Friday, November 8, 2019

Thankful Thursday November 7, 2019, and a Fall Table from the past #7

 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, 
to receive glory and honor and power,
 for you created all things,
 and by your will they were created 
and have their being
Rev. 4:11 NIV 

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.
Been a good and special week
here.  We celebrated our 49th
Anniversary on Thursday, and
will be celebrating our sons,
belated birthday on Sunday.
November is always a busy
yet fun month of celebrations
for our family. Our daughter-in-
loves birthday will be coming
up later in the month as well
and of course, Thanksgiving
before that.  

Pictures today are from a Fall/
Thanksgiving table from
 the past......if you missed #6
and would like to see it, just
click here.

Now on with my Thankful post....

Thankful for the beautiful
Memorial Service we attended
on Sat. for a wonderful lady,
Wife, Mom, and Grandmother.
It was sad... but so beautiful.
All of her children spoke and
what an awesome job they did.
Also, her son is a music minister
up in Georgia, and he and some
friends who came with him from 
his church did a phenomenal job
 on the music as well. They all
adored their Mom so it very hard
for them but it was all so honoring
 to her and just truly amazing that
 they were able to get through it.
 Divine intervention, for sure.

So Thankful for the life of
this Wonderful Woman, even
though, she was not a real close
 friend, she has been a part of our
 life as church family and as a
parent of friends, of my son, and
her kids also used to attend our
youth bible studies years back,
so we came in contact with each
other quite a bit in those days. 
She was a sweet, kind, loving and 
joyful person, and had a great
 sense of humor and I loved her
 laugh.  She also had a really
amazing relationship with her
 Mother, who was also a Wonder-
ful lady. They both left behind
 such a legacy of love and good-
ness, that really glorifies Jesus.
So happy she is no longer suffer-
ing with cancer and so happy
we will see her again one day.

Thankful for the opportunity
to see so many folks that used
to attend our church years ago
at the service.  It was like a
family reunion. Just too bad it 
was under these circumstances.

Thankful for the fun of watching 
the leaves fall off our tree in the
 backyard, some fall slowly drifting
to the ground, others twirling....
love it.  A touch of Fall finally.

Thankful that we finally got our
porch all back together this week.
We have had stuff stored in our
guest bedroom since Hurricane
Dorian. Every time we thought
about putting it back there was
another possible storm, so we
just decided to wait until they's been awhile now
since there has been any potential
storms so we felt it safe finally.

Thankful for some cool mornings 
so that we have been able to sit
out and enjoy our porch, and
hoping for some more real soon.


Thankful for the blessing of being
the parents of our sweet son, Scott.
He celebrated his 42 birthday this
week. Looking forward to cele-
brating with him this weekend.
We actually brought him home
from the hospital on our 7th
Anniversary.......what a great
Anniversary gift...right??

Thankful that He and Megan 
and lil darling had a great time
visiting and celebrating with his 
Sister Dee and her hubby Jerry
 last weekend.

Thankful for my Sweet Hubby
and Best Friend, as we celebrate
our 49th Wedding Anniversary
 today (Thursday).  

Thankful to hear from one of
our best and long time friends
this week.  Always a joy to
talk to her whether in person
or by phone.....Thanks for 
calling Vicki....

Thankful for a lovely
Anniversary.  Had a nice day,
doing some reminiscing about
our life together and having
 breakfast sandwichs and donuts 
from Duncan donuts.... a fun treat,
Got to see lil darling later in the
 afternoon for a few hours, then 
we went out to dinner at "Bone
Fish Grill". It was our first time
to go nice to do some-
thing different, the service was
good, the restaurant was pretty,
but noisy and the food was okay,
so we weren't overly impressed
but it was nice to do something
different.  There bang bang
shrimp appetizer and their Key
Lime Pie were the highlights.

Thankful for a clean house
that I didn't have to clean.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week......

Thanks for dropping by.......

Have a Super Duper Weekend.

Love, Hugs and 
Early November Blessings,


Sharing with:

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Between Naps on the Porch

Bloggers Pit Stop

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life


  1. #1. This world is but the blink of an eye. In glory we will have all eternity with our Father GOD, Savior Jesus, the Holy Spirit, His angels and all of the saved of Israel and His church! What a glory it must be for those who have gone on before us as we think on seeing them again!
    #2. I saw her as my dental hygienist several times a year. I also taught her daughter in kindergarten.
    #3. I can't even begin to imagine the joy when the LORD unites us all again! Praise His Name!
    #4. I know you're glad you don't any longer have that humongous tree in the front to have to clear away the leaves, ha!
    #5. That's how I am with the bird baths out front! I need to set them back up. I may have Steve do that when he comes to mow the lawn.
    #6. WOW! What a rain last night! It surely is much cooler now! Our first cool spell!!!
    #7. Yes! I can hardly wait to wish him a Happy Birthday!
    #8. I'm glad they had an enjoyable time! Thank the LORD for their safe journey there & back
    #9. Almost half a century wow!
    #10. Wonderful! She is a joy in our LORD!
    #11. At least the meal's beginning and end were great, ha!
    #12. It must have been like heaven to not have to do so!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Oh my gosh Happy Anniversary 49 years wooo hooo! That is so sweet and you are so blessed. Terry and I celebrated 38 years this September where does the time go. Thanksgiving is coming quickly have a wonderful time celebrating and being thankful for all the blessing in your lives.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie