Thursday, November 1, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - Nov.1, 2010

Let the word of christ dwell in you richly
as you teach and admonish one another
with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms,
hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude
in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How has your week been??  Course,
If you are in the storm affected area
I suspect it has been not been one of
your better weeks, I am sure, and I am
 so sorry for all you are going thru and
 praying for you, and that you have what 
you need.  If you aren't in the affected 
area, as we weren't I am thinking you
 are probably like us, very grateful....
I know a lil bit about that as we went
thru 3 hurricanes in a row about 7-8
years ago,  one every 2 weeks, and
the first one wrecked our yard, and
we had about 12 trees on our house,
most of them small but we did have
some very big pine trees as well, one
fell on top of our screened porch and
across our garage.None of them 
amazingly did any structural damage, 
no holes in our roof, which was a
 miracle in and of itself, but we did
 need a new roof on the house and
 porch, as they were beat up. What
 an ordeal to go thru, and to clean
 up, but as we worked to clean up
 the Lord did so many neat things
 to help us. We will never forget all 
of his provisions for us during 
that time!

Well, better get on with this 
post now....................

I am thankful
for a good report on my annual
Drs. physical.  He said my bloodwork
was about as perfect as it could get!
Can't help loving that report!!

I am thankful
we finally got rid of our old Van,  it
was sad to see her go... I have to say
but was nice to get her out of our
driveway as it has been a bit of a nuisance
at times shuffling cars around.


I am thankful
that I finally heard from my cousins today
that live in Virginia,  and they are both fine.
Had not been able to reach them by phone
or email,  and finally got an email today.
So that was great news.

I am thankful
 that we will all get to celebrate Scott's
birthday with him this coming Sunday
 as that is his actual birthday.  
So looking forward to that and am thankful
I have finally and happily come up with a 
cute table idea.  For some reason I have just
 been drawing a blank until last night, saw 
something that sparked an idea..........and
it has grown from there.  Nothing like a 
lil inspiration...........

I am thankful
for a fun day at bible study,  lots of great
sharing today, and then I started my Christmas
 shopping.  I made a day of it ........then met
 hubby for dinner at 6p.m.  I just love Christmas
 and buying gifts for people!  Rings my chimes.

I am thankful
for the wonderful dinner we had at Olive
Garden. I love their Chicken Marsala but
  they prepared the wrong thing for me, so they
had to take it back,  but it was well worth the 
wait.  It is always good,  but for some reason it
 was way better than usual,  and a very full plate.

I am thankful
that our server was so sweet,  that she took
 my dinner off our bill completely because she felt
 so bad I had to wait so long, what a nice blessing,
So needless to say we left her a nice tip!!
and I am happy I don't have to concern myself
with what to have for lunch tomorrow.....
chicken Marsala it is..................yeah!! 

I am thankful
the Imaging center called to offer me an appt.
 to get my bone density test done today,  so did
 that too,  so one more thing off the list!!  lol  
Now I have to go to the dentist next Thursday, 
 and make an appt. with a dermotologist.
Think that is why I put off going to the Dr.,
cause it isn't just one appt., by the time
you are done there is at least 3 more. lol

I am thankful
for all the coupons I have been getting
in the mail lately,  I used 3 of them today,
and saved $50.00, so what a nice blessing
that was..................

I am thankful
for the truth of God's word, and for the
encouragement it brings to my heart
during these trying times we live in.

I am thankful
Dee and Jerry are better now.  They had
a stomach virus the first part of the week,
 Dee got it first, then Jerry got it a  few days later, 
 and he had a worse case that she did...........but 
they are feeling mucho better!  Praise the Lord!

I am thankful
for a Christmas Cottage magazine I found at
Sam's,  it is a lil pricey,  but way better buying 
it at Sam's, and it is full of Christmas inspiration,
can hardly wait to dig into it!!  lol
Lots of  festive Christmas eye candy! It is not
full of ads either..........anymore, it seems like 
most of the magazines are, and you almost feel 
like they should pay you to buy the magazine!! lol

Well, That ends my list for now.......

Until next week............

Hope you have a good weekend,

Love, Hugs, and 
Provisonal Blessings to you,


  1. What beautiful photos of the flowers! Yes, you know what we're going through! It's getting very difficult since it's getting so cold up here. We made it to a hotel last night but it's only for the night. Everything is booked and the gas lines are growing and coming here to PA now. I was able to watch the news for the first time since the hurricane landed and my heart is breaking for all the devastation. Thank you for praying. Please continue to mom is also without power and it's very hard on her. She is with us in the hotel but it's back to our cold houses tonight. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Lovely photos and a wonderful grateful list Nellie.

    I too am praying for all those facing the devastation of Sandy.
    Those folks need all the prayers and good wishes we can offer.

    I am grateful this week for my God given talents and for the support from others to step out and put them on display.

    This is surely a gift from the heavens to Me and its past time I acknowledge it and use it..

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead..

    hugs and blessings

  3. Another wonderful list, Nellie.
    It's so good to be able to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and weep with those who weep. :)

    Getting ready for our Bible study this morning. I've dug a little deeper than usual to understand some "hard" sayings of Jesus from John 6... I'm expecting great discussion and fellowship. I'm taking the hot dish for our lunch that follows....

  4. Nellie

    A great list of thankfuls. Thank you for sharing them.

    I too am continuing to pray with the all the mess that Sandy caused.

    I am happy to hear you had a good Doctors report. Mine is always in the spring so I am done with all those appoitnments except for the Dentist. I had a tooth pulled last week. I seem to have a hard time with the pain and in fact I still have some pain. Now when I have my teeth cleaned I need to figure out if I am doing a bridge or implant.

    I am excited we have planned a trip to watch the Kansas grandkids the end of February so there parents can attend a wedding. I just hope the weather is good. I will get to see my parents and my sister too when we go back so I am all giddy already with excitement.

    The trees are beautiful here but the are falling too fast. I have a great view from my office window and it makes me so happy to see the beauty that God created. Even in the rain I can see the beauty.

    Seems like I am rambling....Better go!

    Love & Blessings

  5. #1. Thank you, LORD Jesus! Mine too, other than the beginning of what all older people get.
    #2. I noticed that when I passed by on the way home from shopping! I still want to ride in your new van!
    #3. GOD is good! Thank you, LORD for their safety.
    #4. Yea, thanks for sharing it with me on the phone today! I can hardly wait to see it!
    #5. That's how yesterday was for me! I had to take Gracie to the groomers, did some errands, ate at Chick-filet, went by Pet Supermarket, then picked her up! Wow! What a difference! She always gets excited to be washed, clipped, and made pretty with her bows, ha!
    #6. All eat-outs for me anymore taste great, lol! Cooking at home is blah!
    #7. That's me! I always do the same. It is nice to have a meal in the fridge.
    #8. I'm all done for this year! Praise the LORD for His blessing of my health.
    #9. There are also many you can get on-line.
    #10. Isn't it wonderful to feel our LORD's presence when we read His WORD, pray, and open up to Him for His guidance!
    #11. That's not fun! I'm glad to read they are doing better!
    #12. I get several in the mail. They're good, but they do have the ads at the end of the magazine.
    Can't wait until Sunday! I love all of you so much, Susan!

  6. Love your new fall theme! Today I'm thankful for cooler weather that make spending time outdoors with my family so much fun!

  7. Hi! Glad you got a good report at the doctor. I had to laugh as I'm going to the dermatologist Thursday and the foot doctor next week. I'm starting to feel like an old person when I book a bunch of appts. at once!

    I have been very grateful to not live out east. My husband works for a power company and 8 of his guys are out there working...they are short staffed here, but it is so good they are helping those poor people who don't have power yet.

    I'm still trying to catch up after my daughter's visit and my week of "too sick to move". Our friends have decided to have the bone marrow transplant for their son. They seem to be more peaceful today now that the decision has been made. Please continue to hold them in your prayers...he is only 5 and has such a long hard road ahead of him.

    Hope you have a good week and your back is feeling better.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie