Thursday, July 4, 2019

Thankful Thursday July 4th, 2019, pics of 4th of July table past.

If my people, who are called by my name, 
will humble themselves and pray and seek
my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven and will
forgive their sin and will heal their land
2 Chronicles 7:14 

Happy Independence Day
Sweet Friends, and welcome
 to Thankful Thursday.

Hope you all have a Wonderful
time celebrating with family,
friends/ and or furry friends.

This is indeed the Patriotic holiday
to celebrate with abandon.
 We should all be ever so thankful 
to God, and our founding Father's
for the freedoms it has afforded
us, our family and friends and
 our dearly loved 
United States of America.
(And just in case someone might
think I live under a rock, No, I do
 hear all the naysayers, but think 
about it....if they really thought our 
country was so bad they would be
moving to these Utopias ,they all
 profess to being so wonderful)

Just decided to add a few pics 
4th of July tables past.....

Thankful for making Rice Crispy
treats with Lil darling last Thursday,
think she liked doing it, but didn't
like eating them. For some reason,
She thinks the ones you buy don't
have marshmallows in them. lol
Anyway, it was fun for me, cause
I haven't made them since my
kids left home, I think!! and I
loved them!!  and shared some
with the kids next door too.

Thankful for a good day at church
and a fun time out to lunch at
Cracker Barrel with our friends.

Thankful to see a number of old
members of our church on Sun.
evening. They are at now at our 
satellite church in another close 
by city typically, but came for the
annual business meeting.  It was
so good to see them all, but it 
was especially good to see our
co-workers that we used to do
the young marrieds class with.
We have really missed them.

Thankful that our bartering deal
from the sale of our car has finally
 kicked in.....I now having some-
one cleaning our home once a month, 
and she is amazing and does a great 
job.  Cleans just like I do. Have to
say it feels very strange to me, cause
I have been cleaning my own home
for almost 50 years, and my home of 
origin before that.... but think I can
 get used to it very quickly........and
it frees us up to work on our business
What a blessing for both of us.

Thankful that we our now 50%
closer to opening our online
card shop.  

Thankful for what an encourage-
ment and cheerleader our daughter
is about our upcoming card business. 
She had me do some cards recently
for her hubby's Mom and Dad.
Which was really sweet and

That hubby learned a new skill
on photoshop this week which
will come in handy with making
graphics in the future.

Thankful that I finally got around
to doing a 3rd post for this week.
It's been awhile....had the pics
just had no time to edit and post

Thankful for a fun night out
shopping for things we needed
to get, but also for some really
fun unexpected finds.  I have
been looking for a new light
for our foyer for well over a
year now, in fact, I finally gave
up the hunt in 2018, because
everything I found that I liked
would not work.  We needed
a flush mount and everything
I liked was not that!! 
Any who we had to go to Home
Depot last night for lawn mower
 stuff, so just decided to peruse the
lighting department and
lo and behold we found a
light we liked that was flush
mount and very similar only
smaller to the first light I loved
but that wouldn't work.  It is like
a drum shade with LED lights
inside.  Looks great!!  We really
like it so much.
 Then I found some clipboards at
 the dollar tree and have been trying
to figure out what to do with this
one wall in my bedroom since I
am refreshing in there, so they
fit the bill for that.....will put
printables on them and hang
them on the wall. Also went in
Bath and Body and made a haul
with great prices.  Love to keep
that on hand, cause it really comes
in handy for gifts or just some
times you feel like someone is
down and might need some one
to give them a love gift.  All the
lil unexpected finds really made
for a fun night too.

Thankful that Scott, Megan and
Brooklyn made it safely to my
daughter's house in Charleston
for the 4th of July.

Thankful again that hubby is so
handy and knows how to put our
light fixture up or we would have
had to pay someone to do it, and
also have to wait for them to come

Thankful that we get to celebrate
the 4th of July and the freedom
for which it represents to our
wonderful country.

Well, there you have it.........
another week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping by
Have a Great 4th of July

Love, Hugs and
 Patriotic Blessings to you,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Life with Lorelai

My Flagstaff Home

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life


  1. #1. Yummy! These are things she will remember for a lifetime!
    #2. Amen!
    #3. Yes! I hadn't been there at night in some time, but since it was an important meeting...
    #4. Fantastic! I had been thinking about it for several years, but just haven't checked into it!
    #5. Yeah! I'm still praying for you in this area!
    #6. Great for her (and You!)
    #7. Wonderful for him to give you the help in so many of the areas!
    #8. I have dropped to just one on Sunday.
    #9. You have been BUSY!
    #10. Praise and thank our LORD!
    #11. Yes! Dad was always good at that too!
    #12. Praise GOD for Whom all our blessings come from. I thank Him for America's founding by Christians. I pray more of the passed several generations will realize and accept His truth and salvation. Love you, Susan

  2. I love that verse! Thanks for sharing it at the blog hop! --Jennifer


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie