Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thankful Thursday July 25, 2024, More pics of Summer golf cart tour #2

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 NIV

Peaceful Summer Greetings 
Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you doing well.
Been a good week here.  Quiet
but good. Not a lot going on,
too hot to go out for the most 
part.  Course, lots of other crazy
stuff going on in our country
for sure.......and it gets crazier
by the day.
I am thankful the Lord is in
control of it all............

Pictures today are a continuation of last weeks Summer Golf Cart tour.
from when we were in Charleston S. Carolina a few weeks ago.  As you
will see they were taken over 4th of
July weekend.  lol

If you would like to see Part 1

Now on with my Thankfuls.......

Thankful that we got to have the day with lil darling. Had her fav breakfast, Played a few games,  made brownies, and she did most all of it, watched her build a house on her ipad with something called Ro blocs? Not sure if that is the correct
 spelling or name exactly!!  lol  But she is really good at it. Read a story, and I can't remember what else.  lol
Fun day tho....she talks with her 
friends and loves that ipad.

Thankful for a sweet and friendly
teenage checker at our local Publix
grocery store.  We had a nice conversation about her name, it was
"Brielle", have never heard that before but thought it very pretty and told her so which led to her nick name
Brie, and she said it was like the
Brie Cheese , then we got started
talking about Brie cheese, and a
lady came in our line and she got
into the conversation about cheese and was really nice too.  It was
wonderful, like a flashback of the
old days before covid. We were all
very intentional in trying to make
conversation........loved it!!

Thankful for "Crazy Puffs" from
Lil Caesars pizza.  They are so good,
and we have started getting them
instead of a pizza.  They look sort
of like muffins full of mozzarella
cheese with just a lil bit of sauce.
Pairs greatly with a nice salad
and makes an enjoyable dinner.

Thankful for a fun evening with our sweet neighbors, the ones who bring us delicious veggie soup quite often.
Had them over for dessert, as we haven't seen them much lately, so
it was really a nice evening.

Thankful for a new cereal we found that it really good.  It is a new flavor
of Cheerios (Oat Crunch w/ almonds)
It is so good with fresh strawberries.
They both were buy 1 get 1 free this
week.  The strawberries were the organic ones too.  They taste so much
better, the have been very expensive lately, so have been getting the normal ones.  We also like Cheerios, that have the strawberry/Banana flavor too. We have really been into cereal lately, lol,  guess cause it is hot outside and it's super easy.

Thankful for my hubby. We have a fun
in our kitchen but we have to put it on top of the fridge cause the ceiling is too low for a ceiling fan, so we have
to climb on a chair to turn it on and
off, so I just casually mentioned when we were at my Daughter that maybe
we should put on of these lil toggle
switches on the cord, anyway, hubby be the techy person he is....talked about making it one with a remote.
My reaction was do we really need
another remote controller, we have
a ton of them it seems now!!  lol
Anyway, he did remote it once we
got home and it's "Awesome", and we
just click the remote and it's on or
off, boom.... just like that, no more
chairs needed.  My Hero!

Thankful for magazines,  I am still
and old fashioned girl,  I love to
throw my feet up and browse and
read through them.  Right now I
have a Southern living magazine.
such fun!!

Thankful to be feeling a bit better
than on Sunday, as I really felt I
had a cold coming on, but thinking
it might just have been allergies,
cause we cleaned and dusted our
porch, and I am allergic to dust.
Doesn't that sound ridiculous.....
but it's unfortunately true.
Might be more than that cause
it is still hanging on.........

Thankful we got our ballots done
and mailed for the August
20th election.

Thankful that 2 of our friends text
us today to see if we were okay,
since we didn't go to church on 
Sunday cause I wasn't feeling well.
Always nice to know you are missed,
especially when you have been
going to the same church for 44 yrs.  lol

Thankful that a lil baby, named Jeremiah who had open heart surgery yesterday is doing well.  He was born april 30th and had breathing difficulties and has been in the hospital every since then.
This is his 2nd operation for his heart,
they were finally able to close the
whole in his heart that he had.
Hopefully soon he will be able to
come home.  His parents have 4
other children and the hospital is
about an hour away, so they have
been having to drive there daily.
So you can only imagine the stress
and strain on the family. 
If you feel so led, please pray for
them as they sure have their
hands full,  but have had the best
attitude in spite of it all.

Thankful hubby went for his dental
cleaning today, and got a great report.  Always happy to hear that.


Well,  that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Hope you have a lovely rest of the week.

Thanks for coming by........

Love, Hugs and end of July



Sharing with:

Creatively Beth

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

Ridge Haven Homestead


  1. #1. Building happy memories that last a lifetime!
    #2. I praise the LORD for all the workers at Publix that are so nice!!!
    #3. Sounds delicious!
    #4. Praise the LORD for your fellowship!
    #5. I'll have to try it!!!
    #6. What an awesome idea!
    #7. Mom used to always get that magazine! It had great ideas in it!
    #8. Yes, I get those summer allergies too. I'm now always clearing my throat!
    #9. Yes! I did too! I'm so thankful I don't have to go and wait in line!
    #10. Since I no longer have my landline, I don't get the calls I used to. I gave the church my cell number.
    #11. Prayers are being lifted!
    #12. Yes! I did too awhile back and all was fine! I thank the LORD for His blessings!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Lovely stroll through the neighborhood. I love all the different styles of homes. It has that real Americana feeling. And I especially love your grateful list. It is so important to remember what we are thankful for and it helps redirect our thoughts when they turn worrisome. Thanks for a lovely post!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday October 17, 2024, and More Fall decorating Part 4

Praise the Lord, for   He has shown me the wonders of His unfailing love.  Psalm 31:21 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, well, we were in the 60&...