Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Gluten Free Easy Banana Bread

Morning Sweet Friends,

How was your weekend and Monday??
Hope you enjoyed it......

We had a good weekend,  and then Hubby was off
work on Monday which was nice.......since we hadn't
done a lot of work over the weekend,  he took down the
 tree and outside lights as I packed up the christmas
things that were all over my dining room table since
Friday and Sat morning.  So I am happy to say it is
all packed away nicely until next year.  Sure did en-
joy it I have to say,  but was ready when I finally 
took it down. 

 The house looks rather sad right now.........
and was hoping to work on that today,  but the dentist
 office called me with a cancellation so I took it, since I
 had to cancell mine last week due to all my residual
coughing from that virus I had right before Christmas.
The cough has just finally cleared up the last few
days.......Thank Goodness!

Boy, is our lil darling gonna be bored tomorrow
with everything so blah,  cause I had all sorts of
stuffed animals and Plastic Christmas balls and
stuff she could play with.  I try to do that with 
every season,  and I will find some to do that
with for Winter too,  once I get started.

I made some Banana nut bread on Saturday
as well as some Southwestern white bean
chili......it was cold and a good day for cooking.
I enjoy cooking so much more in the winter
months,  do you???

So thought I would share the recipe with you
especially if you are trying to eat Gluten Free.
Think you can probably just use reg. flour if

Got this recipe online,  it is a Betty Crocker Recipe.

Gluten Free Easy Banana Bread

2/3 cup of sugar

1/3 cup of butter, softened

2 eggs ( I used the equivalent in Egg beaters)

1 1/2 cups mashed very ripe bananas ( 3 medium)

1/4 cup of buttermilk (personally don't think it
is really needed, think milk would do just fine)

1 tsp of gluten free vanilla (I used reg. vanilla)

2 cups of Betty Crocker all purpose Gluten free
rice flour blend. (I couldn't find it, so I used
 Pillsbury's best gluten free multi-purpose flour blend)

1 tsp. Baking Soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup chopped walnuts, if desired


1.  Heat oven to 350 F,  Grease botton only of 9X5
 or 8X4 inch loaf pan

2.  In large bowl, beat sugar and butter with electric
 mixer on med. speed until light.  Add eggs; beat well.
Stir in bananas, buttermilk and vanilla; blend well.
Stir in flour, baking soda and salt just until moistened.
Then stir in walnuts and pour into the pan.

3.  Bake 50-60 minutes or until toothpick inserted
in center comes out clean.  Cool 5 mins. in the
pan on a cooling rack.

4.  Loosen sides of loaf from pan; remove from
pan, and place top side up on a cooling rack.
Cool completely , 1-2 hours, before slicing.  Wrap
tightly and store at room tep. up to 4 days or

Makes 12 servings (1 slice each)


Warning:  Don't do what I did and set the timer
and then forget to turn it on once it was in the
oven............lol  Thank goodness, it turned out
alright, but it was a lil bit dry.  I had made it
before and knew I liked it or I would not have
shared the recipe,  just so you know!

Well,  have a great evening with
 your family, friends or furry friends.

Happy you could come by today!

Will be posting the recipe for the
Southwestern white bean chili
tomorrow, Lord willing!!

See ya then,

Love, Hugs and
Banana Bread Blessings,


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1 comment:

  1. I got an earlier call to my dentist too last week. I had a filling for years that needed replacing. Adrian found it when I had them cleaned the week before.

    You have been busy! Barry, from Stockwell, put the new insides to my kitchen facet. It surely is nice to have it not leaking anymore.

    I got some new glasses. I was tired having to go every couple of weeks because the lenses kept falling out. This time I got the lenses that are totally inside the frame!

    Gluten free baked goods always taste better when someone else makes it, ha! Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...