Friday, July 12, 2019

Thankful Thursday July 11, 2019, Our 4th of July table 2019

 Let the heavens rejoice,
 let the earth be glad;
 let them say among the nations, 
“The LORD reigns!”
1Chronicles 16:31 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy.
We are happy but I have been hav-
ing some problems with my foot,
think it is plantar fasciitis.  So we
got some Dr. Scholls insoles that
are made for that and they have
arch supports, so been wearing
those the last few days with tennis
shoes, and I have gotten quite a
bit of relief so hopefully doing this
for a few days will cure the problem.
So thankful for these wonderful
insoles for sure.

Pictures today are of our 4th of
July table this year.  This was
another do with what I had table.
So searched the house for things
that were red, white and blue,
and below pics are the results.

Well, on with my Thankfuls.

Thankful for a really lovely and fun
4th of July with our newer friends.
Very Enjoyable Day!!

Thankful for Pasta Salad that is so
good....a recipe from a dear friend.
Made it for the 4th.....

Check recipe here if interested.

Thankful for my friends yummy
chocolate cake that looked like
an American flag using straw-
berries and blueberries.  I can't
even remember the last time I had
 chocolate cake, so it was really
a great treat..........

Thankful for this song hubby and
I just happened on and is our new
favorite song. Make sure to listen
to the whole's so true but
also is sort of humorous as well.

Thankful for the beautiful skies
the Lord paints for us every day
all day long.  

Thankful for a fun time out with 
our friends at Cracker Barrel on
Sunday again.

Thankful for a new kitchen rug
that I have been looking for well
over a year now.  Bought several
 but  they all turned out to be the 
wrong shade of blue, and just did
 not look right.  This one is perfect!
Found it on sale on the Kirklands
website, and it showed they had
it in the store, so just decided to
go see it in person, and wound up 
finding one we liked even better.

Thankful that I am getting a lil
done on our bedroom refresh
most days. Liking it so far.....
It is coming along slow but

Thankful my son and his family
got back from my daughters
safe and sound, and that they
all had a great time as usual.

Thankful that my nephew and
his family got here on Sunday
evening,  they have moved back
here permanently (Lord Willing)
 from Missouri.
We haven't seen them yet and
it will probably be awhile as
they have parents and siblings
to see along with getting settled
in....but looking forward to 
seeing them sometime soon.

Thankful for our new turtle
friend who has been visiting
our backyard rather frequently
lately.  He seems to really be
enjoying the berries that are
falling off one of our trees,
and the shade.  I have never
seen one eat before, and he
is like a billy goat, he eats
just about anything small
that gets in his way. Sticks,
grass, weeds and berries.

Thankful to see lil darling after
2 whole weeks.  We missed her 
presence for sure, and we were
 delighted to see her, as she always
 puts a smile on our face.  We just
love her so much...and I am sure
most of you Grandparents out 
there know exactly what I mean.  

Well, there you have it folks,
hope you all had a great 4th of July!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.


Have a Great Weekend!!

Love, Hugs and 
Mid July Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

My Flagstaff Home

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The bloggers Lifestyle

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch


  1. I love your thankfulness for simple things. Thanks for sharing with us at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home! --Jennifer

  2. I'll put your foot on my prayer list!
    #1. We had a noisy evening too, ha! They must have had fireworks with canons at the park!
    #2. Oh yes! I have had your pasta salad! You do a great job on it!!!
    #3. I hope you took pictures of the cake to share with your bloggers!!!
    #4. Yes! I saw them on the gospel music station. The lead singer is the group's comic! He is always pulling things over on the guys in the group, ha!
    #5. Yes, as well as the calm rain we have had without the wind!
    #6. I still have some on a card to use there. It may not be any good now, it's been about 5 years since I used it last, ha!
    #7. Perseverance rewarded, lol!
    #8. "Woman's" work is never done, ha!
    #9. Thanking our LORD for their safe return!
    #10. Yea! I can hardly wait to see them (in the future!)
    #11. The LORD supplies His creatures with all their needs too!
    #12. I'm sure she missed you and was happy to see you as well! Did she grow any more in the two weeks you didn't see her! I can't get over how she's growing!
    Love you, Susan

  3. Thanks Jenn for always taking the time to come by and leave your encouraging comments,
    they are very appreciated.


  4. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for praying for my foot....It seems to be doing much better, not completely there yet,
    but it's

    I did take a pic of the cake, but it is on my cell haven't gotten it downloaded
    yet as it is a bit of an I have to have Jimmy do it. The phone camera takes
    great pics but when I download them it cuts off part of the numbers and I have a hard time
    finding the ones I won't be taking a lot of pics with it unfortunately.

    Yes, Brooklyn did seem taller to us....she is growing like a weed. lol

    Have a good day hon
    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie