Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Blissful White Wednesday - Playing with leftovers from son's birthday table.

Hello Sweet Friends,

I hope you have had a good week
 preparing for Thanksgiving, and 
that you are doing well.

I haven't had to do too much preparation other
than grocery shopping because we are having
brunch instead of dinner.  Made 2 quiche and
will make a fruit salad in the morning.  Other
easy stuff will be done in the morning too.

Have been trying to get to this all day,  got the
pics downloaded earlier, so have a few minutes
before bedtime,  so thought I would try to let 
you know I am feeling significantly better.
Turns out my sacroiliac was out of place which
brought on tendinitis, so that is why sitting
was so painful, still is if I sit too long.  I have
 been taking Ibuprofen again since last Friday 
for inflammation, so that has definitely helped.
So am ecstatically grateful about that!!
Definitely nice to not be in so much pain.

This was a centerpiece I did using some of the
elements I used for a birthday table for my
son a few weeks back.  Will show you the
table soon hopefully.

 Here is with the candles all lit.  Just in case you are 
wondering what the dark brown stuff is in the jars and 
candleholders,  it is coffee beans...........I did a latte
 theme for his birthday,  and you know how I like to 
play with the leftover elements afterwards.
So just left it this way until today when I did our
 Thanksgiving table.

 Done in palette knife affect.

This was my new pumpkin this year,  actually bought
it for the white living room,  but looked so nice on
my dining room table,  it never made it there!!  lol

 With Posterized affect!

 Ain't  She Purty!!  lol
I have really enjoyed her!!

An Overview

Well, Sweet Peas,
You are a blessing to me, and
I hope you have the Loveliest and Most 
Joyful Thanksgiving with your Family
 and/or Friends.

I am linking up to Becky over at
Timewashed for Blissful White
Wednesday,  if you want to see
some delightful whites,  be sure
and check it out!
just click here!

Love,  Hugs and
Special Thanksgiving Blessings!


  1. I DO like white pumpkins! Yours are special, Nellie. Glad you're experiencing some relief from the pain. BTW, I think brunch is a GREAT idea! We have done that before, too, for special occasions....Happy Thanksgiving Day.

  2. The candles and pumpkin look very nice on your table. Glad you are feeling better. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Beth

  3. Hey Gal! What a beautiful pumpkin! Just love it! So glad you linked up to Blissful Whites Wednesday! Too much fun! Yes! We will get together this next week! :o)
    Talk to you soon!

  4. That table is beautiful and welcoming. I especially loved a certain item. Then I saw what it was - toilet paper rolls covered in napkins. Now that is right up my alley!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie