Thursday, September 26, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 26, 2013

Scenes from Fall of 2012

I will give thanks to the LORD 
because of his righteousness
 and will sing praise to the name
 of the LORD Most High.
Psalm 7:17

Evening Sweet Peas,

Hope you week has been full of fun

 stuff like decorating for Fall and 
making good Fall food..............

That has sort of been my week,  as far as 
 decorating goes,  I have been making food just
 not Fall food yet,  still too hot for us.
Got to have some cold weather for those 
wonderful soups and stews.  ummm, I can
hardly wait.

We mowed the lawn last night and it wasn't
hot at all and there was a nice breeze blowing,
so Fall is in the air............yeahhhhhhhhhhh!
Think we might be getting some cooler nights
this weekend,  only 68 and 69 degrees,  but
hey, we are thrilled................sure beats 90+

Have to say it has been a good week, 
gotten to talk to my sweet Dee a number of
 times this week, and so getting a kick out
 of hearing about  their new adventures.


I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry are loving their new life 
in North Carolina,...........  so happy for them.

I am thankful
that we had both our cars serviced last Saturday, 
and I needed new brakes,  and they did them for free,
since we haven't had the van a year yet, and it was
not covered under warranty.  Just a gift!

I am thankful
for the service this Toyota dealership has..........
we have never seen anything like it........we feel
 like we have stepped back 40 years in time when
 we go there. Remember what real service was like
when you were a kid and in your early twenties. 
Well, this is the closest thing we have seen to any-
thing like that. Everyone smiles and greets you, 
 they listen intently to what you say,  they do a great 
job with any work,  they are all so courteous and 
helpful, they wash your car as part of the service,
 they have all these immenities while you wait:
 a snack bar, car store, TV, wifi and a free small
 movie theatre with free popcorn popped in 
coconut oil, no less.  We got to watch the
" Fantastic Four,"  the whole movie.........
couldn't believe it!~  and we were able to get 
some touch up pain we have needed to get
 as well, from their lil car store.
 Can you tell we were

If you live in the Orlando area and want to
check this dealership out for either service
or buying a car,  we bought both of our cars
there and they were used but came with
warranties, never even heard of that before.
Anyway, they are Toyota Autonation in 
Winter Park, Florida,  and no I don't get
any compensation for saying it,  I learned
about them thru AAA, but just think they
deserve a Shout out cause they are truly
a first class business.

Oh, and that is a good movie by the way.
I think it was the silver surfer one.....

I am thankful
once again for our sweet young neighbors
next door.  Saturday evening he came over
and gave us this cute lil Tyke baby swing
for Brooklyn.  We think it will work nicely
in our big sycamore tree out front.  Can't
wait to try it,  I am sure she is gonna love

I am thankful
for the ambiance and nostalgia that
decorating our home for Fall brings........
Pumpkin and sweet potato pie, pumpkin butter,
 fall festivals, the fair,  the smell of pumpkin and 
cinnamon candles,Scott and Megan's birthdays, 
our anniversary,  starting our Christmas shopping,
Thanksgiving and being able to do some outside
 projects without dying from the heat...just to name 
a few.  Hubby and I are both loving it,  and I am not 
even finished yet,  but he got us a pumpkin pie last 
night to celebrate.  We really do love this time of
 the year.  Just waiting on some refreshing 
weather now.

I am thankful
that someone who knows I make cards asked
me to make an Anniversary card for them.
Allways a blessing to have someone appreciate
your creative work.

I am thankful
for all the Fall home tours I have been seeing
this week in blogland.  They have been a lot
of fun,  and I have some great ideas. Thanks
to all of you who have participated in that.
Great and Fun Inspiration!  Know it was a lot
 of work for you getting it ready so quickly,
fun work,  but work.............
There are sure a lot of really talented and
creative ladies out here in blogland, and
we all appreciate you.

I am thankful
that one of my friends that has an etsy shop
has had an outstanding season selling her
adorable pumpkins.  God has really blessed.

I am thankful
for the creativity and inspiration that the
Lord gives to me for things that I love to
do, like decorating, card making, table-

 scapes and even cooking and baking,

colored pencil

I am thankful
I finally got a new blog background put on 
yesterday and that hubby was able to help me
 with the header.  I can do the other part, still 
learning  about the header........I learn it and
then by the next quarter when I put a new one
on I have forgotten again.  lol

I am thankful
for the adorable personality that is starting
to take root in our lil darlings life.  She is so
 funny anymore,  but also very content and easy 
for the most part.  She really just makes us laugh
 so much, and we love to laugh........that is a very
 healthy thing to do............and she really helps
us with that!!   lol

I get to watch her for a few hours again

colored pencil

I am thankful
for all my blogging buddies,  it is so nice to
 have folks come by and viist and  leave nice
comments and also share their lives with me.
Such a blessing.  Also a very fun thing to go
visit and leave comments and share my life
with you too.  So it is a very sweet and
reciprocal arrangement.  Thanks for being
you and for blogging.  You are appreciated.

Well..........there you have it for another
week in the life of cozy place.  Seems
like there is something I am forgetting,
if it comes to me, I will come back and
put it in.....................

Hope you have a really terrific
Friday and Weekend.

Always great to hear from you.

Love,  Hugs,  and

Nostalgic Fall Blessings to you,


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fall Fireplace mantle and hearth for 2013

Well Hello There
Sweet Friends................

Seems like ages ago since I have written
a post but it has really only been 3 days,
guess it is because there has just been
so much going on around here!!  lol

Hope this finds you well and happy and
probably doing what I have been doing,
Fallercizing your

I have finished the family room and
the dining room all accept for the dining
room table,  but that is where all my
decorating stuff have to
put that away first, after a few tweaks
 to the living room and the guest bath,
 and a couple more things outside, and 
then I am gonna call it a year.........

I am happy to report that Dee and
Jerry made it uneventfully to Asheville
last Friday night, and got their stuff
delivered on Sat., have already set up
 their new apt.- things are going well,
  and they are loving life!!
 that makes this Mom a happy girl.

I have talked to her several times
already and she has emailed a few
pics so that is nice.  We will be get-
ing our stuff for skyping by the end of
the week,so that will even be better.

Well, thought I would show you the
fireplace mantle and hearth.......
I have really been enjoying some of
the Fall home tours when I get a few
minutes to visit.............
If you haven't been to Stone Gable
and you love the whites,  by all 
means go visit Yvonne.  Exquisite.
I am falling in love with white decor
more all the time........

So on with my fireplace............
which is all in traditional fall colors, and I am
loving that too...............

Come on into my family room.....where we do all 
our hanging out and TV/movie watching
 and visiting.............

It started out simple but then just kept layering.

All these picstures are going from left to right 
on the mantle.  You can never go wrong with
pinecones, apples and candles for Fall.

or berries and popourri.

I use to love that this topiary use to light up,
  but the lights eventually blew and there was
 no way to fix them unfortunately........
Just had to cut them out.

also can't go wrong with pears or any
kind of fruit for that matter or plates
for Fall either.

These are lil pinecones christmas ornaments I 
found somewhere last year and used on my
Thanksgiving table.

I weaved and draped this gold wired Tulle I
bought years ago to add a lil more fluff...

Love this lil ceramic pumpkin my Sil Susan
gave me many years ago.

Liked the added touches of creamy white by
 using the pitcher and the pear.

Also love using candles this time of the year
 and thru winter.
Candles just make me happy for some reason,
maybe because they represent the light of the

Here is the total package.
I decided to use my gold pumpkins
on the hearth this year.  last year
I used them on the coffee table.

I enjoy putting candles in the fireplace
cause we don't use it till winter,  if we
get to at all since we live in Florida.

In those lil cubbies in the book shelves,  I used
the same plates as on the mantle with a lil
girl and boy fall figurine.  Also hung lil tags
that Becky from over at Timewashed gave me
a few years back

Here's the lil guy

here's the lil girl,  these pics
were from last year. i think they
are so cute................

Well, there you have it folks,
hope you enjoyed it.............

Thanks for coming by. always
good to hear from you.

I am sharing over at Dwellings,
 for Amaze Me Monday.
Click here to go there.

Also sharing over at A stroll thru life,
for Inspire me Tuesday
Just click here

Sharing over at Ivey and Elephants
for What's it Wednesday
Click Here to go over

See ya on Thursday,

Love, Hugs and 
Happy Fall Blessings,


Friday, September 20, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - Sept. 19, 2013

Proclaiming aloud your praise and'
 telling of all your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 26:7

Happy Friday Afternoon 
Sweet Peas............

Just a tad late............
but you'll see why as you read.

Hope you have had a good week!

Ours has been good, a wee bit sad,
but also sweet..............

I am thankful
that my guest bedroom is back to normal
and operational for company, which right
now is my daughter and her hubby.
Was my daughter and hubby!  lol

I am thankful
for a really fun evening for the whole family
over at Scott and Megans last night.  We 
ate barbecue, and sat around the table and
talked and laughed at the antics of our lil
darling,  she is just such a riot anymore.
Then we watched lil miss get a bath and get
 ready for beddie bye,  and then watched 
some Duck Dynasty. We have only seen
that once before as we don't have cable,
but it is pretty funny I have to say.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry have made it passed
the movers and the house closing,  and I
am sure they are thankful that is all done.

They do have a new dilemma and that is
his car is in the shop and should have
been ready but the part that had been 
ordered was not the right part so they
had to reorder it, and hopefully it will get
here today,  so they can get the car fixed
and be on their way sometime tomorrow.
So if you feel so led please pray for that
to happen.....................

I am thankful
to be feeling much peppier than I was
at the beginning of the week.

I am thankful
for the beautiful sunny days we have
been having lately,  gorgeous skies,
still hot temps,  but this sure beats
all those cloudy and rainy days we
were having that made us wonder
if we were still living in Florida.  lol

I am thankful
to see yahoo news covering some really
good news stories lately, that restore your 
faith in people.  I have read several just today,
 one about a homeless man who returned a
 backpack he found that had $40,000 + dollars
 in it, and then a man who was inspired by his
 honesty set up a fund for him and has raised 
$98,000 form the homeless man.
The other story was about a 19 year old who
worked at an ice cream place. He had a reg.
customer who was visually impaired and he
 saw the man drop $20.00 and he also saw 
the lady behind the man pick up the money, 
 so this young man confronted the lady about
giving the money back and she wouldn't so
 he told her she needed to leave,  and gave 
the older gentleman $20. of his own money. 
 What a great kid.......................

Just love hearing these kind of stories,  we
just need to hear more of those and less of
the other kind.............

I am thankful
for the truth of God's word and the trials
and tribulations we have been through over
the last 33 years of walking with the Lord.
It help us to gain perspective during painful doesn't remove the pain most of
the time,  but it sure helps to have God's
perspective and truth.

I am thankful
for a really neat Christian song the Lord
reminded me of and put on my heart to send 
my daughter as she is traveling tomorrow.

You may have heard it before but it is a
great song.  It is called 
"These are the words I would say"

Listen to it here if you would like........

Colored pencil affect

I am thankful
for these beauty berries that you see in my
pictures.  Beth over at the Garden Gate, 
showed some from her garden last week,
and it reminded me that we have had some
growing wild in our side yard woods the last
 few years,  so I went in search of hoping to
 find some,  and I did,  so just had to bring a
 few bathroom is the only place that
 purple looks good,  so that is where I took them. 
 I just think they are so pretty..................
and they don't need to be hidden in the woods.

These next 3 were all written this
 morning (Friday)

I am thankful
that they got Jerry's car running this morning.
We were very thankful as they have to be in
 Asheville by 9 a.m. tomorrow morning, as they 
are delivering all their furniture and stuff. 
 They just left at noon, so they got the car 
done way before we expected,  
so that was such a blessing.

I am thankful
my sweet daughter in love, Megan was here
 when they left, cause when I started to cry
 I was able to turn around and talk to her and
 get myself together so I could smile and wave
goodbye. Cause I didn't want to make Dee cry, 
cause she has to drive her car, and she doesn't
 need to be crying.............................
Megan also helped me remember that this 
was a good thing,  and then we got busy with
lil miss and that helped too.
So they are on their way to their new life,
and we look forward to hearing about it....
we are on our way... to our new normal.

I am thankful
that Dee will be coming back in 2 weeks for
an event for her best friend,  so have to say
that made it easier for all of us,  knowing
that!.............God is good all the time!

I am thankful
for all of you who have prayed for us 
during this bitter/sweet experience.
We have felt the prayers.....and thank
 you from the bottom of my heart.

Posterized affect

Well, that's a wrap.... as they say!

Hope you have a Wonderful Weekend,

See ya next week....I am off to get 
my Fall decorations now........
Told you I was saving them for this 
particular time frame!  lol

Love,  Hugs,  and
Beauty Berry Blessings to you,

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our Guest Bedroom changes..................

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing well and 
feeling well. Since there seems to
 be so many bugs going around 
these days.

I am doing well,  just feeling a little overly tired.
Am sure glad I pushed myself yesterday, and that it
 was a productive day,  cause today has certainly not
 been.  I got up at 6:30 or so then around 8:45 was
doing some reading and just kept falling asleep so
decided to kick back, about 9:15 or so,  and woke
up to my cell phone at 1:15,  it was hubby calling,
thank the Lord,  I had slept 4 hours like the living
dead I have to say, dreaming like crazy and I did
wake up momentarily a few times and went right
back to sleep. Am still trying to wake up and it
is 3:30,  so guess I must have needed

We had a nice weekend,  watched our little
darling on Friday then Scott and Megan had
dinner with us,  Sat. we slept in a little,  and had 
a nice breakfast with sweet potato pancakes,
  and just talked and later in the day hubby did
some weed pulling and stuff while I worked 
on spray painting our shed door.  Ran out of
paint so only got one side done,  but that is
okay we are making progress...........
Sunday was our usual day when we don't 
get together with the family.  A nice long nap
and then watching some of our fav pastors
all evening.  It was a welcomed day as we
have just been rather busy lately.

Yesterday I worked on cleaning out our
guest bedroom,  it has sort of become our
catch all  storage room.  Dee and Jerry
will be staying with us a few nights before
they leave so have been needing to get
to it,  and we did do some of it on Sat.
but had some left to do on Monday, so
was singing the halleleujah chorus as
I finished it.  Nothing like incentive to get
you moving,  it has been bugging me a
while now,  so very happy to have it all
back to normal again.

It has been a long while since yall have
seen this room,  and I have made some
changes over that time,  not all at once,
but thought I would show yall since I
know how much we all like to see pics
of each others homes and decorating.

These are the before pics if you care
to see them.

and here comes the recent ones. Not a huge amount 
of changes, but think the pics are a lil better too.

We added the headboard and the metal 
branch wall hanging,  looks so much better
than the mirror.  Course, the mirror was 
leftover from when DeeAnna lived here
and her dresser used to sit under it until
I changed the room around.

I am going around the room reverse clockwise.

This was a Ty Pennington comforter set I found that
I really liked the flowers and the colors,  and thought
 since we live in Florida maybe we should do our 
 guest bedroom in a tropical motif.

The only thing that changed here was the
magazines and the tassel I put on the lamp
as an embellishment,  it is really a curtain
tie back.................

Curtains and blinds are still the same

This corner got a round table in place of a chair and
the basket with greenery hides the plug in switch
and the pic is of a beach cottage,  the sign in front
of the cottage says
Harbor View Inn................
Thought that would add a lil quaintness to the room.

One of these days I want to repaint this room. It just 
hasn't been a high priority,  but have always wanted to
 paint it robins egg blue and maybe beige or all blue.....
But by the time we get around to it,  that could
 all change.  lol  I think we burned ourselves out on
painting when we were
Not something we look forward if I had some
one to prep the room,  I would do it in a heart beat, but
I really really dislike the prep work,  but I am great with
a roller and hubby is a great trimmer,  so we make a
good team, now we just need someone who is a 

We brought the entertainment center to this room, from
our computer room..... it used to have a drop leaf table
 in this spot,  so we swapped  the drop leaf table to put
in our computer/work room about 4 months ago. 
 So since we had gotten rid of the TV,  because we 
never watched it in there, I decided to put the other 
beanpot lamp inside the entertainment center.

Here is part of the top of the entertainment center.

Here is an overall shot.....I decided at the
time we moved it in there to add some
coastal to the tropical look,  they seem
to blend nicely...............

I really like when the lamp is on at night,
inviting to come into the room with it like that.

You have seen this sign before in a few tablescapes,
but it's official residence is in the guest room on
top of the entertainment center,

a lil touch of whimsy - colored pencil affect

I even lit the candles for you!!  lol

 Here's a pic with the lamp off,  and added 
the same embellishment to this lamp. 

with the candle lit,  a yankee candle
called Beach Walk puts off a nice
beachy scent to go with the motif.

A close up of one of the shelves,  the other
were all blurry for some reason,  should 
have known to take more than one shot.

to the left of the entertainment center
is the doorway,  and this is a shot of
a small wall left of the door, with 
tropical mirrors that are almost a 
perfect match for the comforter
they were actually white frosted glass
but I just put some blue scrapbooking
paper behind them,  so now they
are the perfect shade of blue.

Then right passed the closet doors is
another lil night stand that is old as the
hills,  and have considered disposing of it,
 but I plan on it being my first victim when I 
find a place to get  my hands on some
 chalk paint.  Thought it would be
a great way to test it out.

So there you have it sweet folks............

Our guest bedroom all back to normal
and all ready for guests..........
Whoo Hoo!!

Dee and Jerry will be our 2nd guests
for the year, as we don't get a lot of
company............we will be tho.....
and they will be from Asheville!  lol

Glad you came by to visit,
and hope you come again soon.

Have a Wonderful Week,

Hugs and Tropical, Beachy
Blessings to you,


Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...