Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Rest of my Easter Decorating for 2022


Hello Sweet Friends,

I trust that you all had a fun yet meaningful
 Easter celebration.  We did.....it was good
 from beginning to end..........thoroughly
enjoyed it......always great to be at our 
church and with our family especially
on Easter Sunday.

Yesterday I realized I never posted the rest 
of my decorating in the Living room, and 
was just gonna forget it, but today I decided
 to do it since I had the time and since we
 we were only 2 days away from Easter.
  I kinda like having it to refer back to at 
times and also to use the pictures at well.
 Sometimes they are actually easier to
 find on my blog..... This will be just a
quick breezy post............

You will see these lil lambies again
 on Thursday!  

This Happy Easter Sign above.....
came from Yvonne over at
 Stone Gable (I think) some years back.
I have enjoyed it for quite a few
 Easters now, it is so pretty.

Well, this is the last of the Easter
Decorating, but our Easter Table
is still to come on Thursday.

See you then.

Happy Week after Easter!

Remember to always Keep Jesus 
close in heart, cause He keeps us
close in HIS heart.

Love, Hugs, and
After Easter Blessings,

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1 comment:

  1. #1. Yes, I have found I take longer to do things and it helps to not be as tiresome!
    #2. I'm so thankful there are still stores that haven't inflated their prices to extremes.
    #3. Yes, indeed. I surely love attending the early service.
    #4. What a nice thing she did! I love your photo!!
    #5. It was an enjoyable time. I did miss Jerry and Dee too.
    #6. I was able to make my leftovers last two days, thank you!
    #7. Mother's Day is just "around the corner." The days really pass quickly!
    #8. What an enjoyable time for all of you!!!
    #9. The LORD blesses us in so many ways!
    #10. Isn't it amazing how things get collected over time!
    #11. I haven't seen any bunnies for awhile, but I don't have any woods near by. I do see the baby Sandhill Cranes with their parents 3-4 times a week.
    #12. I pray there are no side effects form the Biotin.
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: