Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

So how is the world treating you today??? 

Fine, I hope.

I am doing well, have a dental appt. this morning, they just called
me with a cancellation, so decided I should take it.  So glad I
wrote this yesterday for today................................

I am writing this on Monday for tomorrow because I just watched
something that was truly a Warm Fuzzy for me. 

Don't know if you know who Guy Penrod is or not,  but he is the
cowboy looking fellow with long hair that sings with the Gaithers,
and we have enjoyed watching and listening to him so much over
the years,  so this morning they had him on their program and it
was all about him and his life  So it was delightful to learn more
about his life with his wife and family.

He is not only a great singer, but a great christian hubby and Dad
to 7 boys,  and in this day and age  it just blesses my heart when 
I see that.  I was so happy that I actually was able to find a utube
video of it, so hopefully you can see it too.  It is well worth the time
to watch it,  think it will really bless your heart too. It also shows the
ranch where he lives, and he also has both sets of parents living
in their own homes on the same property.  What a lovely family.
I always find it so interesting and heart warming to see the
difference that Christ makes in the lives of other people. Cause
he has certainly made a  tremendous difference in our lives.

Just click on the link below to see the video.

If you can't watch the whole video,  just go a lil bit passed the
center and you will be able to see him with his family,  that is 
really the sweet part. Course, it is all good............

I did not come from an intact family,  so anytime I see a happy 
intact family it makes my heart rejoice, so guess that is why it
is such a warm fuzzy for me.

Thanks for droppin in.....................

Have a Terrific Tuesday

Be sure to say hello,  so that I know you were here!

Hugs and 
Happy Family blessings to you!



  1. I love him!!! I not only love his spirit and his voice, I love that he is such a godly family man. (And in my opinion, he is handsome too!)

    I'm going to try the link. I have trouble link hopping with this computer, but I'm going to try.

  2. Yes! I saw it Monday on channel 45 Gaither hour at 10:00 a.m. I watch the Gaither Hour every day (if I'm home.) If I miss it they show it again at 11:00 p.m. on the same channel! They specialize with different people as well. That's how I found out about Ernie Hasase and Signature Sound (quartet) His group is excellent and very Christian entertaining! I have some of their DVD's if you'd like to see them!
    Love you, Susan

  3. Love to watch his group sing. I admire anyone that is a good family person.

    Thanks for the link.


  4. Happy Tuesday. Hope the dentist goes well. You asked over at my blog how the house was coming... We're about two months out so it's starting to really look like a house now. Hooray!

  5. I don't really follow the Gaither's, but I have seen them often enough to know who he is (pretty boy isn't he?)so it was interesting to see him at home. I love how the dog carried the stick around! He is actually younger than I thought, the gray fooled me. Thanks for the reminder how blessed my husband and I are that we both came from homes where are parents were married more than 60 years...something we should never take for granted.

    You will love my blog post today, speaking of happy things.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: