Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thankful Thursday February 27, 2025, and cute whimsical pictures

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
John 6:35 NIv


Good Morning Sweet Friends,

How has your week been??  Hope it has been good.

I've have just been working on a bathroom refresh

for Spring. Always nice to have a lil change.

So Changed the shower curtain, the color of the

towels and rugs, and changed the contents of

some small pictures I have hanging in there,

still working on redoing a shelf and of course,

 the vanity top. Liking it so far.......

Pictures today are of cute whimsical pictures

compliments of Pixabay!!  

On with my Thankfuls.................


Thankful for white chocolate Raspberry cookies

from Tate's Bake shop, that we got at our

Publix grocery store. They were limited edition 

cookies,  but hope they keep making them.


Thankful for lovely clean sheets on the bed.

Just always feels heavenly.............

such a pleasure always.


Thankful to have finished 2 birthday cards for the family, only 1 more to go, as we are coming up on birthday row here. Hubbies sister Susan, lil darling and my husband all within a week. We usually have 2 dinners, but due to schedules we are doing them all at once this year.


Thankful we got our Winter tree down (Christmas tree

with lights only), and packed away. We really enjoy

 leaving it up as it gives the room a warmer look and

 just looks so pretty. 


Thankful we got the furniture rearranged and

everything (fake snow mostly) vaccummed up.

Looks nice, and is ready for Spring decorating

whenever that takes place.  lol


Thankful we were so inspired we cleaned

the whole house, always nice to have a freshly

cleaned house.


Thankful our new microwave arrived today

 rather than tomorrow when it was expected

since we are gone a lot on Sunday. I love

that is it just like my old one too.


Thankful for a new bacon cooker that we got

because it encloses the bacon and the grease.

Our old microwabe just got covered in grease

even tho we covered it with a paper towel, we

were constantly having to clean it. All that

grease started making the paint peel inside

the microwave.

Note: in case you are interested the name of

the new bacon cooker is just called "Bacon Cooker"

it is white ceramic with a ceramic separator that

goes inside and a silicon top.  Work great and

no grease in our microwave...........Yeah for That!!


Thankful for a good day at church, and after

we did a lil shopping for lil darlings upcoming

birthday which is a few weeks away, then

hubby and I went out to lunch.  


Thankful to find the right size American Flag. 

We have had a 3X5 one but it drags in our bush, 

so finally found a 2X3, so hopefully it will solve

 that problem and look so much more respectful.

 Got it from a Veteran and family owned business

 here in Florida and it is made in American.......

.love all of that!!


Thankful for the pleasant surprise of running

into our old (timewise) Music minister and his

wife while we were in Kohl's shopping for lil

darlings birthday. We used to hang out together 

along with 2 other couples, such great memories

of that time in life. That was when we first

came to our church almost 45 yrs. ago, and

they were called to another church, so we lost

contact, but So it was really great to see them.


Thankful for a purchase we made before

Christmas - of a red, green, black and white plaid

throw and 2 pillows. I have admired that plaid

 when I saw it in other homes online or in

magazines, but can not tell you how much we 

have enjoyed them during the Christmas season,

 and all thru the rest of Winter, Think I 

will really miss them when I decorate

for Spring............

Well, that's it for Cozy Place today,

Great you could come by.....and

Have a lovely rest of the week,

Love, Hugs, and

End of February Blessings,


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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Scripture Sunday




Note: if you came by for "Thankful Thursday"

on Thursday, Friday or Sat. Morning and most of

my post was missing,  Check back cause I did

redo it.

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Between Naps on the Porch

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings


The grass withers and the flowers fall,
    but the word of our God endures forever.”

Isaiah 40:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good day and staying warm.

If you happened to come by earlier, you saw that 

most all of my post was gone, so was just gonna let

it be, but I remembered a few things so decided to see

if I could remember at least some of what I posted.

Think I remembered most of it and maybe added

a few.  lol

Pictures today are of early Spring beginnings,

compliments of Pixabay, cause I haven't taken

any pictures lately, but will soon be decorating

for Spring hopefully.

So on with my Thankfuls


Thankful we remembered that lil darling loves red velvet cupcakes from our Publix grocery store. Ours did not have them but fortunately we were going to another town to eat and Celebrate Valentine's day early and were able to get them. (Remember my strawberry cake didnt really taste like strawberry, or even that good a cake)  She was thrilled with the cupcakes.  She's a cupcake girl anyway.. We later decided to put some fresh strawberries and ice cream on the cake, and it definitely tasted better.


Thankful for last Sunday Service on Mourning, as we

are doing a series on the Sermon on the one

of our younger Pastors, Pastor Andrew and It was very

 good, and at the end, he asked if anyone who was 

grieving anything to stand up so he could pray for them.

Very sweet service,  as we have had a number of folks

pass away recently.


Thankful for a Memorial Service that we went to on Sunday afternoon.  All our Pastors were involved and it was just one of the most joyful and uplifting services we have had the pleasure of attending. A number of folks spoke, and It really was lovely, and just so full of love. We didn't know her well, but we were hugging buddies, and she was well known for that.


Thankful for Sunday as it was just the most wonderful

day from start to finish.


Thankful that I made my Party Chicken recipe with

a bit of a change,  and it was great too.


Thankful for 2 great school days, and for

lil darling making me a banana/strawberry

smoothie............It was Yummy!


Thankful for several bike rides this week,

and a walk on the treadmill.


Thankful for cooler weather again.

Our trees and flowers were thinking it

was spring,  then Surprise!!

That's Florida


Thankful for quite a few kind comments about Valentines day cards we sent out.


Thankful for work we did in the yard this week, Lil darling helped us too.  More to go of course,  but at least we got started.  Been Pulling up unruly ferns!  they have just taken over, so want to plant some flowers in pots.


Thankful for all the corruption this administration is uncovering and hoping we can pay down some of our National debt and help the folks in N.C., Fl, Calif. and also the ones that just went thru another polar vortex.


Thankful they they have a transparancy website so that people can actually see the results of what is happening with Doge. 

 The site is Doge.Gov


Well......that's it this week for Cozy Place.

Glad you could make it by today.

Have a lovely rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and

End of February Blessings,


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Between Naps on the Porch

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past


 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, 
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 NIV

Valentines Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a fun time thinking about how you

can make those you love feel special.  I am trying!!!

 I  made a Duncan Hines strawberry cake for

 my hubby and lil darling......

It looked and sounded delightful, but much to our surprise

 it doesn't taste like strawberry at all.....and really doesn't 

have much taste.  I made a bundt cake cause they both

tend to not like icing, So was just gonna garnish it with

whip cream and a strawberry, so it was very disappointing

 to say the least.  So thankful we decided to have a slice

 last night. Thankfully their cards came out well!!  lol

So looking for plan B,

Pictures today are of Valentine's Decorations from the past

here at Cozy Place.  I didn't decorate this year, and have to

say I missed

So on with my Thankfuls.............

Thankful for another good school day.
Also got to spend some time talking with our Son,
when he drops her off and picks her up.  Always
happy to see both of them.

Thankful for our home, and our nice comfy bed
every night.


Thankful for a quick dinner since we had rotisserie

Chicken, and our "potato Express" bag.  I can

cook reg. or sweet potatoes in that bag in the microwave

in 4 mins. and they come out perfect. then just threw

together a salad real quick, and dinner was done.


Thankful for a productive day.  Worked on

some cards,  Baked some cookies, worked out in

 the backyard some, and actually sat out there for

 awhile with hubby, which was nice,  haven't done that 

in awhile, put dinner in the oven, and then topped it 

off with a nice bike ride, and another one later this week.


Thankful I got to talk with my friend whose husband

had all the surgeries in the passed 6 months, (he is

doing okay but his recovery is of course, way slower 

than he anticipated.  He forgets he's 78 and thinks 

he is gonna spring back like he did after surgeries he 

had 20 years ago.  It was a fun she

hasn't had much time to talk with all that has been

happening with them lately.


Thankful we can watch our church from home.

Wasn't feeling good this morning, so nice to

be able to sleep a lil more then watch it on TV.

Being there is much better tho.


Thankful for the start of the Super Bowl

Game where they sang "America the Beautiful"

and a good rendition of the "National  Anthem.

Congrats to the Winners...........


Thankful to be feeling better today, and for

another good school day.


Thankful for a long chat with my Daughter today, 

She wasn't feeling well,  but thankfully 2 days letter

is much better......always a joy to talk to her.


Thankful all my Valentine's are ready,

but still working on what to do for dessert.  lol


Thankful for my Valentines of 55 years now.

My Hubby, of course....


Thankful for my Forever Valentine!


Thats it for Cozy Place this week.

Have a Lovely Valentine's Day.

Thanks for stoppin by.....

Love Hugs, and 

Valentine's Day Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Scripture Sunday


I love this scripture written out this way
because it really helps you understand more 
what love is and isn't............

Hugs, Nellie

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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thankful Thursday February 6, 2025, More Winter Decor


The Lord is my strength and my shield;  my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.

Psalm 28:7

Hello Sweet Folks,

Can you believe it is February 6th already??

  Actually it does seem like Christmas was eons ago!  lol

Does it seems like that to you too??

Hope you are having a good week where ever you's like Spring here in Florida, even

our Azalea's are confused and blooming.  lol

Saw that Pawtuxet Phil says we are having 

6 more weeks of Winter,  and I hope he's right,

cause can't stand the thought of hot weather so soon. lol

Pictures today are of more Winter Decorating

at Cozy Place...........


So on with my Thankfuls..................


Thankful for the Presidential Prayer Team.

We can sign up for it to know specific things to

pray for with the new Trump Administration.

He surely needs prayer for safety for he and

his team, but this goes even beyond that, and it

is nice to know what is happening daily, so we

can prayer for those specific needs. If you

sign up it will come in your email box daily.

We highly recommend it


Thankful that our Son put us onto someone 

that might can replace our vanity, counter and sink

in our bathroom.  So gotta check that out.


Thankful for a great movie we saw called "Unsung Hero". 

 It is about the Mother of the Christian Group

 "For King and Country,.  It is really a good movie, 

 and she truly was an unsung hero.  So neat that her kids

  made this movie about her faith and their family.


Thankful for Dr. Pepper,  don't drink it often,

but had some tonight with pizza and it was so good.

Felt I could leave this up by replacing "Have a holly jolly Christmas"

with "Winter is not just a Season, It's a celebration"  lol


Thankful that something that was supposed to happen 

this week,  Now isn't going to happen!!  lol


Thankful for another good school day with lil darling.

Can't believe she is gonna be 12 soon.........

Just love our smiley snowmen


Thankful that Mexico and Canada were persuaded

to help the U.S. with this Fentanyl crisis.


Thankful that I am liking tuna fish again.

Some years back I just completely lost my taste

for tuna fish an have not had it in years.  So last

week when we were at Publix, I decided to try

some of their readymade tuna salad,  just to see

if I would like was delicious,  so

bought some tuna and made my own, and it too,

was delicious.............


Thankful for my first smoothie that I typically

make in March or April,  but it is 81 degrees out

and it just sounded so good,  and it was yum!

(It consists of fresh strawberries, banana and

peaches with a lil bit of frozen vanilla yogurt

with some pecans and coconut throw in.

Gives me lots  of energy, as well, as enjoyment!!


Thankful for a good report at the dentist  after 

going for my cleaning today.  Always nice

to get a good report.


Thankful for a fun and delicious reward after going

to the dentist.  lol  It was a new flavored  smoothie

we got at Planet Smoothie today.  It was

called  " Banana Pudding" and it truly tasted

like Banana Pudding,  so good, but it was sweeter 

than our usual,  but a nice and delicious change.


Thankful for a fun day out going to "Hobby 

Lobby" and "Home Sense "and then out to

dinner at our new fav Mexican Place.  The

music wasn't as loud, which was great, but then the

 food wasn't quite as good,  lacking cilantro.....

and I love

  but all in all it was great!


Thankful that we just happened on a picture at

Hobby Lobby that  was brightly colored and 

will be delightful  to use  when I decorate for Spring

 and it was paid for by a gift card my Daughter and

Son-in-love gave me for Christmas!  

Merry Christmas Mom.....Love that!!


Well,  that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you made us a part of your day,  and 

hope you have a great day!

Love, Hugs, and 

Early February blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Karins Kottage

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: