Friday, January 9, 2015

Thankful Thursday - January 8, 2015 and Table Tops from Winter 2012

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, 
and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope things are well in your Winter World??
Course, I am assuming that most of you are
experiencing Winter type temps and maybe
even snow.  It has been cold here for a few
days now and we are liking it...........

Not much going on here still this week other
than babysitting the last few days.  Haven't
started taking down my christmas stuff yet.
Maybe over the weekend.  lol

Thought I would throw in some past scenes
from Cozy Place in 2012.  I always tend to
 like a more minimalist look in the Winter
for some reason, guess it is because out
side everything is barer than normal, so
just seems fitting.  Also my Winter color
go to's definitely include berry reds, and
Darker colors.

Well, I am running late,  so guess I had
better get on with my

I am thankful

for a new study our whole church is doing
in Sunday School and Church.  It is called,
"We can trust the Bible",   and it is by 
and this is just our 2nd week,  but it is very
 good material,  and think we are really
 gonna learn a lot and enjoy it a great deal.

that I was available to watch Brooklyn
again today (Thurs.) as she has been
sick since Sunday and is feeling good
at times and very tired at others.  She
typically doesn't go down for a nap
till noon or later,  but she is so tired
she is ready for a nap at 10 or 10:30,
and she just passed out in my arms
today,  which is very unusual for her
unless we have been rocking for a

that Dee has her first Real Estate contract
and it is looking more like a go all the time,
so naturally she is very excited, and we
are excited for her as well.

that I have had time to work on my card
business again, and I am getting very excited 
about it again.

For some Tony Roma's already cook pork ribs 
that hubby happened on at Sam's.  They were
 great, and  I am very picky about b-b-cue sauce,
 but their's is really good. The boneless ribs are
very lean tender and tasty,  and we got 2 meals
off the one package. A bonus!! lol

Section of the picture in the vignette - posterized

That some conflict we had this weekend with 
someone got resolved very quickly, and the 
relationships are all better for it.

that we are having cold weather again,
Yeah.......cause it has been in the 80's,
and it is about 55 out there today.  Love
it,  cause after all it is Winter,  course,
if I had the Winter some of you have
I might not be so thrilled !!  lol
Think Dee said it was suppose to be
 5 degrees in Asheville today.  They had
snow flurries yesterday, but they didn't
stick and she was disappointed!!  lol

that hubby is bringing home Outback for din din
 tonight since I am watching the baby again today.
  Shew,  and sounds so good to me right now,
  but it is..... hours away.  lol

Note later Thurs: it was yummo...........

That I had such a sweet time with our lil darling
 yesterday (Thurs), even tho she is so tired.... before 
she wears down she is just so much fun, and so
 pleasant and sweet. I am constantly amazed by
her ability to communicate using hand guestures,
 body language and at times just 1 word. Also
she is really developing quite a sense of humor
and a love for reading books..........

that we finally got some new glass shelves cut to
 replace the ones that broke during my china hutch
 implosion about a year and a half ago.  I had been
 looking off and on for someone who could not only
 cut the shelves but who could cut a plate groove in
 them, as well.
No one does that anymore for some reason.

If you want to read about my china hutch
implosion just click here.

for that TV show "Undercover Boss". We somehow can
get that thru Roku now,  and we have been watching old
episodes. What a great program,  so encouraging
and inspiring.  What a nice change of pace!

that YOU stopped by today. It is always a blessing
to know that someone is reading and enjoying the
posts you spend time writing.  So thanks for being
a part in making my day.........

Sharing over at:

Ivey and Elephants with Paul and Patti

The Style Sisters with Karin

Dwellings with Cindy

Hope you have a Wonderful Weekend
full of Hugs n' Blessings,

Blackie Rooster says bye bye!!


  1. Hello Nellie, Winter can be dreary. After I took down Christmas, everything looks so bare. I kinda of like it. I cleaned and organized. Still working at it. sorry your hutch glass shelves broke, but it;s good to know you found someone to cut the shelves with grooves. Stay warm and cozy. Many blessings for a great year ahead!

  2. Very cold here! Our Ladies' Bible Study this morning was cancelled 'cause schools were cancelled, so I've spent some extra time reading - Jan Karon's new book.

    Glad all is well down there :)

  3. Surprise, surprise!
    You just never know who might coming visiting in the neighborhood! Hope you Christmas was a sweet blessing. Your all church Sunday School curriculum sounds very interesting.
    Hope to catch up one of these days...until then, may this new year be extra special for you and yours. Love, Jess

  4. #1. This is my first day back in Sunday School! I'm enjoying the study greatly!
    #2. Rest will give her body time to recuperate!
    #3. LORD, may the deal go through!!!
    #4. As so, I am enjoying my study for my blog this year on the Sermon on the Mount!
    #5. My Sunday meal was a Wendy's Chili and Frosty!
    #6. Praise the LORD for His leadership and goodness!
    #7. I'm still glad to be in a snow free state!
    #8. You know, I find it cheaper to get take home food when I am out!
    #9. Could the giftedness be showing?
    #10. Wonderful! Did you get metal brackets instead of plastic?
    #11. Teaching was that way. We never knew what "County" people would be coming through.
    #12. I can hardly wait for your post to come out!
    Love you all, Susan

  5. Sheila from MyKentuckyLiving. Just saying hello after you visited me!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie