Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Table 2012

Hello Sweet Friends,

How in the world are you??  
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving
 and by now you are decorating your
lil hearts out!!  lol

I thought I would be decorating by now,  but we
wound up working in the garage Friday and
Saturday, made a lot of progress that we are
very happy with,  but only got the decorations 
out,  and got the Fall stuff  taken down and 
packed away.  Still struggling with my back 
at times, so have made 3 trips to the chiro-
practor in the last week and a half,   It keeps
 popping out of place and then I am back in
pain again, so it is slowing me down quite
a bit.  Everytime I thing I am about there,
I throw it out again...................the word says
count it all Joy,  and I am trying,  but some
 times I have to say I count it all Noy,  like in 
annoying!!  lol

Well, thought I would show you a picture of
our new dining room light.  This was right 
before I started setting the table for 
Thanksgiving!  Meant to get one with the
table all set and the light,  but forgot!!
Too much ibupropfen!!  lol

I have to say we are really enjoying it!

Took me awhile to get used to it tho, cause our
other one was smaller and understated,  so this
one almost looked to stately at first,  cause that
was all I saw when I looked over there,  but I am
loving it now.......................

Just happened to find these napkins at Michaels several
months ago and thought they were so pretty and perfect
for Thanksgiving!

Sorry this is so blurry couldn't tell when I took it,
it say to be thankful for the lil things in life!

Found these adorable pine cones ornaments at the dollar tree
and thought they were a perfect compliment as well.  Didn't
wind up using the place cards after all, but thought it looked
cute stuck in the fork.

Since we  were having a brunch,  I used cups
 and juice glasses

Took this right after I finished the centerpiece

Here's my newest pumpkin again,  she got the
 place of honor the whole season!

Decided to add a few others,  I remembered seeing
all those pumpkins made from Bathroom tissue rolls
last year, so had some gold napkins and just decided
to try it out............................

I thought they came out pretty cute,  and I cut some twigs to
use for stems.

I found these lil pinecone and acorn embellishments
at Michael's the same day I found the napkins, so
got them not really knowing what I would do with
them...........so decided to stick them on the candle
cups.  Was a lil worried they might be sticky and
messy when I took them off after the heat from
the candle,  but they peeled right off and I stuck
them right back on the plastic they came off of.

Did you notice that I also used napkins to do sort of a runner!

 Decided to add the taller glasses just because they looked nicer!

 A nice overview

same pic,  just with a posterized affect.

acorn on the candle holder

 Cut out Affect!

 All lit up!!

 A lovely Brunch had by all........................

Loved every minute of the day........................
It was truly a delight!!

Well, off to beddie bye land,  got a 
dentist appt. early in the morning,  and
 you know I am excited about that!!  lol

Am linking up with Marty over at 
a stroll thru life,
so go visit her,  Just click here.

Linking up to Becky over at 
Timewashed, make sure to visit her 
to see all the blissful whites
Click here.

Am also linking up to Susan at
between Naps on the Porch, so
to see more tablescapes just
click here.

Have a Super Day.

Hugs and Last Days of Fall Blessings!


  1. Very pretty table.the colour combination is very good.love those pumpkins in the middle.neatly done.thank you for this share.:):):)

  2. Even more beautiful in person! My favorite picture is your, "All lit up!" I pray your back is feeling better! I pray the LORD's blessing on your back as well as your dental work. Thank you so much for your recent prayers and support for me.
    I love you all, Susan

  3. Nellie, Your table looks so pretty. I really like your china. Love the pumpkins too! Hope your back is feeling better.
    Hugs, Beth

  4. I am so sorry about your back. Back aches are so horrible because you can't escape the pain. I don't have issues with my back often, but when I do...I love those ThermaWrap things.

    Your table looked beautiful. I love, love that white pumpkin!

  5. Hi Nellie,
    What a gorgeous blog you have. I have so loved my visit. Your Thanksgiving tablescape is gorgeous. Love everything. What a great idea for the napkin pumpkins. Love it.
    I have the same chandy over your table. Mine is over the kitchen island. I added some crystals drops I got on vacation a year ago.
    Hope your back gets better. I know it's no fun when there is so much you want to do.

    Thank you for stopping by to visit me and your kind comment.
    Have a wonderful and painfree day.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  6. Wow Nellie! You out did yourself on this table! So very lovely!! And your new chandy is awesome! Just love it! I know the family is always so blessed by all the love and time you put into planning and decorating for them! Definitely the hostess with the mostest!!

    Love ya!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie