Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Thoughts to Ponder #7 A way to generate conversation with your kids


Morning Sweet Friends,

Happy Tuesday to ya!!

Wanted to share something with you
that we did last night when we went
out to dinner with our 11 yr. old Grand-
Daughter, that was a hit with all of us.

We have this old game we bought
when our kids were young, called the 
"Ungame", made by James Dobson
of Focus on the family.  It's purpose
was to get families talking and having
conversation with their children.

We played it a few times, but think
our kids were maybe older when the 
game came out and the game really
 has no rules about winning, so nothing competitive to it, which isn't typically
 exciting to kids as a game, but we
decided rather than trying to play it
as a game, to just try using the cards 
with the questions on them, as we just
 sit around and talk for years now
with our Granddaughter.

Well, last night we knew we were 
taking her out to dinner, so I decided
just to take a lil stack of cards with
us, so we could play as we waited
on our food to come, as a way to
generate conversation. We all really
 enjoyed it and I would highly 
recommend it.  You could make up
your own questions and write them
on a list or make cards.

A few Sample questions:

1. If you could live anywhere in the
 world you wanted,  where would 
you live?

2. If you could own your own shop
or store what kind would it be?

         3.  What is your favorite dessert?

          4. If you could have any famous
              person you wanted come to your
              birthday party, who would it be?
              and why?

            5. If you were a dog, fruit, vegetable
                or anything else you can think of  
                what kind would you be?  (Just 
                pick one out of the above choices.)

Each person will take a card or question
and answer it first, then every person
gives an answer as well, then the next
person gets a card and answers and
so does everyone else, and then on to
the next person.

It was really a fun way to pass the 
time, and also generate conversation,
and get to know more about each
other, as some questions can be very
thought provoking.....
Just have fun with it.

Spurring you on.........

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1 comment:

  1. It's me, Patti Gardner, showing up as anonymous. First of all, I absolutely cannot believe Little Darlin is 11 years old now! She is sure growing up! We have played the Ungame for years. Besides using it as conversation ideas when my kids were growing up, when we have people to dinner, we usually put a question or two beside everyone's place. The questions are interesting, so it makes for fun conversation.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: