printing ours I remembered we have
 A GPS system for our car now, thanks to Scott and Megan
 this past Christmas. Can you can tell we haven't had a lot of
opportunities to use it yet??  but,  hey, here is one.............. 
They make it so easy to get places these days.
 What a blessing!!

I am thankful
for the wonderful visit we had last Friday from my
 friend and her sister.  Told you about that on Monday,
 but still  thinking about it, and still very thankful for it.
She and I have been writing back and forth some
this week too, so of course, that is a fun treat!

I am thankful
for a lovely thank you card from some sweet friends
 with a Cracker Barrel gift card included.  They
sure didn't need to,  but so happy they did,
another sweet gift!!

I am thankful
for trials because they just teach us a boatload
of stuff we could not have learned any other way, 
 and they build our faith, and make us stronger
and more dependent on the Lord.

I am thankful
that I finally got a book sent to a dear friend I have
been meaning to send it to for a long time, and I
am sure praying it helps them as much as it did us!!
That would be " Lost in the Middle", midlife and the
 grace of God, by Paul David Tripp, know I have said
this before..........
but honestly every christian in mid-life really needs
to read it.  It is just such an annointed book!!

I am thankful
for the news about Osama Bin Laden
because I am sorry for all the people that he killed, and
  all their families who have suffered so much heartbreak
and sadness, and that now they might have some sense
 of closure and peace. I am also sorry for the fear, terror
 and the changes it has brought upon our world.  I am also
sorry for all the military men and women who have
had to sacrifice and leave their homes and family, some
emotionally and/or physically wounded and having to live with
the consequences of that the rest of their lives,  while others
 losing their very lives, leaving brokenhearted wives, children,
 family and friends in the pursuit of this evil man,
as they protected our country.
God Bless them Everyone!!

I am thankful
Scott and Megan got all moved in to their new
 dwelling,  and are getting everything all set up and
ready for their new life together.

I am thankful
and excited for Scott and Megan's upcoming Wedding
next week.  We are happy to welcome this lovely young
woman into our family officially!!  They are just so good
together,  and we could not be happier for them!!

Also,  that is the answer to what I was thinking
about in my White Wednesday post yesterday,
  have to say Bonnie,  you came the closest to my
 thoughts on that!!  Wish I had a prize to give away,
 maybe someday soon!! lol

                                              Well,  that wraps up my gift list for the week,

Hope you have had a great week full of gifts
from your Heavenly Father as well.

Thanks for stoppin in,
you are always welcome, and make my heart
happy when you leave those encouraging
comments and thankfuls!

Love, Hugs,Thankful Blessings,
A Sweet Weekend to you,


Oh!!! If you happened to miss
my answer to the white Wednesday
post yesterday, go up to Thankful
#12 and it is highlighted in the green.


  1. Hi Nellie

    I am getting all caught up since I was gone for a few days. I feel so blessed to be reading your thankfuls. You always bring a smile to my wife.

    I am so happy that your hubby is still getting some interviews. I am praying that he will get a job soon.

    I am excited for your sons wedding next weekend. I can't wait to see the pictures and hear the details. I love weddings.

    It sounds like you have had a wonderful week!

    Blessings & Love

  2. I know exactly of what you speak in the ones about jobs and interview. I think that one of the hardest lessons for me during our season of job searching was not to get "dreamy" over every interview but to let them encourage and give me peace. I tend to be a big dreamer, and dreamers can get let down too easily. I learned and grew during that time.

    I know you are getting excited about the wedding. I just love weddings. I'm sort of a romance addict.

  3. Nellie, Nellie~!!
    I have to tell you the great news.. My daughter had 2 interviews yesterday- YES, she made it all the way to the interview stage and since she has been in hiring herself and knows how it works, she was thrilled and felt they went very well.. Then, late yesterday afternoon, Pepsi called becuase they had seen her resume on a different site and wanted to interview her today .. Prays are being heard and answered and I am so very very GRATEFUL.. I know we have a ways to go but I am holding on to Hope for a Miracle and believing with all my heart.. Thank you so much for your prayers and good thoughts.. I wanted you to be one of the first to hear this good news..


  4. So happy for the wedding!!! Thank you for visiting today. I'm glad I was finally able to get a post out to let everyone know what's been going on. Life is so busy lately. We're putting a new kitchen in and hubby is putting a new walkway in and everything is a MESS!!! My daughter's prom is tonight and thankfully all her friends are meeting her at my mom's house around the corner. Too much of a mess over here!

    I hope things work out for your hubby's job! The one from home sounds great! Enjoy your Mother's Day!

  5. Nellie, I always love your Thankful Thursday posts. I love your thankful spirit! (Actually, I love YOU...can't wait to see you!)

    That's great news that Jim keeps having interviews. Can't wait to hear that one of them has offered him a job.

    Oh, and I simply must tell you...I am NOT a fan of the GPS. I am a map girl through and through. I totally love maps, and we don't have a GPS because it would remove the chance to use a map. In fact, a couple years ago, I opened a new bank account, and a GPS was the gift they gave me for opening the account. I promptly sold it...gotta have my maps!!

    Happy Mother's Day to you.

    Love and hugs,

  6. #1. Mom always used vinegar for cleaning. I hated the smell!
    #2. Work from home isn't bad. I wish I could find one of those places that send work to be typed into forms or databases!
    #3. Asking is good! Especially when the LORD says, "Yes."
    #4. Oh, I'm right the opposite! I could be a recluse very easily!
    #5. Oh, thank you! I will surely need it. I may do a "dry run" to see how to get there, so when I do go, it won't be unfamiliar!
    #6. Sylvia and I will be getting together this summer as we usually do. It's so nice to spend time with friends we have had for so long.
    #7. The saying is true, "It is greater to give than receive!" I'm so glad you have such great friends!
    #8. I have found the more I give myself to the LORD, the more closer He is to me!
    #9. I'll pray for your friends that the LORD will speak to them.
    #10. Amen. Now, the more our troops need our prayers as this will give the evil terrorists an excuse to bring about their wickedness.
    #11. What a wonderful home to be awaiting them when they get back from their Honeymoon!
    #12. Another daughter added to your family!
    I love you all very much,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie