Friday, August 14, 2015

Thankful Thursday August 13, 2015, more scenes from Asheville........

The heavens declare the glory of God;
 the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1

A Dandy Good Morning
to You Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having an
 energetic week!

Mine has been, fun and energetic,
 and we had our lil darling twice 
this week,and I was not nearly as
wiped out as I typically am with just
 the one day, smust be one of my
 better weeks! 
 Thank Heavens!!

Do you experience that? 
 where some weeks you just have all 
sorts of energy then you also have a 
week or so where you feel like someone 
took a vacuum cleaner and sucked all
 the life out of you??  Thought that would
 go away after passing menopause,
but...... it is still alive and
Do think it doesn't last as long as it
used too.........I used to feel like I had
about 1 good week a month, and that
week I felt like I could conquer the
world, only to find the next week I
felt like I couldn't even conquer my

Ahhhhhhhhhh,  Life..........
 with all it's ebbs and flows....
 it does teach one how to take one 
day at a time, which is how we are 
suppose to do life anyway!!  lol

Added the rest of my pictures from
 Asheville, N.C.for your viewing pleasure.
That wonderful sunset we caught as 
we were leaving Carrabas after dinner,
 it was just such a glorious sky we all
took a turn at trying to capture it.  
Below that gorgeous sky was the 
interstate which we captured as well,
and had to crop, the reason the pics
are so skinny!!  lol  the rest of the
pics are from other streets in Dee
and Jerry's neighborhood.  Just
in case you don't know,  if you
click on one pic it will enlarge
them all,  and they look mucho
better enlarged!!   lol

Well...... on to Thankful Thursday.

I am thankful

that one of our sweet Sunday School
students saw a need in a family that
is having a tough time, and brought
it to the attention of our class......
giving us all an opportunity to 
respond and minister to that need.
Just love seeing that maturity in
these young people and once again
seeing them own their own group.
Good Stuff!

that Dee, Megan and the Baby got 
home safely from 2 separate trips over
 the weekend.  Dee with friends, and
 Megan and lil darling with her family.

for my Special Mug I received for 
Mother's Day from the kids. It puts
a smile on my face every time I use 
it.........I pour hot coffee in a black
mug, then in just a few seconds I
get to see all my most favorite
people in the whole world!
Love it!!

If you would like to see it,
Just click here!  Be sure to
scroll down a little.........

for a fun websight someone mentioned
on their blog.  It is by Coastal Living
magazine and you can watch these
full screen videos of Coastally
 decorated homes. It has been a lot
 of fun and great inspiration for me
 as I have been looking for ideas for 
my master bedroom this past week.
Just in case you are interested
just click here or go to

that I have had the fun of playing
some this week,  with some table-
scapes that I did just for the fun 
of it........after I took some green
plates off my bedroom wall and
replaced them with white ones.
Then I got inspired to do some
thing new with the green plates
so some tablescapes seemed like
a fun hubby and I
got to enjoy them at dinner time
each night.  Productive Playing!
and I am just so much happier
when I am creating something
So I will show yall in the next
 few weeks.

for instrumental music by Kenny G,
I used to really dislike instrumental
music when I was in my early years,
but love it now,  course, I only listen
to in every now again,  but just love
his music. 

for the great sense of humor that I

see developing in our lil darling.
It just lights up our life listening
to her giggle and laugh.........
We got to keep her Wed. and 
Thurs. this week............and she
is just a riot anymore!

for my wonderful home of 34 years.
I still love it as much as I did the
day we moved in...........

that God is in control of everything,  
even when it doesn't seem like it 
to me.............and so glad He tells 
us this in so many places in His 
word, the Bible.

for some much needed rain yester-
day, it has been raining all around
 us for a week or so, but we have
 hardly gotten any. The only reason
 our yard is not burned up is because
it has been so overcast most of
those days.  Thank the Lord!

for beautiful matter
where it is....just so refreshing and
enjoyable to behold.

that my hubby takes the time to take
 lil darling for rides in his lawn wagon. 
 It just puts the biggest smile on
her face,  and on his too!!

On the Road Again..........

Took this shot from the car on the
way back to Florida as we were
 leaving the area,  my way of saying
good bye I guess!   lol

Well, there you have it another
week at Cozy Place.

So happy you could stop in.......

Have a Fabulous Friday
and Wabulous Weekend!!  lol

Love, Hugs and
Glorious Sunset Blessings,



  1. Hello Nellie Dearest. What a precious week you've had. I wonder if you would do me the honour of sharing this post at my Five Star Frugal linkup which has been resurrected after a bit of a sabbatical due to family commitments. You know you'd be welcomed with open arms! Love, Mimi xxx

  2. Nellie, Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment. My husband and I have been married 47 years this month. I guess you could say that's the reason I have an antler. It's all about give and take. We have 6 granddogs, 3 grandkids, 1 dog, and 3 grown kids. I love your gratitude list! Gratitude always makes one feel so blessed in all we have.

  3. I'm so pleased you shared this uplifting post with us at Five Star Frugal Nellie. Thankyou and blessings, dearest. Love, Mimi xxx

  4. Hi Nellie, I enjoyed reading your post. We have heard how powerful the movie "Do you believe" is and I hope to watch it this weekend! I will be following your blog. Thanks, Sherry@savvyapron


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: