Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thankful Thursday - January 29, 2015 and Valentines Mantle

Praise the LORD. 
Give thanks to the LORD,
 for he is good; 
his love endures forever.
Psalm 106:1

Morning Sweet Friends,
Well at least it was morning
when I started......

Now, don't die from Shock .....
since I am actually getting this posted
 on Thursday for a change!  lol

So how are ya??  
Staying warm and Cozy??
Hope so..............Know many of you 
might have lots of snow.....and sure 
hope you have power and heat.

Decided to show you my Valentines
Mantle today.  Didn't think I was 
gonna do Valentine's decorating this
year,  as I was just gonna go with a
 Winter theme and when I got up the
 morning I was starting my redo after 
Christmas I happened by someones
 blog who was putting lil Valentines
 touches around their house, so all of
 a sudden decided yea, think I will do
 that!!  lol Amazing how our moods
 change......but I did get the best of
both worlds, as I did the family and
dining room with the Valentines 
day theme and the living room in
a Winter  
The header pic I only used pink
hearts, but decided to add some
white ones too, as you will see...
It's partly traditional and partly 
Also, it is very hard to get good
pics due to the lighting in this
 room and all the reflections.


 last but certainly, not least is my
Thankful list, and I am gonna get
right on with it, or I might be late

I am thankful

that my house is back in order
and hubby and I are enjoying the
 new look.

that we had a great time with
Scott, Megan and the baby
on Sunday. 

that my order from Walmart
with the items I got to use for
card making arrived, and think
I will like the new products,
with a lil practice.

that my new Better Homes and
Garden magazine came today.
I had renewed my subscription
but kept getting things from them
asking me to renew, so was 
beginning to wonder!!  lol

that we are having weather in
the 60's again,  and loving it.

for a really good movie we
watched, that is based on a
true story.....called Dolphin
Tale.  Very enjoyable, and
family friendly.

that we live in America, even

with all her problems, I don't 
know of any place else I would
want to live, and just happened
on this verse this morning.

Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord;
 happy are the people he has chosen
 for his own!
Psalm 33:12 (Good News Translation)

Our nation seems to be moving
 away from God as our Lord, 
and I am thankful that there are still
 plenty of folks
 who want and support that.

with posterized affect

that our lil darling wound up being
 good all day, other than first thing
in the morning she was a lil testy,
 but then was fine till I changed her
last diaper before Mommy came,
it was like wrestling a bear, mostly
because she took a very early nap
and was exhausted.
 Megan said when she brought her 
that she had been a handful since
 Sunday, and they are thinking she
 might have finally hit the terrible
 twos....we are all hoping
but do know it is a possibility since
she will be two in a lil over a month.

for heat to take the chill off the
 house when we have these cold
 snaps, and warm jammies.

that I also have a home and a nice
comfy bed to sleep in, cause many
times I think about those that are
homeless and how awful that has
to be.........which also makes us
have the desire to give to the
 Rescue mission.

That Jerry, my SIL, got to and
from his trip to a work seminar
safely,  and that my son got to
a work show safely.  Both were
out of flying,
one driving.

for the truth I shared about attitude
on Monday's I got tested
on it today.

 You see, my daughter
was trying to come here to visit
on Feb. 6th from Asheville, N.C.
and she found out today that she
can't get off from work that day,
so now she isn't coming, and we
are both really bummed about it.
Was very sad and had a lil melt
down and was frustrated,  and 
laid down for awhile and talked
to the Lord about it,  and realized
that I  need to be thankful that
 she only lives in Asheville, not
 half way around the world, and
 that we will get to see each other
 in March, Lord willing, and that
we get to either talk via phone
or email most days. Course, we
all know face to face is better,
especially if your love language
is quality time, which mine is,
but praying and getting that
perspective has helped and
 I am feeling joyful again. just reminded me again 
 that God's ways really do work.
If you would like to read the
post just click here.

Well, hope you enjoyed your visit
today, and hope you come again

Sharing with:

Lorelai over @ Life with Lorelai

Karin over at The Style Sisters.

Cindy over @ Dwellings
 the heart of the home

Mimi over @ A Tray of Bliss

Have a Hap, Hap, Happy Day!

Love, Hugs,
and Warm Cozy Blessings,



  1. #1. Nice manly look with the stacking of the books. (Rhyme time again, ha!)
    #2. It's so great they live near!
    #3. Practice makes perfect even in having fun!
    #4. I've just started throwing out some of the magazines I've kept and haven't gone back to look at in years!
    #5. Isn't it great! I've covered up the birds' cages for night! It gets a little chilly in their room.
    #6. Isn't that a great movie! I watched it last summer.
    #7. I pray for our policemen, military personnel, and government people to protect and run our country everyday; especially those that are Christian and have to face the evil they do each day.
    #8. Her feet are "on the ground running" and she'll only get faster, ha!
    #9. I surely pray for those up north in the storm of the century! I pray they have ways of keeping warm when the electricity is out for days!
    #10. The LORD is good in caring for the necessities of life for His children.
    #11. Traveling mercies are another blessing from our LORD!
    #12. I'm so glad our GOD is in control of everything. He knows ahead of our time the events in our lives.
    Love you all, Susan

  2. I absolutely LOVE this idea for a Valentines Mantle. It's very classic! :-)


  3. Sweet little mantel display, Nellie! I think it's nice to add a few Valentine things, but I keep it pretty simple and mainly in my kitchen and breakfast area.

    I remember babysitting our twin grands when they were about 18 months old. OMGosh, trying to change their diapers and get them into their pj's was totally exhausting. Of course, the fact that Hubby and I were laughing our heads off really didn't help! You'll cherish that memory when yours is 15!

  4. I love your gratitude list! And your mantle is very sweet and symbolic. I wonder if you'd do me the honour of sharing your post at my new Five Star Frugal linkup? We're sharing ways to live elegantly for less, and I truly believe that having a thankful heart is key to that idea. I hope you'll join me....Mimi xxx

  5. Your mantel is beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty this week.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie