Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Most Viewed Blog Posts from July through December of 2021.

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and enjoying the New Year!

Can't say that is true for us yet!!  lol  We are still trying

to get over whatever this is.......still very tired and now

I have developed a loose cough, and hubbies dry cough 

has turned into a loose cough a few days ago and

he is coughing way less now, so hoping since I am 2

days behind him on when mine started, we are hoping

 this means we are on the way out of this virus soon..........lol

Trying to get the rest of our Christmas decorations down

today, I was gonna leave part of them up cause we were

 supposed to leave for my Daughters in SC yesterday, 

for a week, but the Lord was not willing!! lol  

but we know that Father knows best, and we also were 

encouraged to know that our Daughter is going to come 

in February to see one of her best friends for her 

birthday and of course, plans to spend a few days

 with us as well,  so that made us feel a lot better, and

 we can hopefully plan another trip in the next few months.

Well, Here is the 2nd half of the yearly 

Most Viewed Posts.  Hope you enjoy!

July 2021

Click Here.

 August 2021

Click Here

September 2021

Click Here

October 202l

Click Here

November 2021

Click Here

December 2021

Click Here

Well, there you have it.

Hope you have a delightful day!

Thanks for stopping by,

Love, Hugs,  and

Healthy Blessings to you all,


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A Stoll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

April J Harris

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch


  1. I love all your tablescapes but the 4th of July was so cute. Ohhhh I am dreaming of the 4th of July. These winter months have me in a funk. Glad you are feeling better.
    xoxo Kris

  2. Hi Kris,
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments. Oh wow, you have a while to wait for the 4th, hon, maybe you better dream of spring......lol I know I have always wondered how people up north cope with all that cold weather, especially when you don't get a break from it for months. Know it has to be very hard. It is dreary here today, supposed to get some rain, which we really could use.....
    Well, today is the first day I have felt like my old self, so hoping and praying that is the end of whatever this is..........lol Today is day 13, but seems more like day 130. lol
    Hope you have a lovely day.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday January 17, 2025, and pics of things that make you think of January

Because of the  Lord 's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.   They are new every morning; great is your fait...