Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday July 18, 2019, Coastal living room scenes

Now to the King eternal, immortal, 
invisible, the only God, be honor
 and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Timothy 1:17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a good 
week....ours has been pretty good.
  My foot is somewhat better, still on
 the mend and kind of off again, on
 again type of thing, so praying it
 will be gone all together soon.

Pictures today are from our re--
freshed living room.  Decided to do
it with a Coastal flair this summer,
but just haven't had time to take 
and edit pictures,  so will show
you the ones I have taken.

Thankful for another Memorial Service
that we attended for a sweet lady who
attends our church.  It was just the
sweetest service.  All 3 of her grand-
sons spoke, and it was just so sweet
and precious all the things they had
to say about their Memaw.  Really a 
great reminder about the importance
of being an involved Grandparent
and the great influence we can have
if we choose to....

Thankful for lunch out with hubby
afterward at Perkins.  We have not
been there in quite awhile because
they had changed their menu and
there wasn't a lot on there we liked
anymore.....but we saw that they
have changed it again and saw
they brought back some of our
old favorites.  

Thankful as always for a nice 
long chat with our girl.  

Thankful for Sweet Potato Puffs,
made by Alexia.  They are in the
frozen food department with the
frozen fries and tots.  They are
really delicious....and I could
easily eat these as a dessert
especially if you dipped them
in a lil honey.  lol

Thankful for being surprised
by my nephew and 2 of his girls.
They wound up coming to church
yesterday but they weren't suppose
to be that was quite a
nice surprise. Just in case you
didn't know they just moved back
here from Mo. and we hadn't
seen them yet.

Thankful that my nephew and
the whole family came over for
pizza and salad on Sunday even-
ing. It was so great to see them
all and get to spend some time
with them.  We really had a lot
of fun.  They have 3 sweet and
beautiful girls, 2 (twins) that are
12 yrs. old and one that is 15, 
and of course, the move is very
 sad for them as they have lived
 in the same place for their whole
 lives, so it was good to have fun
with them and see them smiling
when they left.

Thankful for the frozen fruit
we have been buying at the
grocery store and making
smoothies with....they are
delicious and have that same
consistency that they have
when you buy them, and they

make for a quick, refreshing
and delicious treat

Thankful for a beautiful pinterest
 board that came in my email box 
that had all my fav shades of blue
in the robins egg blue family.
Just made my day it was so pretty.

Thankful that our contractor
finally showed up to work on
our shed.  It has been 8 weeks,
 so we were beginning to wonder.
He has been having a lot of prob-
lems, some family, some physical, 
and of course, we are in a rainy 
season here as well. Just glad to
 know he still plans to finish, and 
it is a lil bit further along, but
still have a ways to go, but some
progress at least.

Thankful for the dealership where
we take our Van to be serviced,
 and the honesty of the people who 
work there. While they were rotat-
ing our tires they found a nail in 
one of our tires and fixed it....
and it was at no charge to us as
we bought our tires from them,
but I realize they did not have to
tell us there was a nail in the tire
or fix it, cause we were having
no problems....but sadly, there are
 some places that would have just
rotated the tires and said nothing
since it was gonna take their
time and make no money on the cuddos to Winter Park
Toyota Service Department.

With colored pencil affect

Thankful for a fun time after
getting the car serviced.  We
went to Christmas Tree store,
which was fun since we haven't
been there in a long time. Then
to Home Goods and to dinner 
at Cheddar's. Fun night out.

Thankful for God's beautiful
Sea shells, they are just so
beautiful and screams summer
to me..........

Well, here's another week
at Cozy Place

Thanks for dropping in....

Hope you have a lovely
summer weekend.

Love, Hugs and
Mid July Blessings,

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  1. What a great post!! I used to do a list of 5 things that i was grateful for each day and then it fell by the wayside. I think i will start doing that again...I hope your foot feels better soon. And i loved all your charming pictures for the Coastal vignettes!!

  2. Thanks so much Debbie for your encouraging words....and I think that would be great for you
    to do that again. It really helps me keep perspective, and I hope it might do the same for
    others. One thing about it... is it keeps you looking for the good stuff, and helps you forget
    the not so good stuff. lol
    My foot is doing some better, thank you, not quite there yet, but it is slowly coming along it seems.
    Thanks so much for coming by and taking the time to leave your lovely comments.

  3. What a great post! I need to get back to my gratitude journal, thanks for reminding me!

  4. Morning Sylvia,
    So nice to have you drop by, and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.
    So happy that I was a reminder to you for your own gratitude journal....I have been doing
    this post for over 10 years and it has totally revolutionized my life, I have to say.
    Thanks for the encouragement, and hope you come back soon.

  5. Very lovely! I just pulled out our seashells and starfish to decorate until fall time

  6. Thanks Mireille......for coming by and for your sweet comments.
    Enjoy your coastal summer decorating. It's always fun....

  7. #1. I have been keeping her hubby of 70 years in prayer. It must really be hard on him.
    #2. I notice the restaurants change their menus almost seasonally.
    #3. She is a sweetheart!
    #4. Sounds delicious!
    #5. Great! I hope to see them (in cooler conditions, ha!)
    #6. Time definitely doesn't stand still! I can't believe they are almost grown!
    #7. I bet they are cheaper too, ha!
    #8. Great surprise!
    #9. I pray he has a magnet to pick up the loose nails!!! I'm sorry I no longer have dad's!
    #10. Praise the LORD for the few trustworthy places.
    #11. The joys of retirement!!!
    #12. The LORD's creation is so amazingly beautiful! Just think how wonderful His New Heaven and New Earth is going to be, wow! It's beyond our present comprehension!
    Love You, Susan

  8. Hi Susan,
    Yes, I am sure it must be very hard for him.

    Actually making the smoothies this way is quite a bit cheaper, and we can make about 4 or 5 for the price of one, and we can have them more often....and they don't have as much sugar
    either, but are quite refreshing and delicious and get our 3 fruits in a day in like this too.
    So it is a win/win I would say. and we don't have to go get it either. lol

    Actually our contractor had one and left it for us last weekend, boy does that thing pick
    up the nails....amazing.

    Well, glad you are feeling better. We are happy Warren came again today and put the shingles on, and wooded in some other areas. So we are coming along slow but sure.

    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie