Friday, November 22, 2019

Thankful Thursday November 21, 2019, From Summer to Fall kitchen Shelves 2019

Save us, LORD our God,
 and gather us from the nations, 
that we may give thanks to your
 holy name and glory in your praise.
Psalm 106:47 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a lovely week.

Our has been lovely and a bit busy,
but a good busy.

Just getting ready for the kids to come,
and for Thanksgiving, as much as you
can do beforehand,  and realized I need
to do some wrapping Dee and
Jerry can take their Christmas gifts
home with them, and for Megan as
her birthday is the day after Thanks-
giving, but we are gonna celebrate
her birthday on Thanksgiving.
Wrapping is next on the agenda 
because we have a busy last of the 
week coming up. 

Decided to show you how I faller-
cized my kitchen shelves. Last time
you saw them they were styled for
Summer,  so decided to change them
up a bit.  Change is always nice!

Well, on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful for a really long conversation
with my daughter on Friday.  It was the
 next best thing to being there.  lol We 
have been Missing each other and can't 
wait for her to get here for Thanksgiving.

Thankful that I was able to get a lot
of online Christmas shopping done
on Saturday.

Thankful that I was able to find a
few seasonal items someone wanted
for Christmas that are not easy to find
 this time of year, or at least there is 
not a big variety to choose from. 

Thankful for a smoked Beef Brisket
that we found at Sam's. It is already
cooked and we just needed to warm
it and it was delicious.  We had some
Sonny's barbeque sauce with it as
well..........which made it even better.

Thankful for a good day at church
and since our Pastor is away one 
of our Students from the young
marrieds class preached this week
and did a fantastic job. Always 
makes us happy to see  young
people stepping up into leader-
ship positions.....since they are
the future of the church.

# 6
Thankful for a fun time out after-
wards for lunch at Cracker Barrel
 with several friends. 

Thankful we were able to go see the
 movie "No Safe Spaces" that just came 
out and was only supposed to show one 
night, but is gonna be there all week
 now, and it is only in select theatres, 
but it is doing so well, we got to go
see it after all....we didn't have one real
close, but 30 mins. away, but it was
 well worth the time and money and 
drive to see it.  Everyone who cares
 about their right to free speech needs 
to see it.

Thankful for a fun time at Olive 
Garden afterwards, for just coffee
 and appetizers.  It was cold out
so going for coffee sounded good

and was so nice.  Also had a super
sweet gal who served us, which is
always nice too.

Thankful for some real Fall/Winter
weather for us here in Florida.
Days we stayed in the 60's all day.
Loving it.....and got to wear some
Fall/Winter clothing.......especially
to Church.  It usually is cold during
the week days and warms up for

 Thankful for Chicken Gnocchi soup
from Olive Garden. We brought some
home with us and enjoyed it for several
days, and had Megan and lil darling
over one night to help us eat it. 
It was a nice break in routine....and
of course, always enjoy seeing them.

Thankful for a fun and sweet time
with lil darling after school and for
a sleepover on Thursday.  She is 
just the most precious lil girl and
brings our hearts so much joy.

Thankful for God and His word
and how it keeps our hearts and
mind at peace in this crazy world
in which we are living.

Well....that's it for Cozy Place
this week.

Have a lovely lovely weekend
my friends,

Love, Hugs and
Pre-Thanksgiving Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

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  1. #1. I can hardly wait to see them as well!
    #2. It's great to be able to do so and not be out in the crowds!
    #3. It's always a joy to locate and get things we look for!
    #4. Sounds delicious!
    #5. He definitely a wonderful speaker. He kept me busy following him with the camera! He's definitely a "mover!" Ha!
    #6. One of my favorite places for food!
    #7. I pray many will see and realize the message of truth it reveals!
    #8. COLD indeed! I'm ready for some warmer weather, ha!
    #9. I love the days, but the nights are still too cold for me even with the heat set at 74!
    #10. One thing I do like about cold weather is the soups, stews, and hot chocolate! Ha!
    #11. She is a special gift from GOD!
    #12. Amen! I praise Him everyday for HIS Righteousness in a fallen world!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Have a great weekend getting ready for the family on Thursday. Enjoy this time of year and getting together with your sweet family.

  3. Thanks for sharing with us at #HomeMattersParty


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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