Thursday, September 22, 2022

Thankful Thursday September 22. 2022, and More Fall decor pictures from the past

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Colossians 4:2 NIV


Greetings Sweet Friends, and

Welcome to Fall Yall.....

Course, I know blogland has been looking

like Fall for a long time now, but it is now

officially here!! lol

Hope you have had a good week,  ours has

been good, have pretty much been doing

our Fall decorating, and am happy to report

it is done,  just gotta pack the leftovers

and get it off our dining room table and

out to the garage.   Yea!!

Now we can just enjoy it all.....

Pictures today are from another Fall past.

Hopefully next week, I will have some

 from this year!

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful to get to see lil darling for a few hours

today, and then after she left,  we went to the "At

Home" store to return something and to look at 

mirrors, cause I would like a new one for our

guest bedroom we are still working on. then

 we went to dinner at Longhorns, and came home

and watched the newest episode of " Chesapeake

shores",  It was a nice, fun and Blessed day!


Thankful for how the Lord shows me where things

are whent I can't find them.  I will ask the Lord where

something is, and to please show me, and it want

be too long until he that!!


Thankful that I have pretty much finished decorating

our family room.  Just need to finish the mantel and

now that the Lord showed me where my magnolia

vine is.........I can do that tomorrow hopefully.  lol

Note: I am finally finished as of today (Thursday)

Just have to pack it all away now.


Thankful that we could be at church this week, 

since it had been 3 weeks, and we finally got to 

go out with our friends for lunch, as it has been

 probably 2 month, due to both our schedules.


Thankful for the ways the Lord encourages us

in His word, and through other people.

Thankful I had a situation where I sent a lady

 one of our cards, and she was just so genuinely

delighted by it. It was just so nice to have that

incite and encouragement.


Thankful to have the opportunity to be an

encouragement to a family we have known

for years.  Brought much Joy to our hearts.


Thankful that our friends new grandbaby

is okay,  she was having some breathing

difficulties and had to go to the emergency

room and even got air-lifted to another

hospital.  Fortunately, they could give her

meds, as she was getting fluid in her lungs

because of the hole in her heart, which

will probably need surgery once she gains

enough weight. 

Note: for those of you who are praying

for her, please keep praying, cause the

Lord can still heal that heart.  Also pray

that she can gain some weight, as she

is back to her birth weight.


Thankful that our friend came thru a heart

procedure and is doing well. It was a risky

procedure and praying it does what they

are hoping it will. He is home now and

doing well.


Thankful for the gift of creativity that God

gives to each of us. There are so many ways

of being creative: Right now, my canvas is

 decorating my home and my cardmaking.  

They both bring me Joy!!  If you aren't 

using your creative skills in any way, you

are probably missing out on some JOY!!


Thankful for a long time girl friend and

her hubby.  Today is her birthday.

Happy Birthday Vicki!!


Thankful for my late Paternal Grandmother 

whom I was named after. Today is her birthday

as well,  and she has been in heaven with

Jesus for about 33 yrs. now.  She was always 

so good to me, so sure look forward to 

seeing her in heaven.


Thankful for a new song we heard this week

that we had never heard before by a fellow 

named Jordan Feliz.  The song is called

"Jesus is coming back".  Love it!!

Click here to hear it.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Happy you could come by for a visit.

Hope you have a Terrific Thursday


a Warm and Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs and 

Mid September Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Grammy's Grid


  1. What a delightful post! Sorry I haven't been by for awhile. Glad to be back tonight. I agreed with you in prayer for those you are praying for. God bless,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  2. Thank you Laura for praying and for coming by and for your sweet encouragement.
    Nice to hear from you hon.

  3. #1. Always a joyful time!
    #2. Amen! I find myself seeking Him all the time!
    #3. Yea, now to sit back and enjoy your work!
    #4. I really enjoy the LORD's blessings in attending!
    #5. Isn't it amazing how our LORD comes to our rescue when we need Him!
    #6. Encouragement is so important in the days we live in!
    #7. Prayers are being lifted.
    #8. Praise our LORD for so many blessings He gives!
    #9. Praise the LORD for His plan He works in us daily!
    #10. Yes indeed! Every birthday is a blessing to us!
    #11. Amen! It's amazing how quickly the years go by!
    #12. Let today be Thee Day, amen!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday October 17, 2024, and More Fall decorating Part 4

Praise the Lord, for   He has shown me the wonders of His unfailing love.  Psalm 31:21 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, well, we were in the 60&...