Thursday, September 15, 2022

Thankful Thursday September 15, 2022, and Fall Scenes from the past

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope you are enjoying September!!
Our temps have cooled just a wee bit,
in the 80's now, but in the 70's in 
the very early morning, which is the
 promise of even cooler temps in the 
future.  Can hardly wait!!  LOL

Pictures today are Fall scenes from
 Cozy Place in the past..............

On with my Thankfuls.............

Thankful to see lil darling for a few hours on Thursday and then again on Friday all day. 
We had a lot of school work to do, but we 
did have some fun when we took breaks.

Thankful she got to play with her lil friend 
next door for a few hours as well,  They just
 love each other so much.

Thankful that our Beauty Berry had changed 
colors while we were gone.  They turn the most beautiful shade of purple I have ever seen.
  So enjoy them every year!

Thankful to be feeling back to normal as I think
 I had a bit of a stomach bug over the weekend.

Thankful to be hauling out my Fall Decorations.  Want get much done till Wednesday probably 
but I have a least started.
We will be out of the house most of tomorrow.

#6 and 7
Thankful for a good report at the Drs. office
for my hubby.  It was his annual Cardiologist
appt. and we were to be one of our Drs. last 
appts. as he is leaving this cardiology group,
 and they have been rather secretive about
everything for some reason, so we were eager
to see him and find out what was going on,
as he has been hubbies Dr. since his by-pass
surgery almost 20 years ago.  When we got
there, we didn't get to see our Dr. but they
assigned us a Nurse PR because they said 
our Dr. was feeling under the weather, and 
we were somewhat dismayed because we 
thought are they just trying to keep us in 
their practice, and we might not find out
what is happening with our Dr. that has
been with us all these years.
So we are very Thankful that the Nurse 
Practicioner (sp) told us he would be
staying in the Orlando area,  but was
going to take some time off and would
not start back until Jan. 2023, so that
was a relief.

Thankful for an early dinner at the Cheese
cake factory that was scrumptious and we practically had the whole place to ourselves 
which was nice and quiet.

Thankful that we got to see a new movie
that is out called "Lifemark", and it is
about Adoption and best of all it is an
amazingly true story.  Beautiful story,
and take some kleenex.  lol

Thankful that we brought home some
cheesecake from the restaurant, so that
was our treat once we got home from
 the movie.  It was Lemon-Raspberry
 and Delicious as always, you just can't 
go to "Cheesecake factory" and not
get some cheesecake.  lol

Thankful to have finished 3 new cards,
and to have some others that are in progress.

Thankful for an encouraging conversation 
with our girl this morning.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this Week.

Glad you could stop over.....

Hope you have a Very Special 
rest of the week.............

Love, Hugs and 
Mid September Blessings,

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  1. #1. Does it bring back memories when you were learning the same things in school, ha!
    #2. How nice for her to have a friend near your house!
    #3. The LORD surely shows His handiwork in His creation!
    #4. Praise the LORD for you feeling better!
    #5. I bet it seems like you just finished decorating for summer, now it's fall!!!
    #6 & #7. I know what you mean with having to change doctors! I surely miss Dr. Quinn since he retired! It's funny as we grow older, I don't think of them growing older too, lol!
    #8. Yummy!
    #9. I surely pray for those children to get good Christian homes. It must really be challenging for them to go to a new home!
    #10. A nice luxury!
    #11. What enjoyment you have in making them!
    #12. Thank the LORD for His encouragement to us as well!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Thank you for this invitation to the practice of gratitude!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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