Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Winter Living room 2018, Part 2

Happy Tuesday 
Sweet Friends.........

Is it starting to feel like Spring at your 
house yet??

It sure is here!! 
Our azaleas are in full bloom and some 
of our trees have gotten their leaves back 
already, which is beautiful.....but we
 have been having temps in the mid 80's, 
I am sad to say!!

Figured I better get my Winter decor
pics in since we are starting to see
Spring ones coming out!!  lol

We left off with the left side of the etagere'
in part one.  Click Here if you care to see.

I always keep these antique looking
christmas balls for Winter.....

The Winter picture is from a "Winter 
Cottage magazine" that I scanned and 
attached with tape to the glass
of this frame.

and still use Christmas greenery and 
in my Winter Decor as well.....

Above..... these are pretty Christmas picks 
but think
they look great in Winter too.....

Can you tell I like cream pitchers.....lol

I like to use winter look Christmas
ornaments too!!  and seasonally
appropriate gift bags as shelf
hangers!  My other Valentines
yet Winter look.

Can't really tell what is in the lil cloche
can you??

It is the cute lil lamb I recently acquired,
he belonged to my maternal grandmother
and is over 100 yrs. old.  Unfortunately
he was a broken in the back and was
glued back in place, but thankfully
you can't see it from the front..........
She is now just a sentimental family
 historical piece that I am thankful for.

This is what is below the shelf,
the cedar chest used to be our 
coffee table, a while back.....

The cedar chest was my High School 
Graduation present from my Dad and
Step-mother,  we had it painted white
about 16 yrs. ago,  after we had a flood
in our house., but when we open it
we can still smell the cedar.......

I threw this pic in so you could see how
it fits into our rooms......on the right you
can see our foyer and on the left you
can see a tiny bit of our
 family/great room.

It also sits across from the pink

Well, there you have it our Winter
Living room.

Thanks for coming by.......

Have a great day!

Love, Hugs, and
late February Blessings,


  1. Thank You Tammy
    and thanks for coming by and for commenting!

    Have a great day.

  2. Hi, Nellie.
    Yes and the "weeds" are in bloom too, ha! My allergies are going crazy! But, I'm so happy the cold is gone!!!

    I just love your lil lamb! What a beautiful antique and keepsake! The Shepherd Jesus would look really good next to lil lamb! Everything looks beautiful! Love you all, Susan

  3. HI Susan,
    Yea, the oak pollen gets to me....but it hasn't been too bad thankfully!

    Thanks, I love the lil lamb too...amazing it is that old....
    Thanks for coming by and thanks for your sweet comments.

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie