Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Thankful Thursday January 20, 2022, Valentine's decorating from the past

 For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for your name is good.

Psalm 52:9 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.  We are still

on the mend over here, we are on day 11 and

this stuff seems to really like us, and doesn't

seem to be budging, altho we are not feeling

horrible, we are not feeling great either, but

we do have some good moments.

Pictures today are from Winter/Valentine's decorating

 from the past!  I needed the inspiration!!,,   lol  

So on with my Thankfuls....


Thankful that even tho it took us all day, cause we are still recooping and have to rest in between doing things, because we wear out fast... We managed to open all the windows to air out the house, wash and replace all our bedding, wash our throws as they are germy too, change our A/C filter and spray the house with lysol,  and sit outside for a lil bit............and hubby was able to take down the outdoor Christmas lights. We just were bummed we didn't get to watch lil darling cause we didn't want her to catch what we have......we think it was just the flu.  So hopefully we were able to chase away all the germs and maybe we can see her and our Son on Sunday.

Note: Unfortunately not, cause we were sitll not feeling great and didn't want them to catch it.  Also even with all that degerming it didn't seem to help us at all.


Thankful for our Sweet neighbors who knew we were sick so she made us a huge pot of veggie soup and it is always so delicious, and I was thinking about trying to make some but didn't have the ingredients and didn't have the energy anyway, She called this afternoon and told me she was making it and that her hubby would bring it over when he got home, and her soup is way better anyway.........So what a blessing!


Thankful that we got to talk on the phone with our Son and lil darling since we couldn't see them.  It actually made us both feel better............


Thankful for a nice long phone chat with our Daughter as well. That cheered me up too,  hubby was taking a nap, so he missed out. lol


Thankful for a comfy bed, and lots of sleep.


Thankful for take out from Tijuana flats on Tuesday night. 

 I got their Chicken Bowl and I can't even tell you how good

it was.........maybe cause I was so hungry or just cause my

 appetite was coming back, but it was pure heaven.....

not kidding!!


Thankful to have gotten 100% of our Christmas

decor down and 75% of it packed away, before

we were just too tired to do anymore!  lol

It will be waiting for us tomorrow (Wed.)

Note:  It is now all happily tucked away 

until next Year!   Yea!!!


Thankful for instacart, we have pressed it into

service twice this month.  Such a blessing when

you are feeling bad and also don't want to

give your sickness to anyone else.


Thankful for the inner direction of the spirit of God.

There is a Detective show we have watched a few times and

it seems like a clean nice show and even has a dog that is so

cute, but I woke up during the night thinking about stuff

that happened on there,  nothing graphic, just creepy

thoughts about a murder and how it was done and stuff,

that left me feeling unsettled, so decided it was an open

 door to get to my peace,  so a door best left shut.


Thankful to hear from another long time friend who is

a dear heart. and sent me some pics of she and her

family on facebook.  She even has 2 great grandchildren.

So lovely to see your family all grown up, and always

sweet to hear from old and dear friends.

  Thanks Barbara,

#11 and 12

Thankful that I didn't have to go to the emergency room 

last night, as I was in process of making waldorf salad

and chopping apples with a new knife I bought a few 

weeks back, and had just commented to hubby how

quick and easy it was chopping the apples with the

new sharp knife and started in on the celery but when

I went to wash the celery I  had the celery in one

hand and the knife in the other and don't really know

 how I did it, but I cut about an inch long but deep

 gash at the bottom of my thumb which was bleeding

a lot, but we finally got it stopped, so very thankful

for that, and the fact, I cut it on my thumb and not

on the fleshy part between my thumb and forefinger

as that probably would have needed stitches as it

would be a much harder area to heal.

Well, That's it for cozy place this week, 

 this is the Sickie

Thanks for coming by,

Have a Wonderful rest of the week.

Love, Hugs, and Healthy Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage


  1. #1. I'm keeping you in my prayers. My nose is still a little stopped up, but I still can breathe through is, ha.
    #2. Hot soup! a blessing indeed, especially on these cold days!
    #3. What a joy! Thank the LORD for phones!
    #4. Ditto!
    #5. Oh, how I agree! I've been getting much rest as well!
    #6. I agree, especially when you can get the take out from their window service!
    #7. Good for you!
    #8. Thank the LORD for different means of communication!
    #9. The LORD wakes us up from time to time to communicate with Him in prayer. Many times I have rolled over in my sleep to wake up in prayer to Him! He is my Comforter.
    #10. "What a Friend we have in Jesus" to give to us such friends as these.
    #11 & #12. Praise the LORD for His blessings that keep us from disasters in this life!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for your various comments........and for coming by...........
    Just in case you don't know....Instacart is for grocery
    and yes praise the Lord for all his blessings to us......

    Have a good day.
    Love, Nellie

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Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie