Thursday, November 28, 2024

Thankful Thursday November 28, 2024, and a previous Thanksgiving Table

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.        Psalm 100:3 NIV

Happy Thanksgiving

 Sweet Friends,

May the Lord bless you with 

a wonderful day with your

 family/ friends or furry friends. 

So looking forward to the day.

Pictures today are from a Thanksgiving 

table from the Past. Sorry for some reason

my brain thought you would get to see

this before Thanksgiving, in case you

were still looking for ideas...........oh well.  lol

So on with my Thankfuls..........


Thankful that we are all unpacked and

squared away quickly from our trip.


Thankful that we could do an Aldi instacart

shopping, as we didn't feel like going out and

it's not the most fun shopping experience either,

but they have great prices, and we learned about

 some great finds there from our girl.


Thankful to see lil darling today, and having a good school day, and she loved a few lil things

 we brought her back.


Thankful our poinsettia is starting to turn red so maybe it will be totally red before Christmas.


Thankful for some really great bread our

Daughter had that she used to make us Ham

and Turkey Sandwiches with.  It is a sour

dough bread with everything bagel seasoning,

that she got at Aldi.  It is really good, and

we are now hooked on  Made some

ham and turkey sandwiches last night. Yum!!


Thankful to have our tree up,  but won't 

decorate it till after Thanksgiving, since

we still have all our Fall decor up.


Thankful I got my curtains changed back to

 my older ones until Spring., The Spring/Fall

 ones won't go well with Christmas colors at all.


Thankful we watched our first Christmas movie of the year. It was on Up faith and family and was called "The Christmas Caterer", I think.

  Very enjoyable movie


Thankful that we were able to attend the funeral of a fellow who was a long time friend of my Son's, that he met through a lot of his friends. He was only 47 yrs. old and it was very sudden.  He was a very sweet and funny/comedic fellow, and he will surely be missed. It was good to see his parents and sister, as they used to attend our church years ag, and all his friends as it has been awhile.


Thankful for a lovely walk tonight in the 

cool weather and saw a beautiful sunset.


Thankful I am working on our Thanksgiving

table today, and sending out some Thanksgiving

cards via email.

Note:  Table is all ready............


Thankful for our sweet younger neighbor who

helped us get 2 mattresses to the curb.

Hubby could do it but I couldn't because

their were no handles or anything to hang

on too.  He actually brought his teen son

with him,  so neither of us had to do it.,

Such a sweet and thoughtful young man

who has been through a lot of hardship.


Thankful that our Thanksgiving food is ready,

all I will need to do is pop it all in the 

oven and bake it.  So looking forward to it.

Well, that's it for this week here at Cozy Place

Glad you stopped in,


Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend.

Love, Hugs and

Thanksgiving Blessings,


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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!! - make sure to see the whole greeting card

Click Here

To see your whole Greeting Card.

It's also not

If you would like to send this

greeting to your friends or

 love ones, Just copy and paste

this U R L Link

To your email or to a facebook messenger to whomever you

choose......... You can also send it

 to anyone in your email box

if you'd like........that's what

I do......

Again Happy Thanksgiving



Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thankful Thursday November 21, 2024, and Fall desserts

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.

 Hebrews 13:`15

Greetings  Sweet Friends,

How are you doing this fine evening.  Doing

quite well, I hope.

We just got home late last night from 

 South Carolina.  We went to visit with our

 Daughter,  Son-in-love and Furry Grandson Dog,

and just had the best time as always.  We came

 home rested, refreshed and with my cup full

of love and Joy.

Pictures today are of  Yummy Fall Desserts

compliments of  Unsplash.

Now on with my Thankfuls.................



Thankful to have made a trip up and back to  South Carolina   Safe and sound and uneventfully. Praise the Lord.


Thankful that we can come and stay with them for a week every so often.  We always have such a great time.  Nothing like being with  your grown up kiddles.


Thankful to get to meet all the ladies

my Daughter works with,  now I have a face

to put with a name.


Thankful my hubby was able to get a heart

cat scan done at the imaging center where

our daughter works.  We think all is fine,

just gotta wait to hear it from the heart Doc.


Thankful for the fun of playing cards and yatzee together, and watching Dry bar comedy and a golf cart ride.


Thankful for the wonderful cream cheese and strawberry coffee cake our Daughter always makes and blesses us with every trip. It is so delcious, and we always look forward to it.


Thankful for the fun of going to see a lovely

2 story home that was having an open house

in their neighborhood.  Looks like an HGTV

house.  I love their neighborhood cause there

is nothing cookie cutter about it,  homes

range from small bungalows and cottages, 

ranch style, Craftsman style, modern, farmhouse and huge beach and modern homes and more.

Very interesting and charming area.  


Thankful for a fun time for all of us out Christmas shopping at their lovely outdoor outlet mall.  It was just the right amount of cold, and they even had their Christmas tree up,  so we all enjoyed it so much. 


Thankful they treated us to dinner at Carabbas

 to celebrate our Anniversary afterwards, and

 for the lovely and meaningful card.


Thankful for the cooler weather. It was so

enjoyable and felt like Fall/ Winter weather.



Thankful we decided to make an early

Thanksgiving dinner since the kids can't

be with us this year for Thanksgiving.

It was nice we got to prepare it together

which is fun for us, and then got to eat

it of course.  It was nice, so think this

could become a tradition on those years

they can't come.....Don't know why we 

haven't thought of it before.


Thankful for God's goodness to us,

and love that so many are putting up their

Christmas decorations already.  We found

a radio station on the way home from there

that was playing Christmas music, so

we got to listen and sing to Christmas

music half the way home.  I think that is

a sign our country is more hopeful.

That's it for Cozy Place Today.

This is the Anniversary-Vacay edition.  

Happy you stopped by......

Have a great rest of the week.

Love, Hugs, and 

Mid November Blessings


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Shabby Art Boutique

Senior Salon Pit Stop

Creatively Beth

Between Naps on the Porch

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thankful Thursday November 14, 2024, A Fall Birthday Table from the past


The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.

Psalm 28:7 NIV

Greetings  Sweet  Friends.

Hope this finds you well and having a good week.

Been a good week here.  Forgot it was Thursday

 and about to go out, so gonna make this part

short, so I can get this posted.  lol

Have a great day!

Pictures today are of a Fall Tablescape

from the past, for a birthday, but would 

also work for a Thanksgiving table.

Click here if you would like to  to see

 the whole post.


Note to  Sandi over at  Dandelion tea:

I have been to your blog numerous

times and tried to leave comments,

but it always says there is an error,

so tried to answer your comments

on my blog, but it does the same thing

So that is why you haven't heard 

from me. 

On with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful for a lovely night out celebrating

our Anniversary and our  Son's birthday 

with he and lil darling.


Thankful for the lil things I have been seeing since the election is over, that are vert interesting and delightful to me. Hubby went to Dunkin Donut the day after, and they gave him a free sandwich and a  Senior discount, and he goes there about every 7-10 days, and that has never happened before, and then we went out to Longhorn steak house for our Anniversary/Birthday celebration and  Somehow it came up in our conversation with our server while we were waiting on our  Son and lil darling to come, that we were celebrating   our Anniversary, and she asked how many years, and thought it was great we were married 54 years. then we said we are also celebrating our  Sons birthday too.  So once, they came  She took great care of us and was such a sweet and pleasant girl and at the end of our dinner  she asked us if we wanted dessert and we said No, because we were going home to eat Banana pudding, (both my guys fav dessert) and she left and in a few mins. came back with 2 beautiful ice cream desserts, and also gave us an Anniversary card and our  Son a birthday card!  Now, I have never seen that done before!  and I said, Thank you for helping to make America be great again! and she smiled a big smile.  I see so many people trying to do small things that add so much joy  to others lives..............I just love that!!

And hope it will be on going, as it is wonderful to see others thinking about someone else besides themselves, all the time.


Thankful for another good school day with lil darling.


Thankful lil darling has memorized half of Philippians chapter 2, and I will wind up memorizing it all.  Not an easy chapter to memorize, but great she has done it.


Thankful to get a lot of lose ends done this week that I have had on my to do list.  Such a great


Thankful for a hair trim, always makes

my hair  more manageable.


Thankful for bible stories and how

they can match with real life so

many times, and many times help

to direct our path.


Thankful for our sweet neighbors who gave us some of her delicious vegetable soup. I was just thinking about it today, as she usually makes it in the Fall.  Such a sweet and surprise gift.


Thankful for the veggie soup as it is not

only delicous but nutrious as well.


Thankful the the GOP won the House 

and the Senate.


Thankful for updatethat I see on facebook reels of the progress in North Carolina. I know they still need a lot of help and prayers, but it is wonderful to see how our country has responded to this disaster.


Thankful for all our Veterans and their families who sacrifice so much for the sake and protection of the people of this country.  We thank you for your service, you are so appreciated, and May God  Bless you!

That's it for this week at Cozy Place.

Have a Happy rest of the week,


Bless you for coming by......

Love, Hugs and

Early November Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Senior Salon Pit Stop

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Scripture Sunday - The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD


Don't forget to keep Thanking God

and to Keep Praying for America,

 there is still a long road ahead.

Hugs, Nellie

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Thankful Thursday, November 7, 2024, A Thanksgiving table from the past

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of 

the Lord is to be praised.  Psalm 133:3 NIV

                                               Greetings Sweet Friends,

How's You and Your's today??

Well, today is our 54th Anniversary....

We don't have big plans, but we do plan to go 

out to dinner with our Son and lil darling,

to celebrate our Anniversary and His Birthday,

which was this week as well. We actually brought him

home from the hospital on our 7th Anniversary.

So he was our Anniversary Gift  then and now!

We also have something fun coming up in a few

weeks, that we are looking forward to.....

            Pictures today, since Thanksgiving is not far away,

 are of a Thanksgiving Table from the past,

Here at Cozy Place. Figured by now some

of you are looking for ideas, like me!  lol

If you'd like to see the original post click here.

So on with my Thankfuls.................


Thankful today is our 54th Anniversary!

Hard to wrap our minds around that is has

been that long.........and it's been a good life,

with more ups than downs.


Thankful that I happened to find a Fall Poem I 

wrote some years back,  but hadn't quite finished,

 and had aFall picture that I wanted to make a card

 out of,  and this was the perfect compliment to it.


 Thankful for our Comfy Cozy Bed.  I have to

say I love our bed, and I love it even more now that

we got the new mattresses,  which came with these

amazing sheets, that are so soft and luxurious feeling.


Thankful I have been making some new cards

for our shop.  


Thankful that we think, at this point,  we have

 a problem solved that was very strange that came 

up with our Card Shop website. We are

thinking they are spammers or hackers possibly.

Note: Now we know for sure we were hacked

 because we kept on getting email from people about

someone trying to charge their credit card and bank 

cards and wanting to know why, since they had never

 even heard of our website or been to it.  

We were notified by one of our payment plans

 that we used to use, but  had disengaged (when

we decided to go to Free cards), that we had

  been hacked, so we had them close that account,

  so hopefully things are officially solved now.


Thankful to hear from most of our Pastors this

morning, that they really appreciated their Pastor

 Appreciation cards, we sent them this week.


Thankful for some great Mexican food for lunch 

after church.  This was our 4th time to go there,

 and I got Fajitas this time and they were really so good.


Thankful my Son and lil darling made it home

 safe and sound from my Daughter and Son-in-loves

and that they all had a great time together as usual.


Thankful lil darling spotted 2 red headed woodpeckers

in our woods this morning. Haven't seen any of them

around here in a few years.  It was fun to watch

them for a bit.  We were wondering if maybe

they were building a nest.


Thankful that lil darling saw a giant locust on the

 front of our house when she was looking out the 

window.  We had them some years back and 

they were smaller and oh my goodness, we could

 not believe how much they can eat.

So unfortunately he came to an early demise.

Definitely helped me understand more about

 the bible story when Moses was taking the 

Israelites out of Egypt and God sent a plaque

 of locusts that devoured their crops!  lol


Thankful for our friends Father.  He is 102+ yrs. old.

He serviced in World War 2, and was a Pastor,

and just the most amazing Godly man.  His vision and

hearing are quite impaired, but he gets around pretty well 

in spite of it, and lives with his Daughter and her hubby.

He never complains and is just fun to be with as he

jokes a lot.  Everyone should have a Grandfather like

him,  He is such a joy!  He is being honored this

week for his military service, and that has to be about

the 5th or more times now.


Thankful that the Presidential election is finally over.

and that we had a fair election, and we found out 

who our President was gonna be the night of the

election, rather than weeks later like in 2016.

(Which had never happened to our knowledge

before that time). and Thankful for God's Mercy

and Grace upon our give us a new

President that is gonna look out for America,

 and her people. 

That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for stopping by

Have a great rest of the week,

Love, Hugs and

First of November  Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie