Friday, June 5, 2020

Thankful Thursday, June 4, 2020, Springs Past #6

Let everything that has breath
praise the Lord. 
Psalm 150:6 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
Welcome to June......

It has been quite a start to June
for sure.....Hope this finds you
and yours doing okay. Have to 
say it has been a bit harder doing
 this post than normal, with all that
has gone on, but even in the bad
 times there is always something to
 be thankful for......we just have
 to look a lil harder sometimes.

We are doing well still, but I was
sick over the weekend. We were
so looking forward to going to our
Son and Daughter-in-loves last Sat.
 and then I woke up feeling awful so,
 we were both bummed, as we were
looking forward to getting out of the 
house and of course, seeing them as
 well.  Finally got to feeling better
by Monday afternoon. Thankfully,
there was no fever, and I think it 
was from something I ate.
Lord willing we will be going
this weekend.

Pictures today are more pictures
of Springs past......So on with
my Thankfuls.....

Thankful for more work we got
done in the backyard on Friday.
I love love love seeing the pro-
gress everytime we work out there.

Thankful for a fun night playing
yahtzee and Rummy with hubby
and my Sister-in-law Susan.

Thankful for the rest I got on
Saturday, and Sunday, as I was
 feeling exhausted too.

Thankful to be feeling better
today.  (Monday)

Thankful for a surprise and fun
 visit from a long time friend.
Thanks Sharon.

Thankful we got to have lil
darling with us all day on
Wednesday. Such a bright
spot in our day.

Thankful that we ordered
groceries items from Aldi
 just to check it out since my
 daughter has been ordering
 from there and likes it.
They had some brands we
have never heard of, but
figured it would be worth
checking out as their prices
are better from what I heard.

Thankful that they had TP.
which I have not seen any
where hardly and what I did
see was ridiculously priced.
Aldi's was quite reasonable, 
so was glad to get it as I am
starting my hurricane prep-
arations now especially since
we have already had 2 Trop-
ical storms already in May,
and another one out in the 
gulf right now.

Thankful that the city where
my Son and Daughter-in-love
live had small and peaceful 
protests, as we were concerned
 about that with all that is
going on these days.

Thankful that things are better
in Charleston as well, as we
were concerned about my 
Daughter and Son-in-love 
as well.  Cause the protests
there were not peaceful but
Just talked with my daughter
(Friday) and they are protesting
in Charleston again, very near
to where they live, so praying
 it stays peaceful.

Thankful for our Policemen
and Women and our National
Guardsman who can assist
during these protests.

Thankful that none of the 
things that are going on in our
country have taken our Lord by
surprise, and that He knows all
 that is happening and has a pur-
pose and plan for it.  Hard for
us to understand sometimes, but
He never said we had to under-
stand but just to trust Him.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

Hope you have a Peaceful

Love, Hugs and
First of June Blessings,


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  1. Good Morning Nellie. I always get your Thursday postings in my box on Saturday. Not sure why! I love all your thankful's. Let's pray and hope for peace and better days ahead for all of us. We have had such terrible things throughout history happen and someone we all rise up with our faith and continue on. We have protesters going through out town today and I pray too it will be peaceful. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and glad you are feeling better.

  2. #1. Yes indeed, I know the yard looks so great when Steve has mowed it!
    #2. Yes! I surely enjoyed it too!!! Thank you for the invite!!!
    #3. I am thankful for restful days too! As long as I get 7 hours sleep at night, I do well throughout the day.
    #4. Thank the LORD for you feeling better!
    #5. Praise the LORD! I pray all is well with her!
    #6. She is precious to our lives.
    #7. I'm so thankful for the companies helping in this manner! I pray the LORD's blessing on the employees for helping us in these days!
    #8. I pray the LORD to protect us in this season!
    #9. I pray the LORD's hand of mercy will come upon all involved to see His grace!
    #10. I am lifting prayers up to our GOD to settle the hearts of all involved.
    #11. I'm praying the hand of GOD's protection upon our all law enforcement and troops.
    #12. The LORD's will is that not any should perish (eternal death) but all would come to His salvation. His Word also tells us that those who belong to His salvation have His light. But in John 10:10 says, "The thief comes not but to steal, kill and destroy." If you look at the first 5 letters in demonstrator, you find the word demon! I pray this is not so of those people destroying and looting in the different cities.
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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