Thursday, February 1, 2024

Thankful Thursday, February 1, 2024, and More Winter Decorating

The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but people are tested by their praise.

Proverbs 27:21 NIV

Welcome to February and

Thankful Thursday, Sweet Friends,

Wow, we are already in February,

how the time does fly.......

Hope you have had a good week

and are weathering the Winter well.

Our week was good and pretty

much revolved around lil darling

most of the week, which was a

fun change. So need to get busy

this week. cause we pretty much

 put everything on the back burner

 when we do have her with us, so

we can just enjoy her!

Pictures today are of more Winter Decorating at Cozy Place.

On with my Thankfuls.


Thankful that our Son was able to come and help hubby take a heavy recliner chair to someone who we thought could benefit  from having it.


Thankful that our kids introduced us to "Caesar Salad kits".   You can find them in the lettuce section of the grocery store.    I am typically not fond of Caesar salads, but the dressing on this    one is mild and different than most dressings.  So we really   have enjoyed them, and I can whip a salad together in about   5 mins. Which I really love.  I put all the ingredients in a   Plastic container with a lid on it,  and then shake it all up   and it perfectly coats the salad with dressing.  Learned that   from our kids  and best of all everyone likes it. 


Thankful that we can learn neat things from our kids too.  We are always learning things from them.  Love that!!


Thankful we did a spring cleaning type vacuuming of our living room, and got the   room back in order and came up with a replacements to put in the area where the recliner was before.  Looks much better for now,  


Thankful for a very good but different day at church.  We were asked to serve   in children's church and this was our first week. Been a long time since we have done that!!  But it's only one Sunday every other Month, which is perfect.


Thankful that lil darling got to go with us, to childrens church, and she had a good time.  She saw a friend she already knows and met a new friend.  Can't beat that!!


Thankful we got to have a sleepover with her on Sunday night.  It has been awhile............


Thankful that our son made it safely to Arizona today for a work trip.


Thankful that pants we bought for lil

darling fit.  She is in that in between

size going from childrens sizes to

adult sizes. Had to send some back

last week, and order others, but we

finally got it right.


Thankful for an important decision

we have made about our card shop,

which we are very excited about.


Thankful that the Lord helped us find a book that lil darling is reading for literature class online, so we could read it, as she accidentally forgot hers at school, and wouldn't be going back till next Tuesday. She was very upset about it too.


Thankful for a good day with lil darling, we had lots of work to do, cause we were trying to get 2 days of work done in one, as they are taking a 4 day trip.  She did awesome and got it all done.

          Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week.

Have a wonderful rest of the

week.....and thanks for dropping by.

Love, Hugs, and
February Blessings,

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A stroll thru Life


  1. I love Cesar salad kits too, Nellie! It makes putting a quick lunch or dinner together so much easier. I'm glad you got to spend some extra time with your grand. Some of my best and most treasured memories were spent with my grandparents. I miss them dearly everyday but I'm blessed that they poured into our lives and I know your little is extra blessed to have you too as are the littles in the childrens church. Excited to see what you have in store this month and all the good things headed your way. Big hugs, CoCo

  2. Aww, thank you Coco, you always leave such encouraging comments. That is neat that you had Grandparents that poured into your life as well and I am sure you do miss them so much. Our children did not have that, so we want to make sure our grands do, course, we only have the one so far, but she is a delight to us. Yea, you can't beat those caesar salad kits, my daughter told me today that sometimes the will grill or cook chicken and add on top and make a nice chicken salad dinner. Great idea, would be good with rotisserie chicken as well.
    Thanks so much for coming by and taking the time to leave a comment.
    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead hon.
    P.S. Please say a prayer for my hubby, he has a bad cold again, and he is not one for getting sick much, so hoping it dissipates quickly and hoping I don't catch we were both sick for a good portion of December..........He slept most of the day and I worked on Valentine cards.
    Take care hon,
    Love and Blessings,

  3. #1. Yes indeed and it is really being a comfort to me! Thank them for also removing the old one to the curb where the garbage truck took it away!
    #2. Sounds delicious!!!
    #3. No matter how old we get, there are always new things to learn!
    #4. There's always things to do!
    #5. I'm sure you all enjoyed your time together!
    #6. Good for her! Praise the LORD for her salvation in Him!
    #7. What a wonderful time together!
    #8. Praise the LORD for His watch and care over him!
    #9. Good for her and her new clothes from you!
    #10. Wonderful!!!
    #11. Praise the LORD for her learning!
    #12. Good for her and you too!!!
    Love you, Susan

  4. Wonderful things you can be thankful for. :) You've got some lovely winter decor. I decided this year that I need winter decor to go up when all my Christmas stuff comes down, and mine is kind of similar to yours--evergreens, etc. Visiting from Sweet Tea & Friends.

  5. What wonderful things to be thankful for. I enjoyed hearing about your thankfully.
    Thanks bunches for sharing these with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: