Thursday, February 29, 2024

Thankful Thursday, February 29, 2024, and Animal pictures to make you smile

 Sing to the LORD with grateful praise;
 make music to our God on the harp.
Psalm 147:7 NIV 

Greeting Sweet Friends,
Had this all ready to go last night and posted it only to have half of it missing, so gotta
do it again as I couldn't retrieve it.
Hope this finds you doing well.......
We just returned from our Daughter and
Son-in-loves on Wed. nite, after being there
for a week. Had a great time.

Pictures today are of animals that will
make you smile..........lil darling and I picked
them out before we left and we even threw in a few captions we thought of
just for fun.

On with my thankfuls.....

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip to SC and back. Didn't even have
any traffic back ups which is amazing
considering the traffic we now have
in the past few years.

Thankful for great weather while we
were there. Cool and Sunny most of
the days. Love that, as I function and
feel so much better in cool weather.

Ohhhh, I gotta go potty and Mom's not
 home to let me out!!

Thankful for our Daughters wonderful
quiche and cream cheese with straw-
berry coffee cake, she always makes
us.  It is really scrumptious!!

Thankful for restful relaxing days
just drinking coffee and sitting outside
catching up and solving the worlds
problems.  We also love to watch
dry bar comedy, decorating shows
and play cards while the guys
watch Battle bots.  lol  Just love
spending time doing nothing or
 anything with our kids..............

I'm just so sleeppp.............

Thankful for the fun of making home
made sourdough cinnamon rolls. The
girls she works with are into that so
 they sent her home with some sour
dough starter and the recipe. They
turned out pretty well and tasted 
good considering we didn't know
 what we were doing!!  lol

Thankful for Bentley our furry
Grandson dog, who looks a lot like
the doggie below, accept he is all
caramel colored. We call him Mr.
Muppet, he is so lanky and loose.
He is such a character.

     Been a rough day.............just need to chill 


Thankful for a fun day out shopping

at the outlet mall.  Only our 2nd time

to go there and had some birthday

shopping to do for lil darling.  As

we are coming up on birthday row.

My Sister-in-law Susan, Lil darling

and then hubbies birthdays. So we are

 pretty much ready gift and card wise.

So just need to plan a dinner for

them all for next week.  So fun

to be able to shop with our Daughter

 as she always has great ideas, for

things lil darling would like, cause 

sometimes Grammy is too practical.  lol


Thankful for finding a cool candy shop there called

 "River street sweets".

The aroma coming out of there

was heavenly, and then there was

a guy passing out samples. Well,

that was all it took, so had to go

in and get some and it not only

smelled heavenly it tasted

heavenly as well.


Thankful for one of the best smoothies
we have had in about a year.  We stopped
getting our Chocolate Elvis at Planet smoothie cause they just never tasted the
same anymore, so make all my own, which
are very good.  But they have a "Smoothie
King" and wow, what a delicious smoothie.  

Thankful for a trip to Hobby Lobby on
the day we left, we always like to end
on a fun note and have the memory of
going there together.  Found some cute
Easter things. 

              I might be cute and tiny                              but I am fierce.


Thankful for an especially great gift from the Lord.  I have always wanted some Bunny napkin rings but just could not bring myself to spend $5.oo each for them, which would equal $40.

Found 8 of them half price for.....

wait for it...........$5.00 Total 

Love them, they are solid white. So cute!

Stay tuned for our Easter Table.....

in a few weeks.

I always say Good Things come to those who wait!!


So Thankful that we have such good relationships with our kids, it is an incredible blessing to all of us. Just love spending time with all of them. One of our most favorite things to do really.


Thankful for a really good Italian recipe our Daughter made for din din one night. It was so good, company worthy, and a one pot meal. Will be getting the recipe and will share it as I am looking forward to making it.


We are going to the Vet?.......NO!!!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

This was the Vacation Edition. lol

Thanks for stoppin' by

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday


Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs, and

First day of March Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique


  1. #1. Praise out LORD for your safe journey!
    #2. Joyful weather for a joyful time together!
    #3. Yummy for the tummy!
    #4. Praise the LORD for your joyful time together!
    #5. What a blessing of good food!
    #6. He is a sweetheart of a pet!
    #7. Don't forget yours in March too!
    #8. Another great yummy!
    #9. You have had a lot of yummies!
    #10. Easter will be here before we know it!
    #11. WOW! That was a blessing indeed!
    #12. Praise the LORD for His Love being in us all!
    #13. Another delicious yummy!!!
    I really enjoyed seeing all of the cute pets in your blog!
    Love you, Susan

  2. What a great list, and yes we need to be thankful daily and not take anything for granted. Loved reading through your post.
    I visited you via Metamorphosis Monday 2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back: Why Do Gains Always Seem To Include Losses?
    My links: Keto Almond Flour Pancakes with Almond Butter and Scrumptious Crispy Crunchy Oven Fried Fish
    We will be delighted if you share your post links with us at SSPS. Link under BLOGGING

  3. Slabs, thanks for coming by and for your encouraging words, and yes, you are so right about not taking things for granted, there is always something to be thankful for......
    Thanks also for the invitation to your linky party, as you will see I did take you up on it,
    and was delighted that you asked. Those almond flour pancakes sound very good and
    healthy as well. A winning combination. Will have to check back later, as it's sorta
    late right now. Thanks again, blessings, Nellie

  4. Thanks for visiting Nellie and sharing at SSPS 300. See you again next week!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a hopeful Sunday and week. Hugs  and Blessings, Nellie