Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Thankful Thursday February 22, 2018, Winter Family room 2018

Look to the LORD and his strength; 
seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are yall today??  Doing well,
I hope.

Things are good here, been a busy
week,  pretty much finished my up
kitchen and was thrilled to get my
pantry done, so just a few more small
things to do!! Also did some tweaking
on my Winter decor as it is seeming
more like Spring by the day.

My Winter decor was inspired this 
year by the new stars we bought
at the dollar tree for our christmas
tree and this lovely magnolia print
 we found at the Christmas tree store
for a great price in January.  
Love it.........So green. gold, white 
and cream are pretty much our colors
 for the famly room this year.

So on with my Thankful Post

Thankful that we got some rugs and
carpeting cleaned over the weekend.
More of my early Spring cleaning!!  lol

Thankful for the delight of seeing
what you call a "Leaf Bug" on our
screen out on the porch. I have never
even heard of one, let alone seen one.
but hubby had. They are really cool,
 and they look just like a leaf on their
 side and they are thicker on their body
 of course,  but even move like a leaf 
would move in the wind.  God's
creations are just Fascinating!!

Side view...doesn't he look
just like a leaf....guess that
is why they call them leaf

He was missing a back
leg, poor thing!  He has
lil antennae too, you just
can't see them in the pic.
and you got a free shot
of my hubby too!!  lol

Thankful for a new Chinese takeout
restaurant someone told us about.
We tried them out on Sat. and I
thought their food was great and
hubby liked everything but the
 fried rice. We haven't gotten any
chinese food for the last few yrs.
as the 2 times we got it before it
was awful, and we didn't know
of another place that was good.
Not that we get it that often as it
isn't our all time favorite food but
we do like it every once in awhile.
So it was a nice discovery.

Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love made it back safe
and sound from Utah, and they
had a great time....

Thankful that a younger friend of
ours who has been a single parent
of 3 children for years, and has been
a great Mom and has had a really rough 
go of it and has had no interest igetting 
involved with anyone, had a neighbor
 introduce her to a fellow  they know that
 really seems like a great guy.  She is 
being very wise and taking it slow and 
easy and getting him around friends to 
get their take on him.  We are so praying
 that he is God's man for her,  as one child
is now married, one is about to graduate
high school and the other is about
10 yrs. old, and absolutely loves the
guy.......and has even said I wish he 
was my Dad. So we are very happy
and excited for her......

Thankful that one of my dearest friends 
was prayed for and the Lord healed
her. She had a medical problem and 
needed to have a procedure done and
 was prayed for and was healed by the
 Lord. When she called to cancell the 
procedure it seems the Lord had gone
 before her and they couldn't even find
her name on the list to have the
procedure done...........
How cool is that??

Thankful that we feel we are seeing
the beginning of a miracle that we
and other friends and family have
 been diligently praying for.
 Remember that I told you a while
 back we had some sad and devastating
 news, well, we are feeling this is the
 answer to that but have a ways to go
 yet....but we are praising the Lord for
what has happened so far!

Thankful that we accidentally yet
delightfully found a magnolia tree
growing in our side backyard, I have
always wanted one, and think some
how it's seed were spread to our yard
from our next door neighbors who
have several magnolia's that were
planted there by our old neighbors.
It is thin but over 6 ft. tall already
and look like there could be two
possibly cause they are growing in
a bunch of grapevine,  so it could
be longer branches rather than a
2nd one, as it is probably fighting
to get light.....anyway, as soon as
we get the chance we are gonna
remove all the grapevine around
it so it can flourish.  Such a fun

Thankful for Boarshead Salsalita
Turkey.  I am not much of a Turkey
eater, as I like chicken much better,
but this Turkey is awesome. Learned
 about it from Scott and Megan.

Thankful for the Presidential Prayer
 Team that helps us know what is
 really going on at the White House.
We would highly encourage everyone
who cares about our country to sub-
scribe to will get a daily 
email that tells you what is going on 
and what to prayer for.
Here is a link if you are interested
in subscribing.
 or type it in for yourself.

At the top there is a place where it
says, "Who we are" and next to it
there is "Join Us" and it will tell
you how.............

Thankful for this delightful video
about parenting tips to take from
Prince William and Princess Kate.
I love this royal couple and love 
seeing them with their children,
and definitely think William gets
this from his Mom, Princess Di
and Kate... she is a natural......and
 probably got it from her parents.

Click Here to watch
 or type it in for yourself

Thankful for
which is a very positive good news
site, so if you are feeling a lil down
you might want to visit them for 
some good was started
by Roma Downey and her hubby,
as a way to bring some good news
to everyone to counteract all the
negative news we are always 
hearing......Great idea!!

Well, there you have it....another week
at Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping by..............

Have a lovely Friday and Weekend
with those you hold dear!!


Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs and
Last of February Blessings,

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Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. #1. Nothing like getting it done before spring, lol!
    #2. GOD's creatures are surely amazingly beautiful! I had hoped you had a picture of it! IT IS AMAZING how much it does look just like a leaf! I copied it into my Animal collection under "bugs!" Some insects can grow their limbs back.
    #3. I LOVE Chinese egg rolls! I love all the cabbage they have in them and the crispy outsides! I could eat them every day!
    #4. Did they take any pictures? Jeanette Deen's sister, Patty is suppose to be going in a few weeks to see the Grand Canyon! I still can't believe it's been four years since Alice and I went throughout the mid-west seeing the Grand Canyon from different states.
    #5. I will put her on my prayer list too for the LORD to lead His will for them.
    #6. Praise GOD! He works in mysterious ways to answer prayers from His children.
    #7. Our Father GOD is so GOOD! I call out to Him with Joy and thanksgiving!
    #8. The LORD is so good with His surprises of gifts He gives to us even with His beautiful trees!! (And His leaf bugs, ha!)
    #9. I like the turkey pot pies I eat each week! (I clicked on the corner of the two pictures to get them to come up. They were Christmas pictures.)
    #10. Yes, indeed! It's great to hear of the positive things Pres. Trump is doing as well. I write in my prayer journal every day the prayers suggested for him and those he is working with, as well as those that oppose him.
    #11. As a teacher of Kindergartners for 27 years, I found my best was when I was at eye level and individual time with each student at my desk as well as eye level at my small group (4 to 5) table. They were more willing to share than in whole group at the head of the class!
    #12. Yes, it is always great to hear of good things and not just bad things all the time!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. HI Susan,
    Don't know if they took pictures or not....I forgot to ask, they probably didn't because
    they just enjoy things.....and are in the moment, or if they did there probably isn't a bunch of them. lol

    Were you meaning you clicked on the pics in my post and they were of Christmas?? If so,
    they weren't Christmas pictures, I just used the Christmas ball to look like Orbs and to
    add some

    I think children love that because they want to be a part of things, and when adults are
    way up there and they are way down here, they feel a bit leftout, so agree getting eye
    to eye is a great thing for both people.

    Thanks for coming by .....
    Love, Nellie

  3. The first time I opened up your blog those two pictures did not show. The box was empty with a corner I could click on and it opened up the pictures. Yes, you were right about the color orbs! This time when I opened it up they were showing. My computer must have messed up in receiving the pictures the first time. It's all showing now! Enjoyed your Thankful Thursday as I always do! Love, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie