Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Manna - How's your attitude?

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a good weekend......

Ours was good.....worked on redecorating
family, dining, and living room, still have
a lil more to do,  but just about there,  so
very happy about that.  Also, had a fun
get together with Scott, Megan and the
baby, a pizza and salad night, good to
seem them and catch up a bit,  as Scott
has been traveling a lot this month.

Went by a blog in the early hours of the
morning that got me thinking.  The blog
is Art and Sand by a lovely lady named
Carol,  and her post was on attitude.
Click here if you would like to see it.

What she said was so true and got me
to thinking about how attitude really is

I remembered something I heard from
a Pastor named T D Jakes, and this is
not verbatim of course,  but the gist of
what I got out of it............and it really
helps me, to remember what
he said............

He calls it the 80/20 rule..........
Just know that 80% of anything in your
 life is gonna be good and 20% is gonna
 be bad or what we perceive as bad or
 not so good. Just know it and expect
it, then it want take you by surprise.

For Instance,  My hubby absolutely loves
his job as a design engineer, but he really
dislikes doing documentation, but he has
to do both... as part of his job.

or for instance, I absolutely love a clean
house,  but I don't always enjoy the pro-
cess of cleaning especially bathrooms,
but...... it is part of the process.

or maybe you absolutely love your 
spouse, child or whomever and they
 have great qualities, but you don't love
 their messy ways, but you have to.....
 live with them.

Point is........if we concentrate on just
the 20% rather than on the 80%, 
 we are gonna get in trouble. 
 We have literally seen marriages break
 up that had so much going for them,
all because they got focused on that 20%,
and forgot all about the 80% that was good
or even great.......only to remarry and get
the 20% good and 80% bad......not a very
good exchange I might add.........but it
happens all the time.

Sometimes it is a very good practice to
make a list of that persons good qualities
vs the bad qualities, as it will helps us to
quickly see that their good qualities far
outweigh the bad, and will quickly give
us an attitude adjustment.

We all have to be careful we don't get what
 I would call tunnel vision, and that is seeing 
only the bad and losing sight of the good....
  It happens all the time, and it can happen
 to any of us, so we need to regularly check
our attitude, 

 How is your PMA??

That is Your Positive Mental Attitude??

Being Thankful for that 80% will also help
you see the 20% a whole lot less.......

Be joyful always; pray continually; 
 give thanks in all circumstances,
 for this is God's will for you,
 in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Being thankful and praying for what
ever the situation is will help us
 with the Joyful part.....

The Lord knows that........
it's why He tells us to do it and.....
 it's a choice, and we don't have to
 feel like it,
we just have to do it..............

 So.............As the Nike commercial 
used to say,

JUST DO IT......................

Sharing over at:

Dwellings with Cindy

A stroll thru life with Marty

Ivey and Elephants with
 Patti and Paula

The Style Sisters with karin

Tell His story with Jennifer

Have a great day......Sweeties

Hugs and 

Just do it.......Blessings,


P.S. Follow up note:
Today is Thursday Jan. 29th....
Just thought I would let you know
I got tested on this post today.
My daughter was hoping to fly
here on Feb. 6th, and we were
all so looking forward to it, and
she got the word today that she
can't get off work, and we are
both so bummed, had a lil melt
down, but realized how thank-
ful and blessed I am that she
 just lives in Asheville, could
be much further away.....and
that I get to speak with her by
 phone or email most days.
Of Course, we all know face
to face is better especially if
you love language is Quality
time, which that is my love
language, but guess we just
have to wait a while longer,
but perspective really is 
everything!!  lol


  1. Really a great message in this post, Nellie. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. The Bible calls it, "Trusting in the LORD." For through trials and tribulation, we are made strong in the LORD to share His good works in our lives! Love you all, Susan

  3. A lovely post - thanks for the shout out and link.

    The 80/20 rule is so true and I glad you shared it with me - and of course everyone else.

    If I focused on the things that drive me crazy about my husband, I'd go crazy. But, when focused on his love of me and our children, the way he tears up about the truly meaningful things in life, the life we have created together . . . then the fact that he can't get his shoes into the closet or his clothes in the hamper is absolutely meaningless.

    Thanks for this lovely post.

  4. Thank you! I needed this badly today~heading over to Art and Sand to read her post. I will be remembering the 80/20 rule!

  5. Hello, Nellie! It's so nice to hear from you! Thanks for your visit and your sweet comments about my winter vignettes. Sounds like you've made a lot of progress at home too! Loved your positive attitude true! I don't know how it is that I wasn't a follower, but I am now!! :) ~Zuni


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...