Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tablescape Playing with Green

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this day finds you well and happy,
and ready to face the day!

I am well and happy, but not really ready
to face the day as I didn't sleep but 4 hrs.
last night.......so I see a nap in my
 future today!!  lol

Thought I would show you the pictures
from my playing last week or was it the
week before...........lol
It all got started when I found a green 
tablecloth I knew I had, but couldn't find 
(it was in the corner of my bedroom on 
the round table,  Silly Me!),  and then
these green plates you will see below, 
that were on the wall above my dresser,
and of course, that spawned thoughts of
a pretty table.........so you know what
that means...I am so easily amused by
just a few new pieces,  and that called
for some playing..........
The green tablecloth did not fit my dining
 room table, (obviously the main reason it
 was on the bedroom table...lol) so the 
next best thing was the kitchen table.

My first thought was one table and center-
piece with 3 different place settings, as you
see above..........

 But with all the yellow things I was 
taking out of my bedroom that were
so readily availablem, I might as
 well use some.......
Hence the new centerpiece above.

Love these salad plates, but only have 3
so had one for each placesetting.

Thought I would make it a simple modern look
so used my modern sleek silverware and clear
rounded glasses.

With Posterized Affect

Found a new white pitcher when I 
was in Asheville at there Home
Goods store...........

Then decided I would look nicer with
the yellow flowers in it. Then shopped
 the house for some other accessories to
make another vignette.  What you
see above!

Just added a sleek blue glass
 and it fit right in.

With posterized affect

and...... Of course, 
I had to play with some 
photo affects since I had so many 

with colored pencil affect

with polar coordinates affect just for fun!!

I find these quite interesting myself, 
 like Modern ART.

with poster edges affect

Since I created 3 different place settings,  
I just removed the other 2 from the table, 
then added another one to match with
the existing one and the centerpiece,
and was all ready for din din.......
So hubby got to enjoy it too!

I also removed my picture from the
wall so it didn't compete with the table,
and actually liked just having the wall
paper for a change, the kitchen seems
to look lighter and brighter which is
a nice change.

Well, there you have it...............fresh
from Nellie's Cozy Playland!!  lol

Thanks for coming by............
and come again soon!

May the Lord's Blessings........
 chase you down the street!

(Got that from Joyce Meyer's and 
always thought it was cute....so
didn't think she would mind!)

Big Hugs,  Nellie


  1. Great colors for mid-summer! I love the "polar" effect!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. My! You put so much thought into your table settings! I can "tell" that you enjoy the activity :) It's an art form with you!

  3. So refreshing! It just feels cool and that's what I am wanting to feel. :) Yellow and green always looks so nice together. I am smiling at you finding things here and there. I am always doing that too.

  4. What a lovely table. The green colors give a cooling effect in this hot summer. Come visit my blog it also cools you down. Pam

  5. I love green. Thanks for sharing. Monika

  6. I would never have thought to combine all those different shades of green. It's beautiful! Thanks for linking up at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home!


  7. Nellie, I adore this combo of the green with that sunny shade of yellow. You have such a great eye! Thanks for sharing this one at Five Star Frugal at A Tray of Bliss. Love, Mimi xxx


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie