Thursday, March 2, 2023

Thankful Thursday March 2, 2023, and pictures of kittens

Let heaven and earth praise him, 

the seas and all that move in them,

Psalm 69:34

Welcome to Thankful Thursday

Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week and are having

some weather you enjoy. The first half of our week

was great, the 2nd half not, eh, not what we planned

 on, I had plans to start taking down our Winter decor,

 but hubby has had a cold and not feeling well, and 

I am not feeling great either, so life is what happens

 when we are making our plans - is our motto for this

week, I guess. Hope your plans pan out!!  lol

Pictures today are of cute kitties

 compliments of Hopefully 

they will put a smile on your face like

they did on mine!!  lol

Well, on with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful for some encouraging and exciting news we heard on TBN CenterPoint News.  It is about a cure for lung cancer and maybe more cancers. Be sure to read about it as it might be good to know for someone you know or love.

  Here is the link 


Thankful for Organic grass fed beef, it makes the best hamburgers I've ever tasted.


Thankful that a 10 yr. old boy we have been praying for now for months because he has cancer.  He had a bone marrow transplant back in Dec. and finally was released from the hospital but he and his Mom are staying in the Ronald McDonald house because he has to stay near the hospital for 2 more months. He had to go to the emergency room and of course, they were scared it had something to do with his transplant but actually he was dehydrated because he has had a bad stomach problem where he has felt nauseous for months, and can hardly stand to eat or drink.  While in the hospital again they found out he had some sort of stomach infection and they treated it and he is feeling so much better already. We were so happy and thankful to hear that good news, as he and his family have just been thru the wringer.  


Thankful for a fun time with the family celebrating

my sister-in-laws birthday. We had Cuban food, key lime Pie, and a game of Apples to Apples


Thankful lil darling was feeling so much better than 

on Wed- Saturday, and we got to have her again

on Monday,  Did her school work and managed

to have a lil fun too.


Thankful hubbies root canal turned out

fine....No pain thankfully, and he really liked 

the Dentist he had.


Thankful that it looks like our friends 5 month old

 Granddaughter who had the open heart surgery a few

 weeks ago will be coming home on Friday, finally! We

 are all so happy to hear she is doing so much better. 

 They had quite a few scares in the course of it all,  but

 the Lord has answered many prayers. 

Note: Now it might be Wed. or Thursday she is doing

so well........


Thankful to have finished ordering our

 Granddaughters birthday presents. I typically get her

 clothes, so picked out some nice spring/summer outfits.

She really likes getting clothes too!  Which is great!


So Thankful my friends Granddaughter and Daughter 

came home from the hospital today,  they were there

almost 2 weeks, The Mom and Dad were able to

 stay right in the room with the baby in the NICU.

Dad had to come home on Sunday to take care of their 

other lil girl who is about 3 yrs. old, so my friend

 could return home to her own responsibilities, but

of course, she felt awful to have to leave, so thankful

they were only there a few more days,  they thought

it might be a lot longer. More answers to prayers

that were going up from so many.


Thankful for a really long phone call with my Daughter

 today, as we haven't had a chance to talk since last

 Thursday, which is long for us!!  We so enjoy hanging

 out this way, since we can be in the same place, 


Thankful for my newest guilty pleasure -

 Snicker ice cream bars.

They are so yummy!


Thankful for all those provisions that we can so take

for granted: a bed to sleep in, running water, indoor

 plumbing, a roof over our head, food in the fridge and

 pantry, and a car to drive. 

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week,

Thanks for dropping by.......

Hope you have a delightful Friday

Love, Hugs and 
Early March Blessings,

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  1. Hi Nellie, I always enjoy reading your TT posts, how wonderful to read of all the miraculous healing taking place especially for children,I am happy your granddaughter is well and pray you and your dh will soon be all well too!
    I enjoy talking with our daughter for long periods of time too!
    Enjoy your snickers ice cream, while at Sam's Club, I noticed in the spice section snickers seasoning, almost bought it. ~wink~
    loved the kittens photos. Happy Birthday to your sweet granddaughter.

    Thanks for visiting,

  2. Hi Sue,
    So nice to hear from you hon, and thank you for your prayers, we get up feeling good but wear down by the afternoon, been taking daily naps, and hoping they help. We also feel good for awhile right after we eat. lol
    I know, we love our long chats.....and sometimes we do facetime as well. Really does help to see each other especially when you are really missing each other. Course, we love in person more, but you can just do what you can do and we are so thankful we have phone and facetime.
    Yes, we are ecstatic over these answers to prayer for these lil ones.
    Oh wow, Snickers Seasoning....wonder if it would be good on top of vanilla yogurt of ice cream?? Might just have to look for that. lol
    Glad you enjoyed the kitten photos, they make me smile.........
    Thank you Sue, I will tell her.......
    Thanks for stopping by,
    Love and Blessings,

  3. #1. Praise our LORD for His continued goodness to man in finding cures for this world's diseases!
    #2. Yes, another blessing upon our bodies for healthy eating.
    #3. Praise our LORD for His blessings of health!
    #4. It was definitely an enjoyable time! Thank you ever so much!
    #5. Good for her! Praise the LORD for her feeling better!
    #6. Praise the LORD for another wonderful blessing!
    #7. GOD is so good to us all. Praise His Name for His personal touch upon this baby!
    #8. I can't believe she's going to be 10!!!
    #9. A definite fact, "GOD ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS!"
    #10. That's wonderful!
    #11. Mine, the candy you gave me for my birthday! It is delicious!
    #12. I praise our LORD for those very things every day! He is so good to us!
    #13. Thank you for all the cute and sweet kitty pictures!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: