Thursday, November 8, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 8, 2012

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope yall have had a better week than I have.......
it has not been one of my better ones in some 
ways, but then in other ways it has been great!

First, I have been missing from the blogosphere
because I can't sit for too long, as my back is
acting up again, fortunately that is the only time 
it hurts, thank the Lord, yesterday was a week.
Then there was the election,  enough said,  then 
today I went to the dentist and found out I need
a lot of dental work... including a root canal!!
yikes!! But ...................

I am thankful
for dental insurance,  that is for sure!!

I am thankful
for our 42 Wedding Anniversary that we celebrated 
yesterday. We didn't celebrate exactly how we thought 
we would, but it turned out great, and left us both happy,
so that is all that matters really.

I am thankful
for what a wonderful husband and friend I have in my
 hubby. We have had so many wonderful times together,
 as well,  as weathering many storms of life,  but we
have done it all together. and 42 years later we still
like it like that!  lol

I am thankful
that our Pastor and another Pastor we heard on
Sunday morning prepared us for the election
results, even when they didn't know what was
gonna happen.  The Lord did.............

I am thankful
that we serve a God who goes before us and
knows how to prepare the hearts of His people
for whatever is to come.

I am thankful
that both  Pastor's shared scriptures from the
bible, that tell of God's sovereignty over our
world and our government.

I am thankful
that we have a God who is in control of this world,
even when it doesn't look like it.  Even when we
question,  he says in his word,  "That He works
all things together for the good of those who love
Him and are called according to His purposes"
Romans 8:28
I have experienced it and seen it in the lives of
others that love the Lord many many times,
so know it is so true and that brings me mucj
peace in these troubled times we live in.

I am thankful
that I am finally getting my teeth cleaned today.
Since we changed dentists it has taken about 
2 1/2 months to get in,  but once we are in the 
system, it want be a problem. 

Wrote the above this morning....... 
Got all that disturbing news but no cleaning,
have to go back on the 19th for that!!  lol
but did like the new dentist and her staff,
they are all very sweet.

I am thankful
that our whole family was able to get together
to celebrate Scott's 35th Birthday last Sunday.
We had such a good time..

I am thankful
that Megan continues to do well in carrying our
lil sweetheart to come.  She really looks great
and has not gained much  weight at all.  She
is all baby.................

and I am having the joy of buying some cute
lil things for baby..........such fun and JOY!

I am thankful
that at long last we have finally found a dining
room  light fixtures we both like,  and we got
it.......Happy Anniversary to us!!
Can't wait to get her up,  and hoping I like her
as much up as I do

I am thankful
that we have gotten more done in the garage,
 2 more shelving units up, and have thrown a lot
 of stuff out, and it is looking better all the time.
and more space too........yeah for that!

Well, sorry about no pics,  just can't sit any

So this was the Good, Bad and the Ugly and
Beautiful of our week!

Hope you have a great evening and weekend

Love, Hugs,
and Blessings,


  1. I am praying your back gets better..

    I am thankful for a wonderful week.

  2. Sorry about your back, Nellie. From someone who often has issues in that area, I completely sympathize. Have you ever tried acupuncture? I have gotten real relief from that, but it needs to be someone with the right credentials. Hope it gets better soon.

  3. You've sure had a "mixed bag" of blessings :) Makes me think of a song that says, "In the good times, praise His name; in the bad times, do the everything, give the King of Kings all the praise!"

    If I had dental insurance, I'd be in the chair for a lot of major, MAJOR work. Cleaning - the least of my worries :)

    Hope your back improves with or w/ treatment - however God chooses to do it.

  4. Anniversary Blessings to you and your sweet Hubby! We still remember the fun celebration you put on for our 25th...can't believe that was almost 10 years ago. Where are the years vanishing to?
    Hope you're feeling some better. ((HUGS))

  5. Hi Nellie,
    Those are all wonderful reasons to be Thankful! I'm sorry about your back and dental work is certainly no fun but thank goodness we have it when we need it. Congratulations on your little sweetheart to come. Such a special. Hope you are better soon......

    The French Hutch

  6. #1. Yes, yes, yes! I pray GOD protects our insurances (Obamacare) no more said!
    #2. I haven't forgotten you, just all the other stuff going on right now (you know!) I'll see you Sunday at church to give you your "goody."
    #3. Praise our LORD! (Thanks for letting me hang on ocassionally, ha!)
    #4. Our pastors do lift us up to our LORD! It is so important for us all to uphold one another to our LORD!
    #5. GOD knows everything before it happens. I'm learning to react better to situations! Always keep my eyes on Jesus.
    #6. Yes!
    #7. We must cleave unto our Almighty GOD!
    #8. It's always "different" when you go to new people. You don't know what to expect. That's why I hate change, it gets me out of my comfort zone.
    #9. Amen! What a joyful time!
    #10. This is a time of joy also! I'm so glad the LORD is blessing her and our little sweetheart to come!
    #11. Another thing to look forward to when I visit next time!
    #12. That's great. I may be doing some cleaning out as well in my washroom. Hopefull if I get back my deductible from the waterheater mess, I want to use it to get a new washer/dryer. The kind that is stacked (smaller set since it is only me.) Alice and I are going out on "Black Friday" after Thanksgiving to look for them on sale!

    We know who the ugly is, lol!
    Love to you all, Susan.

  7. Happy Anniversary, and congratulations on the grandbaby to come! You are blessed to have your kids all living in your area so you can spend time together whenever you like. Hope your back is better very soon, Nellie. Take care and God bless, Beth

  8. Nellie

    Happy Belated 42nd wedding anniversary. You are a great example to all the younger couples of marriage.
    I hope your back is feeling better and you are getting the rest you need.
    Oh I feel bad for you and more Dental work. I have a cleaning this week so I will find out the status of all the projects in the works and hopefully nothing new.
    We had a great weekend with the family. Jeremy and Sara have a new puppy. I AM EXHAUSTED...from her. Will be blogging about her.

    Have a great week!

    Blessings& Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie