Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thankful Thursday July 11, 2024, and Summer themed whimsical pictures

 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort
2 Corinthians 2:3 


Summer Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well, and enjoying

Summer vacation with your kiddles.

We have been away visiting our older

kiddles........Our Daughter, Son-in-love

and Furry Grandson Dog, Bentley.

    Pictures this week are of whimsical summer themes, just for the     fun of it, Compliments of Pixabay.

   On with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful we got to go visit with our Daughter, Son-in-love and Grandson Dog Bentley. We always have such good time just being together.


Thankful we got there and back safe and sound with uneventful trips.  We had a near miss on the way up, so thankful the Lord protected us from an accident. Had very lil rain on the way back, which was unexpected,  but thankfully just got some about an hour before we reached our home land.  lol

I really don't like driving in the rain!!


Thankful we got to spend 4th of July with them.  It was a fun relaxing day, hanging out in the pool, eating burgers and dogs, and a wonderful dessert we made with brownies with choc. chip cookies on top, and ice cream.  YUMMY!  Been awhile since we were together for the 4th!  So that was quite nice.


Thankful we have had great pool weather everyday, so we really enjoyed that so much, and got a lil sun.  I just love a pool.


Thankful that our Daughter always makes us our fav quiche and cream cheese/ strawberry coffee cake. So delicioso!! Also, thankful for take out, and for a fun times cooking together as well. We enjoy both!  


Thankful for online worship services. We couldn't pull our church up this time,  for some reason, but got to see theirs, and other Pastors we sometimes watch when we have to stay home.


Thankful for a sweet photo we got of lil darling and her cousins from the 4th of July. They are all so cute and she is always over the moon happy when she gets to be with them.


Thankful for a fun golf card ride around the neighborhood where our kids live. It is an old but wonderful neighborhood, and there is a lot of building and renovating going on.  Couldn't believe all the changes.  Love golf cart rides too, they make me feel like a kid again with the breeze blowing thru our hair, and greeting folks riding or walking around.


Thankful for people who makes us laugh. We watched a number of dry bar comics this week, and they all have good clean and funny jokes. Laughter is good medicine for our soul as well


Thankful for rest and relaxation and just having the time to talk and listen, and share life. We are all very present with each other, and I love that...............Her hubby did have to work,  but he was able to get off early most days so that nice, and was home all day a few days.


Thankful for fun times playing card games.

We always enjoy that too.


Thankful that we were able to squeeze in a lil bit of shopping too. Not quite as fun as normal cause the stores were just jammed with people,i t was a bit difficult navigating in Home Goods.

 So many people moving to SC like in Florida, so not sure if that is it, or maybe it's tourists since it is summer. She said it is always like that on weekends, but has never seen it like that on week days. We managed to have fun anyway!

That's it for today at Cozy Place,

This is the vacation edition.

Hope you are enjoying Summer

Thanks for Swimming by.......

Love, Hugs and first of July



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  1. It sounds like you guys had the best time, Nellie! There's just something about getting away and visiting with each other that makes everything better. Plus, how fun is it to watch the littles play together and make extra special memories? Summers are truly the best. Glad you guys made it home safe and I hope you have an amazing week. Big hugs, CoCo PS: Florida is definitely overcrowded

  2. Nellie, thank you for joining us over at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party. We're always happy to have new bloggers share. I love your list of things you are thankful for. I am positive that your grandson dog Bentley is a cutie, and that cream cheese strawberry coffee cake sure does sound delicious. What a great list of thankfulness. Thank you for sharing at party #47.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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