Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Heart Tips Tuesday - Great Breakfast Idea

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

How is this day treating you so far???

Mine has been good,  but I do have a bit of a headache,
so may have to take some Alleve sinusl soon!! 
 Otherwise, it is a gloriously sunny warm day in Florida, 
and hubby and I have not accomplished a whole lot yet today,
  we had a leisurely breakfast and chatted a while, straightened
 things up a little and did our devotionals, and as soon as I
 finish this post,  I am gonna get busy folding clothes and
 cleaning and rearranging my closet.  I was inspired by a
 fellow on Nate Burkus show yesterday.  He was a organizer
 and  was saying how too much stuff can take over your life,
and eat up time you would rather have for other fun

I am pretty much organized but it is true how you seem to
 keep accumulating more and more things, and at some
 point you have to purge some of it.  I think my closet 
needs some purging or at least rearranging!!
Decided just to work on it a lil everyday,  moved
some winter stuff over to a different area yesterday,
and washed some clothes......
 so will see what happens today.

Well Now,  for the real reason for this post!!
Guess I had best tell you about my great breakfast idea,
  that I really enjoy!!  It is a wonderful spring/summer
breakfast food.

I learned this one from weight watchers many years
ago............. It is a great stick to your ribs breakfast.
It has the protein and dairy of cottage cheese, I use
 the 1%cottage cheese, then fresh fruit, and then rice
 cereal for a carb. 

 Even my kids loved this when they were little.

You put about a cup of cottage cheese in the
bowl,  then cut up some fresh strawberries on the top,
 as many as you want, sprinkle them with sugar or 
sweet in low, and let them sit awhile so they absorb
 the sweetness, and if you can eat them without any 
sweetner,  that is all the better!!  Doesn't work
for me!!  lol

I really like to do this part the night before cause
the strawberries actually taste much better!!

Once the strawberries are ready,  then just
mix the cottage cheese and strawberries together.

Now just add the dried special K on top,
and commence eating,  as if it were a parfait!
Delicious Breakfast!!
and I am really not a huge cottage cheese fan,
but I do love this!!

Thanks for dropping by,  and hope you
 will give this lil parfait a try!!

Always glad to hear from you!!

Love, Hugs
and Special K Blessings.................



  1. Well, that definitely sounds like a delicious and easy breakfast. I am one that NEEDS protein in the morning. I can definitely not just do a bagle or English muffin...gotta have the protein. Yogurt, though, is generally much sweeter than I want, and since cottage cheese isn't, I think I would really like this...gonna give it a try.

    Can't wait to see you...less than a month until my trip.

    Love and hugs,

  2. Hi Nellie

    It sounds like a yummy breakfast that I need to try. Strawberries are my favorite fruit. Yummy....

    I really need to purge my closet too... I just need to be in the mood.....but it is on my short list. LOL...

    Have a great day!

    Blessings $ Love

  3. Strawberries are just getting really plentiful in the stores. I read that organics are a must as strawberries are some of the worst offenders with pesticides. Only little flowers on my backyard plants so far.

  4. I used to make something like that many years ago too. I might need to pick up some cottage cheese again. Have a great day.

  5. I completely love this one! This would be perfect around here.

  6. Here are a couple we like. Life Cereal on the bottom of the bowl, blueberries, I usually buy the frozen and heat in the microwave to thaw which creates a juice along with the berries. Then I mix in vanilla yogurt. Very yummy in the summer and I am not a big blueberry fan but this is good.

    Another one I came up with was Fresh Strawberries cut up, vanilla yogurt and a crumbled up graham cracker or two. Just like strawberry pie for breakfast. I made this one up on the spur of the moment when I discovered I didn't have any Life cereal. The graham crackers are less points than the cereal on the WW program. So a win/win!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie