Saturday, February 24, 2024

Thankful Thursday February 22, 2024, and Cute Puppies


With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: “He is good; his love toward Israel endures forever.” And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.
Ezra 3:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you today???  Hope you are doing well. We are.............been a fairly good week for us, and hope the same is true for you and yours. Enjoying the cooler weather again.

Pictures today are of Cute Puppies........

Hope you enjoy them as much as me and lil darling did picking them.  They are compliments of Pixabay and unsplash.

                  On with my Thankfuls


Thankful that we have a washer and dryer, as I remember the days when we were first married we didn't and had to go to the Laundromat.  One time somehow gum was either in the washer and we didn't see it or someone threw it in there when we stepped away for about 10 minutes.  It got mostly on hubbies dress clothes he had to wear to worth everyday, and we were so upset because we thought we were gonna have to buy him all new clothes which did not fit our young marrieds budget at the time.  But thought to go to the dry cleaners to see if they could anything, and they were so nice and helpful and  got it all out and didn't charge us very much at all..........think they felt sorry for us!!  lol  and we were so grateful.


 Thankful for all the rain we have had this weekend,  It was dismal but very needed.


Thankful for a good day at church,  it was great to be back, after being out for 2 weeks. Great to see friends and church family.


Thankful for a really wonderful treat in music.  We have to a violinist that plays most Sundays along with the our music team, but this week she and another lady I think was maybe a visitor did a Beautiful rendition of 

 "It's a Beautiful Name"


Thankful for a lovely rainy day nap. 

 Perfect weather for a nap.


Thankful for a fun day with lil darling. 

 She didn't have as much work today 

since we got a lot done early, last Friday.


Thankful my stomach is feeling better,

I think I must have eaten some bad lettuce

or something, as I thought I was coming

down with a stomach virus this morning

when I got up.....but praise the Lord I

am feeling much better this afternoon.


Thankful for praying friends who are

 there when you need them.


Thankful for a situation that needed reconciliation, has happened.

Always good to be a peace with one another.


Thankful for the last 3 days of absolutely beautiful weather, cold but Sunny with gorgeous not a cloud in the sky days, after having rain all weekend and part of Monday.


Thankful that we were asked to teach

a marriage class at our church again,

Unfortunately, we feel this is not the

time and it just doesn't work with our 

schedule or physical issues that we

 have to work around,  but it was really

 nice to be asked.  We are kinda sad that

we can't.........but we are just in a 

different season of life.


Thankful for my own spa day I

did at home, it's was nice and

well needed. 

Well, That is it for Cozy Place this week.

So happy you could stop by, and

thanks for blessing us with your visit.

Hope you have a delightful weekend.

Love, Hugs and 

last of February Blessings,


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Shabby art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

1 comment:

  1. You hit my heart with joy of all the beautiful puppies our LORD has created!
    #1. I remember in college having to use the laundromat!!! Ugh!
    #2. We had beautiful days with the rain coming in the evenings! Good for sleeping! Ha!
    #3. I'm thankful for my church friends as well!
    #4. They did do a wonderful job. What a testimony to our LORD!
    #5. Amen!
    #6. Praise the LORD for your great time in sharing!
    #7. Praise the LORD it went away and didn't last long!
    #8. I praise the LORD our prayers for others He hears and answers!
    #9. Praise Almighty GOD for His peace upon us!
    #10. I love the beautiful bright sunny days!
    #11. Praise the LORD for His leading and plan in our lives!
    #12. Praise the LORD for the joys and peace in our lives!
    Thank you for all of the cute puppy pictures!!! Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: