Friday, July 26, 2019

Thankful Thursday July 25, 2019, Coastal living room scenes #2

You are worthy, our Lord and God
 to receive glory and honor and power, 
for you created all things, and
 by your will they were created
 and have their being.
Revelation 4:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good
 one.  Been a good one here, not
a lot going on just trying to get
my bedroom finished up, doing
laundry and making cards and
printables, and the usual home

More Coastal Living room
scenes today.  If you missed
Part 1, you can Click here.

Thankful for a good visit with
hubbies heart Doctor. He still has
to get some bloodwork done but
nothing earth shattering to worry

Thankful for a fun night out after-
wards, to Pier One and a place called 
Adjectives Market Place (they have
 lots of vintage, antique and farm 
house style things and there are a
 large number of vendors that make
 things and sell them.  We think it 
is a  Very cool place.  Then out to
dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We
haven't been since last year...we
only go when he goes to the Dr.
cause it is over an hour away 
from our house.

Thankful for $20 left on a gift
card from when we went there
 last year, which paid for our 
cheesecake and tip.....
nice surprise as we didn't
remember how much was left
on the card.

Thankful for getting $73. worth
of merchandise at Pier One for
just $12.76.  Hopefully this will
finish up our bedroom.
Note: and it pretty much has
just have a few finishing touches
to do yet, and looking forward
to closure on it soon.

posterized affect

Thankful for the Lord's protection
over my hubby.  He got a roofing
nail that went all the way thru his
 shoe, but it totally missed his foot.

Thankful that our contractor has
a magnet tool than can pick up 
all the nails in the yard, just had
not used it yet.  So hubby went
over the area with it and it was
amazing how many nails that 
thing picked up.  Course, most
of them were from this passed
Saturday as he took the old
 roof off the shed.

Thankful that our contractor came
again this Saturday, as we really
were not expecting him to......
He stripped off the old roof, put
 on new wood and tar paper, so 
next time he will do the shingles.

Thankful his arm is healing up and
that he had more strength in it this time. 
 We didn't know there was a problem
with it until after he was here the last
 time cause we were not home so didn't
see him.....but found out later, through
 a text that he had been bitten by his
daughters pit bull on the upper arm,
so it had healed but he was having
weakness in his muscles and having
trouble holding things. He said the
 dog was only playing but bit him
on the arm and was just hanging
on him and he weighs a lot.
  Just wished he had shared that 
with us sooner.

Thankful hubby had a dental appt.
on Monday, he got a good report
 on everything else,  but he had lost
part of his tooth, but the filling was
still intact but he needs a crown.
He was having no problems and 
didn't even know anything happ-
ened. So thankful they caught 
it quickly which hopefully will 
mean no root canal.

Thankful for a mistake I made
in buying something that turned
out to be great. I picked up some
Publix Organic corn chips that 
were featured in a bin (a buy
2 deal) so I got some blue corn
chips and what I thought was
white corn chips, turned out
they were sweet potato corn
chips, and they are delicious.
We loved new food items

Thankful for a great time with
lil darling on Wed., it has been
strange seeing her just once a week
lately, just due to circumstances
with my son having to be out of
town so much, but we will get
to see all of them again this 

Thankful for a clean house that
we didn't have to clean and that
we were able to get some work
down on our business today and
will for weeks to come since we
don't have to worry about the
house now.  Thankful for this
sweet young woman who is
doing it for us, she is such a

So happy you could come
by today and hope you are
reminded of your blessings
as well..........

Have a Splendid Weekend.

Love, Hugs and


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The bloggers Lifestyle

My Flagstaff Home

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life


  1. Love your coastal design and vignettes. So pretty

  2. #1. Praise and thank our LORD for his report!
    #2. Food out is better than having to cook it in! Ha!
    #3. I still have some on Cracker Barrel! I so rarely get over that way!
    #4. Isn't it GREAT to save!!! What a blessing!
    #5. I pray you have been able to get others that may have still been present!
    #6. Yea! I don't know what happened to the one I used to have!
    #7. One day soon it will all get done!
    #8. What a shock! They may need to have a rope or "toy" for the dog to grasp when they come into contact with him!
    #9. I have had a small sliver of enamel break off on the inside of my front lower tooth, but it doesn't show or isn't noticeable.
    #10. Sounds yummy for the tummy!
    #11. She grows by leaps and bounds, especially when I don't see her as often as you do!
    #12. What a blessing! My Rumba still does a good job at vacuuming!
    Love you, Susan

  3. Your Thankful Thursdays always remind me to be thankful for the little things. :) Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home! --Jennifer

  4. Morning Jenn,
    Hope this finds you well this morning.
    Thanks for sharing that Jenn, that makes me happy to know it is a reminder to folks,
    cause there truly is so much to be thankful for.
    Thanks for hosting and posting.....
    Have a great week.

  5. Gratitude is something I consider the epitome of all one can possess. Thanks for sharing in Blogger Pit Stop
    Pit Stop Crew


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie