Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tabletop Tuesday - Spring Decorating

Good Morning, Good Morning, 

Sweet Friends,

How are you today???  Feeling well, I hope!!

I am feeling quite well today,  had a fun evening last night,
some old friends came over for a visit, and we set up a
blog for her, so hopefully before too long I will get to 
introduce you to her,  Also got 8 hrs. of uninterrupted
sleep, a very good thing,  and heard good news
that Joey is doing well.
Decided to make it a fun day and link up to TableTop
Tuesday over at Marty's.

Decided to show you this tabletop today
since it had some Easter decorations
on it,  the others mostly look like spring.

Decided I didn't like the box with Spring written on it,
used up all the eggs, and it could only be used for spring.
I tend to not like too many pieces that are not more versatile. 
 So returned the lil box,  and used this lil glass basket that
 belonged to a sweet elderly neighbor, Miss Ruthie, who
 passed away about 10 yrs. or so ago! She was such a sweetie,
 and much like a grand mother to all of us!!
  We have really missed her as she was such a
blessing,  so it brings wonderful memories of her.........

I really love these faux eggs,  they look so real!!

I love this lil hat box....so cute with the lil
roses in the bottom of it!!

Notice I added in my new pretty candleholder I rec'd
for my birthday,  the other 2 are on the dining room
table.  Love that the flower on the candleholder
matched the one in the picture, altho a lil hard to
tell in this picture!  

This is a cabinet next to the fireplace.  Have 
one on each side,  but hard to get a good
pic of the other one, cause of the lighting.

A few Easter Bunnies too!!

But Please let me be clear.........
 Easter is All About Jesus
and His dying on the cross and His being 
resurrected from the dead and I could not be 
more Thankful for what Jesus has done for Me, 
and so many others that I love, and that I don't
even know.  I would never want to do anything
to diminish the great sacrifice that He made
for me and you.....EVER!

But the lil girl in me still loves Bunnies, and
eggs and all that fun stuff I grew up with!!

Hope you enjoyed your visit !!

Thanks for coming by today, 
 it is always great to hear from you!!

Make sure to go over and visit Marty 
At a stroll thru life,  so you can see
 all the other creative table tops.

Hope your Tuesday is Terrific!

Love, Hugs, 
Happy Easter Blessings....

(Compliments of Womans Day 2010)


  1. You know that I can't see your photos, but even so, the beautiful, loving spirit of your blog shines through your words. I always love visiting here...even if I can't see the pictures. (And, yes, I know why I can't see photos uploaded through Blogger...my anti-porn internet filter, which is through Integrity Online, has blocked ALL Blogger photos. I have to upload photos to my blog through a different host site.)

    Anyhow, that is wonderful that your friend will be starting a blog. Blogging is such a wonderful way to meet new friends...AND to connect with old ones (like you and Becky). I would love to welcome your friend to the blog world, so be sure to give a heads-up with her blog address when she's ready for visitors.

    Thanks for the email...I'll write back soon. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.


  2. Nellie your decor is fantastic,I'm glad to see the little girl come out. And yes, we are so blessed.Jesus paid the ultimate price,just for us.
    Happy Easter

  3. Hi Nellie!
    Sweet decorations and what a nice basket to remember your neighbor by. Your new blog design is so festive...very pretty!

  4. Hi sweetie, Loved your displays as well as your important ending that Easter is all about Him. Hugs today.

  5. Sweet hat box. Thanks for sharing your Easter vignette and also your focus on the meaning of Easter. Blessings to you. ~CJ

  6. I just love how you tucked that bunnie into the teddy bear's arms...that is so cute. The eggs look beautiful in the crystal basket. I think it is certainly okay to remember why we have this holiday and still enjoy the fun things that we remember from when we were children...eggs, bunnies and chocolate.

  7. Easter Sunday is a joyful time and I love the traditions that the centuries have passed down such as the bunnies and eggs. The best thing is, as you said, the Resurrection.

  8. Hi Nellie!
    That is adorable. I love that little hat box with the flower inside, how cute!
    Hope you have a very blessed Easter!

  9. Beautiful Table top decorations Nellie. You always do such a beautiful job, I haven't done much decorating this year, we have had so many irons in the fire. ~smile~.
    Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed Easter.

  10. Your decorations are very sweet!

    Happy Easter!

  11. I love your delicate Easter things. I realized recently that I don't have a lot of it and plan to rectify that with after season sales.

    My biggest grin, though, came from the bunny on the bed post. That's just too cute!

  12. Oh your bunnies and bears are so precious. I love your vignette. The tiny bunnies are beautiful and that hatbox is stunning. Love the box and the bowl with eggs. Your bird picture is perfect for this vignette. Have a very Blessed Easter. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  13. Love the bird picture! You are right the eggs do look real. Nice job and have a Happy Easter! Thanks for stopping by with your sweet comment!

  14. All of your vignettes are so very sweet. I love the little bunny on the bed, to cute.
    I love to celebrate spring with the bunnies and rabbits and Easter is a celebration of rebirth, the gift of life from our Lord.
    Easter Blessings

    The French Hutch

  15. I love all your Easter decor !Amen! He is risen !


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie