Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine' Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Sweet Friends,

Hope you are celebrating this
special day of love......with some
one you love dearly, no matter
who that is..........and hope you
have a very Special day.

Wanted to share something 
with you,  because Love really
doesn't get any better than this!

"For God so loved the world"
John 3:16


"For God so loVed the world
that He gAve
His one and onLy son
that whoevEr
 believes iN
Him shall noT
     but have eterNal



Jesus is the true Valentine!


I can't take credit for this neat
acrostic someone sent it to me
in an email back in 201o and
I posted it then, and happened
to think of it, and decided
 I should post it again.

I recently looked up this song
that is a blast from the past
"love is in th Air"  
by John Paul Young 
added a link for your
 listening pleasure.

here is the link you can
copy and paste

It is really a lovely song,
and I have always enjoy it,
mostly thought of as a love
song for couples, but if you
listen to the actual words
it could be a love song about
God cause it is true and
according to scripture that
"God's love is in the Air"
and John Paul Young is
Wise, not foolish for sure!

and here are just a few verses
of scripture that back it up.

Psalm 113:3
Psalm 19:1
Psalm 104:13
Psalm 136: 1-9
Psalm 19: 1-6

Have a Sweet Day!!

Love, Hugs and
Special Valentine's Day


Sharing over at:


  1. Nellie, that is one of my favourite songs too! I met John Paul Young when I was a teen. Of course we're all old and grey now, but it's a great melody and lyric that has really stood the test of time, isn't it? Happy Valentines Day. Your posts are a true

  2. What a neat acrostic! I'm so glad my LORD is my Valentine forever!
    Love you all. Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: