Friday, April 22, 2022

Thankful Thursday April 21, 2022, Our Easter Table for 2022

Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, 
praise his holy name.
Psalm 103:1 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How's You this fine Thursday. Hope you had a great Easter Celebration with your family/and or friends.  We all had a very enjoyable day, and have sort of been taking it easy this week,but have accomplished a few thing that we had wanted to do for awhile, which is very satisfying.

Pictures today are from this years Easter table. It all started with this lovely tablecloth my Daughter gave me for Mother's Day last year.  Never had a chance to use it yet, so thought it perfect for Easter and Spring.

Now on with my Thankfuls...................


Thankful that we were all ready for Easter but

was able to pace ourselves so we weren't too

worn out.


Thankful for the $5 and under store, where

we find lots of great finds for lil darlings

Easter Gift bag. Sometimes we aren't sure what

 to get, but when we go there we find lots of 

fun and crafty things for her to do.


Thankful for a Special and lovely Easter Service. Thanks go to all of our Pastors and music team, musicians and singers, choir and sound technicians.  You did a great job!!

 It was lovely!


Thankful for and to one of our very talented young ladies that attends.  She decorated a beautiful wall in the foyer area of our church so people could take photos after Service.  Thanks Kristen, everyone loved it, and I have seen a lot of pretty photos of our church family on facebook.

We are looking way to serious in this
 photo, lol
 We were waiting for a sign, Like cheese or something.  Think she
but I wanted yall to see the pretty wall
that Kristin did.   Isn't it gorgeous
and what a lovely idea and back
drop for photos.

She remembered this time.  lol

Thankful for a lovely Easter dinner and time
with our family as always. It was just 5 of us
 this time, as Dee and Jerry couldn't come, but
we will be seeing them in MayBut we 5 had a great time.  

Stuffed a lil candy in the napkin pocket.


Thankful for an easy dinner on Monday night with all our leftovers. The blessing of hosting!!  lol


Thankful for a new Mother's Day card and printables I made this week.


Thankful for a really fun night out to dinner at Longhorns , and then back to our house for dessert and coffee with our Friends/neighbors.  They are the ones who are always bringing us soup and other foods.  We have been wanting to take them out for awhile,  so glad we finally got to....think we all really enjoyed it.  They are really sweet folks.

                          Aren't these lil lambs just the cutest!!

Found them last year at Home Goods.


Thankful to be able to look back and see how blogging has been another one of  the stepping stones God is now using for our business.  So many skills I have used in blogging and have learned from blogging is now very helpful in our business.  Who would know, I am always amazedat how God never wastes anything we


Thankful for how buying the new dresser has launched us into a reorganization and cleaning out mode in our bedroom.

We really needed that motivation.


Thankful to see our lil brown bunny that lives in our woods again.  It's been awhile, and we always wonder if something happened to her, and when we least expect it....there she is again. We actually saw her twice today, the first time she was having a breakfast of flowering Jasmine, and then grass for dinner.   lol


Thankful that I started taking Biotin not quite a week ago because I was losing a lot of hair,  and it has helped as it is back to normal and only after a few days of taking it.  Quite happy about that.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week,

This is the Easter Edition.

Thanks for dropping by.

Keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs, and 

Last of April Blessings.


Sharing with:

South House Designs

Penny's Passion

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru LIfe

Karins Kottage

Grammys Grid


  1. Happy Friday Nellie. Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo

  2. Your daughter has great taste - I LOVE the tablecloth! Your Easter table looks amazing!

  3. Hi Kris,
    Happy Saturday to you hon and hope you enjoy your weekend as well.
    Thanks for stoppin by,
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Morning Penny,
    Thanks for coming by hon and for your sweet comments.
    I agree, and I love the tablecloth too. Very bright and cheery.
    Thanks for coming by,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: