Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Table Top Tuesday - Fall Coffee table and Mantle

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning
I hope your feeling fine,
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning
It's time to rise and shine!

Well, most of you have probably risen and are
 shining by now................but those are the words
from a song off of a christian children's album called
"Bullfrogs and  Butterflies" that I used to sing to my 
kids sometimes in the morning when I woke them up!! 

They just came to me I think cause I am feeling
sooo good this morning.  My back is still giving me
trouble but I had a root canal yesterday so they
have me on heavy doses of Ibuprophen for a few
days and I am feeling no pain and it is glorious!!
Hubby also put the lap top on the kitchen counter
for me.............per that great idea from another
blog friend.  Feel like I have been out of the
blogosphere foreverrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Have really missed you guys! and blogging just
 makes me an even happier camper.  Hopefully
I will be around to visit you soon,  since I can
do this standing up now.......am trying not to
sit much at all these next few days, to see if
my back issue will just clear up,  if it is caused
 from inflamation.  Have an appt. with the
chiropractor on Friday,  would have gone
sooner but what they do to clear up my
back issues usually get my neck going!!  lol
Have to say have been feeling my age these
last few weeks.................lol

Figured I would link up to Marty over at
A stroll thru life and show you some more of
my Fall decorations while it is still Fall!!  lol
and since downloading pics is much easier.

Starting off with my coffe table in the family room

posterized affect

posterized affect

Next is the Fireplace Mantle

Hope you have a Wonderful day!!

Be sure to go over to Marty's to see the other
cool table tops,  Just click here.

Hugs and  Last Days of Fall Blessings,


  1. Hi, Nellie.
    I pray your back is doing better! I hope your root canal is not bothering you. I pray the LORD makes all well.

    Your pictures are gorgeous! I love the gold and burgandy colors!

    Love to you all, Susan.

  2. Nellie,
    So sorry to hear that you're having back problems and a root canal on top of that! Whew!!! Nice of hubby to bring your computer to where you could connect with others...nothing like being "out of it" and feeling left out of the "Blog Loop", too!
    I love your vignette on the coffee table, dear one! The leaf votive cast such lovely shadows when lit. Pass that bowl of chocolates my way...since I'm sure the dentist doesn't want you to have any for a few days! ha! The painting over your mantel is stunning and would look just as lovely over my headboard in the Mater Bedroom! We are in the process of updating that area! Do take care of yourself. I'm visiting from Marty's Table Top Tuesday!!!

  3. Thank you so much for your visit. It allowed me to find your blog. I love the mantel and the other decorations you have. The picture above the mantel is gorgeous. I am your newest follower. Come back soon!

  4. Now you've got ME singing songs from Bullfrogs and Butterflies! Hope YOU'RE feeling fine soon.

  5. First I need to wish you a Happy Anniversary! How wonderful to celebrate 42 years!!! I'm so sorry to hear your back is still bothering you! You know I deal with this and have such sympathy for others who suffer! I'll be praying that you have relief soon! Your decorating is very pretty. I love the mantel and the brick! So pretty! Hope you're having a nice Wednesday.

  6. Your tablescape & mantel both look so pretty, Nellie. I really like the painting you have over your mantel -- lovely.

    I do hope your back gets better & maybe before Thanksgiving! Have a blessed one!


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Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie