Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thankful Thursday August 6, 2015, Coastal scenes from Cozy Place

Great is the Lord, and
most worthy of praise.
Psalm 48:1

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How has your week been??

Hope it has been a good one.

Mine has been very good.
Am so happy to have my 
computer up and running again, 
 so much easier to work on, and
 sooo much faster too!!

Have been working on re-
accessorizing our Master Bed-
room to make it have a fun 
Coastal look, got to have a 
nice long chat with Dee on
Tuesday, and then we had
 a wonderful/perfect day 
with lil darling yesterday!
So ...Life is Good!!  lol

Already had these pics posted
while working from the lap top,
so they are from some past 
Coastal decorating,
 Since Tuesday's post seemed to
 be such a hit........thought that 
would be a good idea........

Now that I have my computer
back and running I will post
some new pics next week!
Maybe of Asheville or maybe
from the new look in our Bed
room.  You will just have to
come back and

So on with Thankful Thursday.......

I am thankful........

that when I was cleaning
out the closet in the computer
room, I came across a box of
things I have kept and stored
for my daughter over the years,
 I was actually thinking it was 
her brothers, as I did the same
for him.  So took it down think-
ing I should give it to him now.
Anyway, it turned out to be
Dee's box,  so started looking
through it, and just had the
best time going down memory
 lane, and found some of the
 cutest writings and drawings she
 had done in school.  Really
blessed my Mother's heart!! 

that I got the closet all cleaned
out, threw out a bunch of stuff
and added to my goodwill boxes,
and the closet is much roomier
and more organized now, which
makes my organized heart 
very happy!!  lol

for a really long phone chat with 
my dear friend Vicki, of 35 years,
last Friday evening, it has been
awhile since we talked so had
lots to catch up on..............It
is always such a joy to talk to

for a quiet and restful weekend, just 
the 2 of us, talking and spending time
 together.  We watched a great Movie, 
and had some really good Mexican
 food, mowed the lawn, went to church 
and to our fav frozen yogurt place.

This is the card that is to the left in the above picture.

for the discovery of some really great
 Mexican food at Chili's restaurant.
  We had rice and black beans,
 a tostada, a sour cream enchilada
 and a beef enchilada. You can pick 
your own choices. Loved it all but
 next time I will probably get a chicken
 soft taco in place of the beef 
enchildada, even tho it was good,
 just think I might like the chicken 
soft taco even more.
Am definitely looking forward
to having it again soon!!  lol

With Posterized affect

for sweet and unexpected surprises, 
that just bless your heart and add 
some fun to life.
Lois over at Walking on Sunshine
 recipes featured my own Special 
Chicken Salad recipe a few weeks
 ago, and then Cindy over at 
Dwellings featured my 
Cran/raspberry Chicken Salad 
over at Amaze Me Monday this 
week.  These were both.......
 unexpected and sweet surprises.

that  the ethernet board finally
 arrived on Tuesday afternoon
and hubby was able to get my
computer back up and running.
Whoo Hoo!
Only had to buy a new monitor
and that ethernet board rather
than a whole new computer.

that we are completely back to
 normal after our lightning strike,
week before last, thanks to hubby
 mostly, and

Note: We found out last night that
the lightning also took our 
 front yard sprinklers out as well.
So we aren't completely there yet, 
need to install a new controller now.
 Hope we don't find out anymore
 lil surprises!!  lol

once again, for my sweet hubbies
wonderful computer skills, Like I 
have said before, if it wasn't for
 him I would never be able to
Plus he also saves us tons of
 $$$ because he is so good
with computers but also handy
with just about anything!!  
He put in a new computer bd.
in our garage door opener, and
will install the new controller on
the sprinklers as well.
He truly amazes me at times!

See Jonah in the Whale

that Scott, Megan, and Brooklyn
got home safe and sound on 
Tuesday afternoon from Dee
and Jerry's and that they all
had a great time together.

that I just found out about a new
website you can go to that reports
news with Christian discernment.
I just heard about it on a christian 
program this morning. Just in case
you are interested it is called.

for a nice long and very overdue visit 
from a dear friend.  I seriously think
it has been a year or almost a year
since we have done that or seen 
each other.  Saw her once a few 
months ago at a Graduation party,
 but not exactly the place to catch
up with each other.  So it was nice,
and another sweet and unexpected

A sweet gift from a dear friend

Well, that's a rap!!  lol

Glad you could come by today!!

Have a Sweet Friday
and Weekend

Love, Hugs  and


Sharing over @:

Shabby Art Boutique
with Kerryanne

Ivey and Elephants with
Patti and Paula

My Flagstaff Home with

Walking on Sunshine recipes
with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with
Lorelai and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne
and Friends


  1. Hi Nellie, its Mary from In the boondocks. I just came over to visit your blog and was so happy to see that the first thing was the I'm so grateful for post. I too agree with you we all have so much to be grateful for and to thank the Lord for all he has given us.

  2. Jonah in the Whale! What a cool decor piece :)

  3. #1. As a kindergarten teacher, I always loved doing the "Shadow pictures" of the students for Mother's day. I used an overhead projector to shine on black paper to outline their profile. It was amazing the differences in eyelashes, noses, chins, hair do. Trimming out the black paper I would put it on white poster board with their hand and foot prints! Many moms had them framed!
    #2. It's amazing the things we collect over the years. I've collected many books that are still new and will donate them to the church library.
    #3. That reminds me to call Sylvia, my 2nd Tuesday brunch friend from school.
    #4. Sounds like my past couple of weeks, ha!
    #5. Sounds delicious!
    #6. The joy of friends!
    #7. Whoo Hoo for Jim getting my t.v. going again!
    #8. I surely hope your homeowner's insurance pays for it all!
    #9. I surely thank him for caring for my computer; thanks, Jim!
    #10. Thank you, LORD, for their safe return.
    #11. That's great to know, thanks, Nellie!
    #12. That's how it was before my incident. When I would be out and about, I see previous teachers who retired. It's great to get a quick catch-up!
    Thank you for all you do for me, Nellie (Jim too), Love you all, Susan

  4. Hi Nellie!
    Glad your week was such a blessing.
    It's been sooooo long since I visited a Blogger.
    We are plugging along up here in coastal GA.
    The LORD led me to begin volunteering at the local pregnancy Center, so my weeks are busier than ever.
    Check out my website and tell me what you think. I'd appreciate your feedback. Oh, have you seen the movie "Do You a Believe?"
    It's a winner and out on DVD now.
    God bless you and yours!
    Love, me

  5. Wish I had time to track down those chicken salad recipes! They sound delicious. (I just don't dare add one more blog to my blog time!) Hope this weekend is another great one for you.

  6. Nellie,
    Oh, my goodness, dear one. . .you have really dealt with lightening repairs!!!
    So~o~o glad your sweet hubby is able to do much of your repair needs!!!
    I adore your sweet Coastal Theme!!!
    Such a subtle tranquil color palette!!!
    I'm needing inspiration for my own Master Bedroom,
    so~o~o. . .I'll visit again, soon!!!
    Thanks for your sweet visit and comment!!!

  7. What a wonderful post! So many things to be thankful!

    Happy day friend!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: