Friday, November 23, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday, November 22, 2012

 Thou art worthy, O Lord to receive glory and honour
and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy
pleasure they are and were created.
Revelation 4:11

Good Morning 
after Thankgiving to You!!

Hope your day was Wonderful 
in every way!!

Our's was great, we really had a lovely day,
start to finish.  I will sort of tell you about
it as I give my Thankful's.

I am thankful
for the special day we had, and that we
were able to see those that are the most
 precious to us on this day...Scott and Megan, 
  Dee and Jerry and Susan my SIL, and of course,
Rosie our furry granddaughter dog.  Next year 
this time we will have a 8-9 month old human
granddaughter.  We are so looking forward
to this blessed event.

I am thankful
for the bountiful and delicious food we
were able to partake of........a breakfast
casserole, Brocoli, ham and cheese quiche,
Bacon and Turkey sausage, Pillsbury orange
and cinnamon rolls,  and a fruit salad.
All good.........nothing not to like!! lol
and it all turned out splendidly.

In case you didn't read one of my earlier
post,  we just hosted brunch this year,
as the kids all went to their in-laws
homes for dinner this year.

I wish I could tell what he is eating!!  

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry came really early 
just so we could cook together,  haven't
had a chance to do that in a while, so
that added to our fun!  She found a recipe
for a to die for breakfast casserole which
will definitely probably be a new tradition
anytime we have brunch from now on.
One of the best I have ever had,  so
will share the recipe with yall hopefully,
next week.

I am thankful
for games, as they make for fun times
 with the family.  We played one called
"20 questions" yesterday and have many
 times before.  Great game for just sitting 
around the family room.  They give you
the category,  people, place, date or
thing........then you have 20 clues to
try and guess what it is......quite fun!!

This lil squirrel likes to move around a lot as he eats.

I am thankful
that after the kids left we had a lil
time to take a nap, which refreshed us
all and made the rest of our night even
 better I think.

I am thankful
that we (Hubby, I and my SIL Susan)
  did go to Cracker Barrel for dinner as
 planned.  We got right in, no waiting, and 
everything was delicious there as well,  and
 no cooking or clean up after.............Yea!!
Course, hubby said it was good but our
brunch was way

and it was really fun checking out the
gift shop as they had all their Christmas
stuff out.  They have had it out before, but 
there was way more than the last time we
 were there,  so many pretties.

Adult Ibis w/ one youngster (the gray one)

I am thankful
for Cracker Barrels Chocolate pecan pie,
it is one of my fav's,  I usually order one
from there every year for Thanksgiving.
Didn't this year but had a piece after 
our dinner, and it was scrumptious as is best if you just pop
it in the microwave about 30-60 seconds.
just enought to melt the chocolate.
and YUMMO!!

I am thankful
for the sweet and pleasant server we
had there,  a really sweet young man.
We left him an extra big tip for being
so positive when he had to work on
Thanksgiving.  Not everyone is like
that for sure................

Such pretty their orange bills and legs

I am thankful
that hubby and all the kids have the
long weekend off.  They are each 
really looking forward to it.

I am thankful
for and to the Lord for his mighty Love,
 provisions, promises and incredible
blessings to us all year long and our
whole life long.........................
He is the BEST!!

I am thankful
for God's lil love gifts to us..........last
Sat. morning I woke up to a front yard
full of reminders of his presence. First,
a lil squirrel eating away in our tree, and
 as he caught my eye, as I was walking 
by the window, then I saw a group of Ibis 
and they came over into our yard, and 
right after that a Hawk touched down on 
the ground and scooped something up,
 don't know what, then he flew up in the
tree and scared the squirrel who ran up
the tree and then he flew away.  All of
this happened within about a 2 mins.
span,  if it was that long.  I love these
encounter with God's creatures, they
just really bless me!!
All pics compliments of last Saturday! lol

I am thankful
for traditions that we have that are 
just fun to look forward to like putting
on the first Christmas CD's,  and
drinking our first glass of eggnog and
kicking off our Christmas decorating,
those are our traditons for the day after
 Thanksgiving and there are many
others to come through out the season.

For us, it truly is the most Wonderful
time of the year.....Mostly because
of who's birthday it is we celebrate!!

Well, sweet friends..........

That would be my list for 
this week.

Hope you have a Blessed 
weekend, and that maybe you 
are still enjoying visiting with
 those you love the most.

Enjoy all those leftovers!!  lol

Love, Hugs, and 
Blessings Abundant 
to You and Yours,


  1. I'm so glad to read you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Ours was blessed with great food, good company and Peace, with some laughter and a few strolls down memory lane. For that and all my many Blessings, I am very Thankful and Grateful.


  2. It all sounds lovely, Nellie. Brunch was a great idea! As family grows, flexibility is called for to allow for time with in-laws, individual family units, etc. Enjoying what IS instead of wishing for what ISN'T makes life so much enjoyable :)

  3. I'm with you on the going out for dinner, as long as you can spend the day with those you love, that's all that matters. So glad you had a blessed day.

  4. #1. I thank our LORD for family. He knew how important that was before He ever created us! What a great blessing He has for our next Thanksgiving!
    #2. What a blessing for such delicious food. My taste buds are still watering, ha!
    #3. A delicious casserole indeed!!!
    #4. It definitely tests the long term memory, ha!
    #5. I have come to enjoy those afternoon naps since I retired! I don't know how I every did without them before, lol!
    #6. Brunch was truly the best and I do agree how great it was to eat out and not have to clean up afterward!
    #7. I had some pumpkin pie left over in my fridge. Pecan is still the best!
    #8. Thank you for my "tip." (Food) The young man was surely nice. It really makes eating out really nice when you have someone who takes their job with joy in serving others.
    #9. It is so good they have employers that allow the 4 days!
    #10. Amen and amen again!
    #11. I know what you mean. I love all of the honking that occurs when the Sandhill cranes announce their arrival in my back yard. Also I know when I have those hugh turtles walking the fence line. Max goes into full squawking mode, ha!
    #12. Enjoy our LORD's season!
    Love to you all, Susan

  5. How exciting to be expecting a grandbaby!!! Your brunch sounds really nice and so does your Thanksgiving meal out. I lost all of my blog list!!! Horrible! But now I found your blog! Did you get your decorations up? We've been enjoying putting ours up and of course listening to music like you. Just need to get some eggnog! Enjoy!

  6. Hi Nellie,
    Your visit was such a pleasure, and you are formally invited to the linky party at anytime. We are not particular, so you may post whatever you like. It's a place for us all to get together and share our projects and finds or decorating schemes. We'd love to have you, too.
    Big hugs,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie