Thursday, April 14, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 14, 2011

(I forgot where I found this.....but isn't it just the cutest
 lil birdie,  love that he is parachuting with a leaf)  lol

I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
 even at night my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:7

Good Evening Sweet Friends,

Hope your Thursday has been a good one.
Full of the joy and thankfulness to the Lord!

If not, stay with me and maybe if you are feeling a bit
discouraged or down this post might just pick up your
spirits a bit!  That would be my prayer!!

Well,  our day has been good,  somewhat 
disconcerting but......

I am thankful
that we heard back from hubbies last job interview. wasn't what we were hoping to hear but the
door is also not completely closed either, he said he
might get back to us in 8-12 weeks!! lol
So.... although that was not what we wanted to hear
 we also know, if it isn't what the Lord has for us, then it
 isn't what we want either, no matter how disappointing,
  so we are just continuing to ask the Lord for His direction. 
 It seems like there are a number of these doors that seem
 to be open but have not yet swung shut either!!
Only the Lord knows what He is up to............


I am thankful
for the mercy of God in keeping our hearts at peace
 with the up and downs of  all these interviewing
processes.  Cause it could be enough to send one
to the funny farm!!

Reminds me of an old song from the late 60's that
said............They are coming to take me away Ho Ho,
they are coming to take me away He He,  Ho Ho,
He He,  to the funny farm, where live if beautiful
all the time!!   lol
and then you hear sirens in the background,  it used
to make us laugh so hard when we heard it!!

Does anyone else remember it???

I am thankful
hubby got a good report at the dentist.
Always happy for good reports from Doctors.

I am thankful
for being able to keep Joey (our grandaughter dog)
most of the week,  these last 3 weeks,  as she will be
 going to a new home permanently this weekend.
She has been visiting there the last few weekends and
seems to be feeling quite at home after last weekend.
So that is good!!

 It really breaks my heart to think we may never see
 her again,  but I know in the long run this really is the best
 thing for her and for all involved!  Cause she will have a
 fenced in yard, and another Jack Russell doggie buddy
 and 2 kids ages 12 and 14 who are already crazy about her,
  the whole family loves her and wants her and will have lots
 of time to spend with her and their other dog.  They like to
 take their dogs to the beach and on walks and to the 
doggie park.  So she has had a ball with them, the
last few think she is gonna be much
happier there,  at least that is our prayers!!
We did offer to babysit should she need someone
to watch maybe they will take us up
on it sometimes.

I am thankful
hubby got our income tax all done and taken care
of.....we had to pay, but we are just thankful we
had the money to pay them!!  Figure that one
out,  I can't!!  lol

I am thankful
that I may have found the shoes now to go with my 
dress for the Wedding.  They are a pretty satin, open
 toed, champagne colored pumps with a ruffle across the toe.
  Very Pretty!  And found them at Bealls on sale for $35.00!!  
God has been so great getting me these deals.

I am thankful
for a new book that a friend loaned us.  It is a
really neat devotional book called "Jesus Calling",
by Sarah Young.  It is written as if Jesus were speaking to you!
and of course, that's what his word the Bible really is,  a love
letter to you and me!! It is just another great annointed book, 
 that helps keep your mind focused on Him, rather than on
your circumstances.

I am so thankful
for Christian writers that are inspired by the
spirit of God, that use their gift to help others!
What Joy and Help they bring to us!

I am thankful
for our air purifier,  as it really helps keep me
from having stuffiness and headaches during this
Wonderful season of the year that I love so much.

I am thankful
that my friend who sent me the birthday present
on Sunday is coming over to visit tonight!
That is the even better part of the present!!

She just left and we had such a good time
catching up,  she is such a sweetie.

I am thankful
for longtime friends that know you so well,
and know your history and your family and
just everything about you.  It is just so neat!
and such a blessing!!  We have gone thru
many trials together!

I am thankful
we know the Lord and that we have a beautiful 
 family, and home with food in our pantry and 
refrigerator, clothing to wear, cars to drive, a bed
to sleep in, and so much much more...........
God is so good!!

Well,  there you have it folks,  that is
 my Gift list for this week!!

Thanks so much for taking the time to
 come by and leave sweet comments,
they are always so appreciated.

Sorry there are no pics....for some
reason it want let me load any more!
Beats me as to what the problem is.

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday
A Wonderful Weekend!

See ya on Monday!

Love, Hugs, and Blessings Galore,


  1. I am sorry about the interview for your dh Nellie, But I know God has gone before him and that He is preparing the way for the right job. I am so amazed at how you and your dh have handled everything. It is such a great testimony of your faith in Christ.
    As always I leave so blessed by your thankfulness.

  2. Nellie,
    I love your blog, listing your reasons to be thankful make me stop and think of all we have to be thankful for.I am sorry about the interview, but God will open just the right door. I appreciate you stopping by my blog and your sweet comments.
    Blessings, Sheila

  3. I know these interviews are hard on you and especially hubby. I keep watching for good news on that front and will definitely see that good news some day. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. #1. Maybe the LORD is leading Jim to his own business. I pray the LORD will give you the direction soon.
    #2. I remember it...ha, ha, ho, ho, hee, hee!
    #3. Thank the LORD!
    #4. I'm so glad all is going well with Joey! The exercise they seem to have her involved with is just what she likes and needs!
    #5. I've checked that out with my income tax man about my retirement so what I get, will have the taxes taken out on top so I won't have to pay next year!
    #6. They are pretty! Did you get the pieces to assist your feet to not slide toward the toes?
    #7. I would love for my retirement to be a constant "Church service!"
    #8. I believe the LORD has blessed these people to share what the Holy Spirit would reveal to us in our times of need.
    #9. I wish it would help me, but besides the pollen, I've gotten another cold from the kids at school sneezing all over me!!!
    #10. I know you had a great time!!!
    #11. "Where there are two are more...I Am in the mist."
    #12. Again #11 ditto!!
    I love you all,

  5. You have the most amazingly positive attitude of anyone I've ever known. Good for you!

  6. Hi Nellie

    I hope God reveals his plan for your hubby soon. It is so hard to wait but it is all in Gods timing.

    It is so funny yesterday the Office Manager in New York and I were talking about the funny farm song.

    I am reading the 40 days with Jesus that our church gave us by Sarah Young. I love that little book and I will be reading more of her books.

    Thank you for coming by my BLOG and making such wonderful comments. This last one brought tears to my eyes. Thank you my friend for being such an encourager.

    I love you!

  7. Happy for all the blessings in your life AND for the grace to trust for those things that don't "appear" blessed...

  8. Thankful for your blog and your attitude. I hope your dh finds work soon, glad that your dear friend got to come for a visit, and also for your new "Jesus Calling" book.

    The song you referred to (they're coming to take me away...) is from Doctor Demento. I remember it being on the radio in the mid/late seventies--must've caught it on the repeats, I guess.

    Blessed Easter week to you!

  9. Hi Sweetie! Praying that God will reveal His will soon! But I am so thankful for the grace He is giving you both to endure this with patience, faith and hope!! He is sooo good!

    Hope we can rendezvous this week! I will talk with you tomorrow!!
    Love ya bunches,

  10. Nellie, I love how patient you and Jimmy are being in light of the work situation.Hopefully as Becky said, the Lord will reveal His plan. In the mean time you are exercising your faith by doing your part.

    Sounds like the wedding plans are coming along and your shoes sound so cute.

    You must be sad that Joey is leaving your family but sometimes letting someone else adopt a pet is the best thing all around. Jen's Molly whom she adopted has been such a gift to their family. The girls just love her and she was a delight while staying with us last week.

    Stay well and hopeful. Things will work out, they always do!

    Much love, B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie