Friday, June 19, 2020

Thankful Thursday June 18, 2020, Golf tour of Charleston homes #2

 Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, 
will praise you forever; from generation to
 generation we will proclaim your praise.
Psalm 79:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been??
Good I hope. 
 Ours has been good for the most part,
but we have heard a lot of sad/ bad news
about several  people or friends who
 are really going thru some very tough
 physical things this week, which has
made our hearts sad.....but thankful
 we can pray when there is nothing
else we can that helps!
Have also been preparing for Father's
Day this weekend. Hope your Hubbies
and Dad's have a blessed Day.

Pictures today are form the rest
of my golf cart tour of Charleston.
Hope you enjoy them.

So on with my Thankfuls.....

Thankful for "Chocolate Elvis"
smoothies that cool me off in
this sweltering summer heat.

Thankful that hubby has dis-
covered and is working on some
things we needed to do to make
our website more visible online.
So this should be helpful in a lot
of ways.

Thankful we were able to get our
almost knee high grass mown...last 
Saturday, as we had rain every day
 for a week, and it was still so wet
 the mower kept dying out cause it
 was was so long and wet.  
 So this week hubby did it early 
since there was no rain 
predictions yesterday.

Thankful for our first paying
customer on our print your own
 card website....which was strange
but definitely appreciated) as we
are still giving them for free due
to the Covid 19 Pandemic.
It was just another confirmation 
that all our payment stuff is working 
correctly and efficiently.

Thankful that our church reopened
last Sunday..we didn't get to go
 because they recommended that if 
we were over 65 yrs. old or had
 health issues to please worship
 from home, in keeping with our
Governors recommendations.
We also know they need to have
room for social distancing and
families will have their children
with them, since there is no 
nursery or childrens program
or Sunday school classes yet.
  It has been strange not being at 
church for so long after being 
at the same church for 40 yrs.,
 but we can watch our church 
service at home online and there 
are plenty of other Pastors to 
watch as well. So we have 
enjoyed that but will be glad 
when we resume.

Thankful that all the protests
were peaceful in Charleston
this passed weekend.  

Thankful for a sweet and thoughtful
surprise from lil darling on Wednes-
day while she was here.
She was watching cartoons with
grampy for a few mins, while I
looked up something on the
 computer, and she came in and 
said Grammy, I have a surprise 
for you, and lead me to my bed-
room closet.  
 She had organized most of my
shoes in the closet....which really
 needed it....for awhile now I have
 thought every night as I am
 getting ready for bed.....
you need to do something with
this closet as it was just topsy
tervy.  But then just never got
to it.....and God Bless her,
 she did it for me, not quite the
 way I would have but at least I
 can walk in there now and it 
looks much
Don't know how she knew it
needed it........but what a sweet
surprise from our lil 7 yr. old

Thankful that one of my best
 friends hubby made it through
a milogram on Wednesday and
is doing okay, looks like he is
going to have to have back
surgery, as they said his lower
back has almost collapsed.
They won't know anything
else till next week.

Thankful that I called about
the results of my mammogram
cause I hadn't heard anything
but wasn't worried because I 
know if there is a problem 
they typically call you back,
but had to call to make a 
follow up appt. with my Dr. to
 get the results of all my tests,
and I asked about the mammo
 results and they said they didn't 
have the results yet, so called
 the imaging place and it had not
even been seen by the Dr. of
Radiology yet, and it has been 
8 days because someone didn't
write something on it they 
should have.......I always tell
folks to call for there results
cause you never know if they
might get lost somehow.
This was proof positive.
She said they will read them
within 24 hrs., so hopefully
I will get them manana.

Thankful that I got the all
clear on my Mammogram
this morning by 10 a.m.
I wasn't really too worried
about it, but it is always
good to hear the words that
everything was normal.

Thankful to hear the Col. Allen
West has joined "My Faith Votes"
which we think is a very good
organization that helps get
 people out to vote. We like Allen
West and think he will be a very 
good asset to them.

Thankful that the family is all
coming over for dinner on 
Sunday for Father's Day. That 
is always fun for all of us.
Course, our Daughter and hubby
will be missed but they will be
coming for a visit soon.  So
we are looking forward to that.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week.

Glad you could stop in and
have a great Father's Day

Love, Hugs and
 Father's Day Blessings,


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  1. Good Morning Nellie. I like your Thankful's and please send your little sweetie over to organize my shoes too lol! I have been in Charleston and love that area. Each home is cuter than the next. Have a great weekend and Happy Father's day to your sweet husband.

  2. What a lovely attitude of gratitude you have. We all have so many things to be grateful for. I am in the middle of my second attack of diverticulitis in as many months and the antibiotics are AWFUL! BUT, I am getting better--even though I have consigned Jello and broth to the same category of 4 letter words! I can't live entirely on clear liquids and have gotten excited about Cream of Rice or a baked potato for supper! Hope all of your family have lovely Father's Days. We are going to my daughter's for to celebrate FD and my s-i-l's birthday with an outdoor BBQ, our first family get together since "lockdown." We are luckier than many here in Maine, but we are still sticking pretty close to home.

  3. Morning Kris,
    Glad to hear from you and Thanks for your sweet comments as always.
    Brooklyn would probably love to do it for you Think her Mom's organizational
    skills have definitely rubbed off on her. Which is great!

    Yea, I love that all the houses are so unique and love all the picket fences many of them have too. Just so charming.

    Hope your weekend has been a good one, and hope Terry has a wonderful day today....if you
    have anything to do with it, which I am sure you will be lovely I am sure.


  4. Hi Kathy,
    Thanks for your kind comments, and you are so right we do have many things to be grateful for.
    Today it's my husband who has been a great hubby and Father!! lol

    So sorry to hear about the diverticulitis....I had that once and it was no fun for sure.
    Will be praying your seconds round of antibiotics will work. Hope you are able to eat some
    thing today at your family celebration besides bakes potato or cream of wheat.

    Our family should be arriving thanks for your well wishes and hope you and yours have a lovely fathers day/birthday celebration too. I am sure you must be ecstatic to be seeing your family after such a long time, to say the least.

    Yea, we don't go out a lot either, mainly cause it is no fun.....wearing a mask and social distancing and trying to make sure you are going the right direction. lol
    We do run to the grocery store and maybe other stores usually fairly quickly cause we go
    get what we need and get out. It's very hot here in Florida and the masks make it worse.
    This too shall pass.............

    Blessings, and hope to have you visit again soon.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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