Thursday, July 14, 2011

White Wednesday/Thankful Thursday - July 14 ,2011

I will praise you O Lord my God.
with all my heart,
I will glorify your name forever,
For great is your love towards me:
you have delivered me from the depths 
of the grave.
Psalm 86: 12 & 13

Morning Sweet Friends

Welcome to Thankful Thursday,
and since I was all prepared for
White Wednesday,  but never got
 to do the post,  figured I would 
just use white Weds. pictures
 and do both!!

So how are you???  and how has 
your week been so far???
Good I hope!

Our week has been tumultous, somewhat disappointing 
and pretty sad,  a myriad of emotions really, 
 yet hopeful and good.
Which brings me to my number one thankful

I am thankful
that my daughter had the wisdom and courage to postpone
her Wedding indefinitely.  Although,  this has been very hard
 and disapppointing , it  truly was a very wise and courageous
 choice on her part and we are very proud of her.

(Magazine photo with affect)

I am thankful
that although this has been hard for both families,  good
things are happening inspite of it,  the Lord is at work,
as always, and we see his hand of blessings, even in this.

I am thankful
for God's sovereign ways.  Last week everything I
tried to work on for the wedding fell apart,  I could
get nowhere and I was incredibly frustrated .  Now
I totally understand...............if I had been able to
I would have sent off three deposits which were non
refundable,  and I would have signed a new contract
 with the hotel which would have made for a much larger 
sum of money.
God going before us once again.........................

I am thankful
for the heart of this young man we will one day call son.........
He truly has a good heart!

I am thankful
that Dee and I have been able to spend the week together,
  it has been good to have her here,  and I hope comforting to her!

(My photo with posterized affect)

I am thankful
for the love of God.  He loves us so much,  and
He loves us enough to allow us to experience hard
 times in order to help us,  not to harm us as
Jeremiah 29:11 says.

I am thankful
that some of my blogging friends missed me this
week,  and were so sweet to write me and ask
if all was okay.  Precious!!
Always nice to be Missed!

I am thankful
for the gift of prayer....................
I have no idea what I would do without it!
What a miserable existence it would be not to be
able to pray,  but worse yet, not to have anyone
to pray to................

(Magazine photo with an affect)
I am thankful
that a sweet friend from church, came thru her 2nd knee
 replacement surgery in a month.  God Bless Her!!
and may she heal rapidly,  and do twice as good as
the last time!!

(magazine photo with an affect)

I am thankful
for public servants like policemen, paramedics, Dr. and nurses,
Physicians asst.,  nurses aides, home healthcare workers,
and mental health professionals, counselors and Pastors.
For they help so many people!!
and if you are a public servant and I left you off the list
by accident,  know that I mean YOU too!!

I am thankful
 for Chocolate Elvis's, they are smoothies from planet
 smoothie, particularly in these summer months,  cause they
 cool you off so much,  and are just so refreshing,  a simple
pleasure for sure!!

They have frozen vanilla yogurt, peanut butter, bananas,
chocolate and ice as the ingredients........
  and they are quite Yummy, I must add!!  lol

(my photo with a posterized affect)

I am thankful
that as I looked across our yard this morning as I was
outside saying goodbye to hubby,  that our yard looks
so lush, green and beautiful after our mowing it last night!
 God's rain has done a masterful job of resurrecting
it from a dry, parched, hard to keep moist, partially
green partially brown existence.  There are still some
areas that are filling in out back and in the side yard,
But to look at it this morning,  it was so pretty it just
sort of took my breathe away,  almost like a house
and garden picture in a magazine.

So Happy you came by to visit with 
me today, and hope you have

Fabulous Friday and a Wonderful Weekend
My Friends!

I am linking up to Kathleen over at
Faded Charm Cottage,  to see more
of the wonderful world of white
Click Here.

Blessings Abundant to you and yours,

Love and Hugs,


  1. #1. I love DeeAnna so much and have always had her in my prayers every day. As you, Nellie, have taught me to rely upon our LORD, no matter what, I'm relying upon our LORD too in DeeAnna's life with His leading.
    #2. My prayers continue to go up for both families too.
    #3. Isn't is amazing what GOD does for our finances! I have had several sideroads with my retirement too, but I see our LORD's hand in it all!
    #4. I'm so happy to know that as his aunt-in-law.
    #5. There's no more comfort, Nellie, than with your mom! Even at 59, I still miss mom!
    #6. When you belong to the LORD, our sadness will always become JOY! I pray His JOY comes quickly!
    #7. As per say with our phone conversation, you know what I thought, shew!
    #8. I have learned to pray to our LORD with great expectation!
    #9. I can't imagine these kinds of operations! I will be praying the replacements be blessed!
    #10. Thank YOU for meaning me in your list too(teachers!)
    #11. I have just got to try this. I have heard you share about it being the best. After reading the ingredience, I'm going out today to get one! Ha!
    #12. Your yard always looks so beautiful. George mowed my weeds a few days ago. I'm surprised how well weeds look when they are mowed, lol!
    I love you all so much,

  2. I have been absent too so it's hard to get caught up. I wasn't expecting to read this. I thank God right beside you for His guiding hands through this. It sounds like you have a very PRUDENT daughter. God bless you all as you move through this next phase.

    God is good, isn't He?

  3. Oh, Nellie! How good that you can already see some of the Lord's protection over you and your family (the contracts, etc.). Debbie is right. Your daughter sounds very "prudent".

    I pray that God will protect and honor the hearts of your daughter, the young man, and all the family members affected.

    Your photos are lovey!

  4. Nellie, I don't know what to say, except that I am glad that we have a God who is in control. Even though we don't always understand His ways...
    xox Beth

  5. Hi Nellie

    I am glad to see your post. You are such an encourager and make the best out of your situations and that has made me realize I need to do the same.
    It is so amazing how God works and when he reveals his plans some I am caught off guard although they are blessings in disguise.
    I love your whites. So pretty.
    Praying for you and your family.
    Blessings & Love
    Praying for you and your family.

  6. Hi Nellie,

    I have truly been missing you and sorry to hear you have been struggling these past days but am sure that things will work out exactly as it is meant to be. I have another close friend whose youngest daughter just went through something similar. The wedding was to be July 1, invitations had gone out and all. She called off the wedding as she felt they just needed more time. Since then she has ended the relationship completely. It has been a sad time for everyone but it was for the best. Her mom says she didn't know a person could cry so much but her daughter is doing better now. Hopefully for Dee there will be a different, happy ending. You all live so close to the spirit I am sure He is guiding her step by step and the comfort you can all give is a major help along the way.

    Love you all, B

  7. That's a shame. But God knows best and if those two are meant to be then they will be.

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. Jeremiah 29:11 has always brought comfort to me when things are tumultuous. I know you have a strong faith to see you through difficult times.

    Till next time...
    God bless you and yours.

  9. Hi Sweetie,
    I am so thankful that our loving heavenly Father is in all, through all, and over all! How wonderfully He has tended to all the needs of your family! What a huge blessing during this difficult time. And what a beautiful fragrant aroma your praises are to His nostrils!! So thankful for your lovely, encouraging, spirit!
    Love and hugs,

  10. Your words have touched me and made me reflect on my owb lifeYour words have touched me and made me reflect on my owb life

  11. You are clearly a very wise woman with a true heart for Christ! Thank you for your sweet visit and kind comments at Girl in Pink.
    May God Bless you and your family and assure your daughter that she has made the right choice.
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  12. Hi! You have "no-reply" clicked on your email settings so I couldn't just send you a message. I will get back and catch up on my reading and find out about the wedding. We have just been swamped with doing all the things required from losing both of my in-laws in such a short period of time. We had to go through the house and the stuff...have the auction and there is actually another auction of the household items on the 30th. We had our grands for the weekend because we haven't seen them in weeks with all the funerals and stuff. When I have time, I just can't quite get "in the mood" for blogging, although I'm working on getting back to feeling like me again. Thanks for stopping by and I promise to get back and catch up later. Hugs.

  13. Oh, my, I see I missed some mighty big news. So sorry to hear about Dee and Jerry, but I rejoice that if she wasn't feeling total peace, she put the brakes on for a time.

    I have missed you so much. With Meghan here the past 2 weeks, I haven't been blogging much. But she went home this morning, so I'll be getting back into a more-normal routine.

    Hope Scott and Megan are doing well. Hope also that Jim is loving his job.

    Love and hugs,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Joy filled day!! Hugs,  Nellie