Good Morning Sweet Friends,
How has your week been?? Hope it has been good.
I've have just been working on a bathroom refresh
for Spring. Always nice to have a lil change.
So Changed the shower curtain, the color of the
towels and rugs, and changed the contents of
some small pictures I have hanging in there,
still working on redoing a shelf and of course,
the vanity top. Liking it so far.......
Pictures today are of cute whimsical pictures
compliments of Pixabay!!
On with my Thankfuls.................
Thankful for white chocolate Raspberry cookies
from Tate's Bake shop, that we got at our
Publix grocery store. They were limited edition
cookies, but hope they keep making them.
Thankful for lovely clean sheets on the bed.
Just always feels heavenly.............
such a pleasure always.
Thankful to have finished 2 birthday cards for the family, only 1 more to go, as we are coming up on birthday row here. Hubbies sister Susan, lil darling and my husband all within a week. We usually have 2 dinners, but due to schedules we are doing them all at once this year.
Thankful we got our Winter tree down (Christmas tree
with lights only), and packed away. We really enjoy
leaving it up as it gives the room a warmer look and
just looks so pretty.
Thankful we got the furniture rearranged and
everything (fake snow mostly) vaccummed up.
Looks nice, and is ready for Spring decorating
whenever that takes place. lol
Thankful we were so inspired we cleaned
the whole house, always nice to have a freshly
cleaned house.
Thankful our new microwave arrived today
rather than tomorrow when it was expected
since we are gone a lot on Sunday. I love
that is it just like my old one too.
Thankful for a new bacon cooker that we got
because it encloses the bacon and the grease.
Our old microwabe just got covered in grease
even tho we covered it with a paper towel, we
were constantly having to clean it. All that
grease started making the paint peel inside
the microwave.
Note: in case you are interested the name of
the new bacon cooker is just called "Bacon Cooker"
it is white ceramic with a ceramic separator that
goes inside and a silicon top. Work great and
no grease in our microwave...........Yeah for That!!
Thankful for a good day at church, and after
we did a lil shopping for lil darlings upcoming
birthday which is a few weeks away, then
hubby and I went out to lunch.
Thankful to find the right size American Flag.
We have had a 3X5 one but it drags in our bush,
so finally found a 2X3, so hopefully it will solve
that problem and look so much more respectful.
Got it from a Veteran and family owned business
here in Florida and it is made in American.......
.love all of that!!
Thankful for the pleasant surprise of running
into our old (timewise) Music minister and his
wife while we were in Kohl's shopping for lil
darlings birthday. We used to hang out together
along with 2 other couples, such great memories
of that time in life. That was when we first
came to our church almost 45 yrs. ago, and
they were called to another church, so we lost
contact, but So it was really great to see them.
Thankful for a purchase we made before
Christmas - of a red, green, black and white plaid
throw and 2 pillows. I have admired that plaid
when I saw it in other homes online or in
magazines, but can not tell you how much we
have enjoyed them during the Christmas season,
and all thru the rest of Winter, Think I
will really miss them when I decorate
for Spring............
Well, that's it for Cozy Place today,
Great you could come by.....and
Have a lovely rest of the week,
Love, Hugs, and
End of February Blessings,
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