Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - Casual 4th of July table

Happy Wednesday to you
Sweet Friends,

Hope this day find you well and 
content in your circumstances....
whatever they might be!

This wedding stuff is really occupying quite a lot of my
time these days, so it is easier for me to just down
load pictures and say a few things,  so decided to
show you our CASUAL 4th of July table.

Summers around here means easy and laid back,
and Fun!!! It has been that way since my children
 were little. Not as much cleaning,  not as much
 fuss........cause I just wanted to enjoy my children
 while they were home with no schedules to keep.

We highly enjoyed our summers!  Have to say
I miss those days sometimes.

But we still have days that are the same, and
our 4th of July table represented one of those days,
  as you will see!  We had all the traditional foods,
hamburgers, hotdogs, salads and strawberry
shortcake cake!  All delicious,  and a very nice
time had by all.............

I believe you can have a pretty table no matter what!

 Even using plastic or paperware.  That is our casual look!

Found this cute lil bucket at Target for $1.00
and bought 2 packs of  flags for $1.00 each
and I was good to go for the centerpiece.
I had some clear glass stones I put in there
and then you could pretty much do whatever
you wanted with the flags.

Thought I would just press extra napkins
into place by surrounding the lil bucket,
added a lot of nice color.

Candy of course.........................
love these lil tiny dishes,  they come in so handy
for all sorts of things!

as do the egg cups!
Couldn't believe I got big bags of M& M's 
buy one get one free at Publix,  and I could
hardly find any blue,  and out of 2 bags only
7 red ones,  fourtunately,  just enough to put
one red on top!!  

These are my candle jar lids turned upside down
as candle holders,  added the lil stars around
the edges to make them more festive.

This is one of the photoshop affects!
 Think this is posterized affect,  one of my favs.

Guess what the red under the candle is???

A posterized affect 

The red under the candle is candy sprinkles 
you use for cookies,  they have been in my 
cabinet for thought it was
a great way to get rid of them!!  lol
and liven things up a bit at the same time.

These are solo plates and they look royal blue until you take
them apart, so they weren't quite as colorful as I thought they
would be,  but with the napkin on them they actually looked
quite nice.

I really love these mylar stars,  they make everything
look quite festive!  and you can save them and use
them over and over again for all sorts of cool things.

Notice the 1 red star that looks a lil 3 dimensional,
well,  Scott was playing at our Chritmas table and 
put lil folds in it to make it stand out more,  so I kept it,
 (after all,  I have been saving his art work for years, lol)
 and for grins put it at his place to see if he would notice,
  but Megan wound up sitting there instead,  but as
we were cleaning up,  I said something about it,  and
he laughed and then took 2 more and made a flower out
 of it,  then asked for a straight pin to make the center,
  Very Cute,  until I tried to pin in on Megans
shirt and stuck her with the pin,  poor thing!

This has a Crosshatch affect

This has a cut out affect

 Posterized affect!

Gotta have some candle light even if it is still
daylight out!

 Paint daubs affect!

Posterized affect! 

Hope you enjoyed your visit with me!

Thanks so much for coming by,
love hearing from you.

I am linking up to Susan over at
 between naps on the porch, 
 if you want to see all the 
wonderful tablescapes they
 have click here.

See ya tomorrow!

Love,  Hugs, and 
Red White and Blue Blessings............


  1. What a pretty patriotic table! I know everyone loved it. Around here there were no decorations...and we ordered pizza...because I haven't been feeling so well since Saturday.

    Not sure if I will be going to pick up Maddy in north FL or if Randy will. Just have to see how I feel tomorrow.

    Love ya lots!

  2. What lovely decorations! I hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th. We had dinner with friends, and then watched the neighborhood fireworks, which are better than those the city does.


  3. That's a great table! It looks very festive. Making the effort to decorate always makes it feel like more of a party. I love it Nellie!

  4. Great table.. I love the decorations. It's always worth the extra effort to set a lovely table. Great job, looks like a wonderful place to visit. Many blessings, marlis

  5. That's a great tablescape & you're right, it can look nice even with plastic or paper. You have alot of neat ideas like the egg cups for candy & the candle lid turned upside down. Thanks for sharing & thanks for stopping by my blog tonight.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Looks like you all had a fun day. We had invited six people over but our party kept growing until we had 15. We had cooked a lot of things so it was just fine and all the work was done before they arrived so it was a very relaxing afternoon and evening. Steve starts his chemo on Monday, please pray for him, Nel! I know your prayers have a special pathway to God! My other brother, Gary's mom-in-law died on the has been a wild ride around here. I have had a stomach ache for a few days, I think it is just that stress thing going on. But laying the burdens down one by one at the Savior's feet. He promised to make them light...I like that.

    Love and hugs, B

  8. Very festive! Hope you had a great 4th!

  9. Oh my, what a wonderfully fun table! I love it! Thanks so much for dropping by to visit with me. This is my first time visiting your blog and I can't wait to browse around here.

  10. Gorgeous table! Love the blue-red-white combination of colours! Very festive and patriotic decor! Thanks for sharing:)
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  11. I like your laid back take on Independence Day Celebration. The paint daub effect is really cool in the one shot of your centerpiece. Thank you for sharing your delightful design. Cherry Kay

  12. Hi Nellie

    What a love table and your food sounded yummy too...Stawberry shortcake yummo...
    I love the blue and red M&M's in the little white candy dish. That way I would just eat mine.
    The little flags and the napkins and stars finish your simple but very nice tablescape giving me loads of ideas.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie